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 Seleia's adventure in OpenCanvas 
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Post Seleia's adventure in OpenCanvas
Well I introduced irc to opencanvas because Jack got a tablet. So we oc'd for a while and I was talking about Nobuyuki because I was linking to stuff off iichan's ocs board. Eventually I jokingly said yeah go to #ocs and say "Hey daman told me to come ask you to OC Noboyuki because I think you draw great furry porn" or something like that. Well the whole IRC channel(At least a few, trolls lol) went instead of just jack. So naturally a member was freaked by the sudden influx of people(oh god bot raid). Started a big argument.

(10:49:17 PM) Joe: who are these people?!
(10:49:24 PM) Eros: Oh no, DogsInSpaceSuits is just "confused"
(10:49:31 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Also Mohey: I'm aware of that, Deviant art is filled with anime morons
(10:49:32 PM) Seleia: Haha you're not my girlfriend because you're a man Jack
(10:49:45 PM) Joe: who are these people?!
(10:49:54 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Concept art is where I like to hand, Eros- I'm not confused.
(10:49:54 PM) Mohey_Pori: Trust me, FA is alot worse
(10:49:55 PM) Skeeter: One more time joe
(10:49:59 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: hang*
(10:50:13 PM) Seleia: Joe:
(10:50:14 PM) Seleia: (10:48:03 PM) Seleia: Jack "DogsInSpaceSuits"
(10:50:14 PM) Seleia: (10:48:08 PM) Seleia: Is aspiring artist
(10:50:14 PM) Seleia: (10:48:16 PM) Seleia: I am icebreaker because jack is a pussy
(10:50:14 PM) Seleia: (10:48:18 PM) Seleia: JK DogsInSpaceSuits
(10:50:14 PM) Seleia: (10:48:24 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Alright.
(10:50:14 PM) Seleia: (10:48:28 PM) Seleia: And Eros is just here for the lulz
(10:50:17 PM) Seleia: spamspam,
(10:50:20 PM) Skeeter: Mohey_Pori: It's the same kinda people they just like different things
(10:50:22 PM) Eros: DogsInSpaceSuits: You still have the boy crush?
(10:50:29 PM) Joe: gay
(10:50:30 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Eros just shut up and leave.
(10:50:34 PM) Skeeter: Though FA is pornpornpornEWW CUB!!!!
(10:50:35 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: ;-;
(10:50:49 PM) Eros: Aww I'm sorry Jack
(10:50:51 PM) Joe: why
(10:50:51 PM) Joe: are
(10:50:51 PM) Joe: you
(10:50:52 PM) Joe: here
(10:50:54 PM) Mohey_Pori: ...FA hates cubs?
(10:50:56 PM) Mohey_Pori: news to me
(10:51:01 PM) Seleia: Hey Joe buddy learn to read
(10:51:06 PM) Joe: hey ♥♥♥♥ off
(10:51:08 PM) Mohey_Pori: wait time out
(10:51:09 PM) Joe: No one likes you
(10:51:10 PM) Skeeter: No, but there's a lot of loud ♥♥♥♥♥♥s that ♥♥♥♥♥ about it
(10:51:16 PM) Mohey_Pori: okay okay
(10:51:17 PM) Mohey_Pori: .....hey guys, where did you three come from and how'd you find o
(10:51:17 PM) Skeeter: sans the conversation earlier.
(10:51:25 PM) Mohey_Pori: out about us
(10:51:26 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Guys, calm down, seriously. Seleia don't be mean.
(10:51:36 PM) Joe: get the ♥♥♥♥ out all of you
(10:51:41 PM) Seleia: I've already stated it clearly enough for any human being with basic cognitive ability to comprehend, Joe
(10:51:54 PM) Joe: too lazy to scroll up
(10:51:56 PM) Mohey_Pori: Seleia, gigantic protip: don't ♥♥♥♥ with the locals.
(10:52:17 PM) Mohey_Pori: now, where' did you guys come from where you found this chatroom where we are at?
(10:52:24 PM) Seleia: Internets
(10:52:27 PM) Mohey_Pori: and why are you bald
(10:52:32 PM) Skeeter left the room (quit: Connection reset by peer).
(10:52:38 PM) Eros: Abundance of testosterone
(10:52:46 PM) Joe: the room's full ♥♥♥♥ off
(10:52:49 PM) Skeeter [] entered the room.
(10:52:57 PM) Skeeter: what the ♥♥♥♥
(10:53:04 PM) Skeeter: Did I just get zlined
(10:53:12 PM) Eros: You wouldn't be here in that case
(10:53:14 PM) Seleia: (10:52:32 PM) Skeeter left the room (quit: Connection reset by peer).
(10:53:16 PM) Eros: * Skeeter has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
(10:53:21 PM) Skeeter: OTL
(10:53:22 PM) Seleia: !hivemind
(10:53:29 PM) Skeeter: I hate Bellsouth
(10:53:31 PM) Seleia: Anyway Synirc is junk anywhay
(10:53:31 PM) Joe: oh ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ get out
(10:53:49 PM) Seleia: Damn Joe get your fur out of your eye a sec and chillax
(10:54:02 PM) Joe: hey Seleia
(10:54:11 PM) Mohey_Pori: guys are elaborite trolls.
(10:54:13 PM) Seleia: Suo pro
(10:54:14 PM) Mohey_Pori: 10/10
(10:54:17 PM) Joe: Shut up.
(10:54:20 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Guys, seriously, calm down.
(10:54:31 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Seleia dont start fights, okay?
(10:54:31 PM) Eros: I didn't even do anything
(10:54:33 PM) Eros: how does that work
(10:54:35 PM) Seleia: DogsInSpaceSuits is not a troll in all actuality
(10:54:52 PM) Seleia: Joe's just hyperactive because there are new dogs pissing on his hydrant
(10:54:57 PM) Joe: We didn't want you in here, you can ♥♥♥♥ off quickly.
(10:55:21 PM) Seleia: Or I can ♥♥♥♥ off slowly for more lulz and you can relax and we can all enjoy our time in #ocs on Synirc.
(10:55:34 PM) Skeeter left the room (quit: NickServ (GHOST command used by Skeete1)).
(10:55:34 PM) Skeete1 [] entered the room.
(10:55:37 PM) Skeete1 is now known as Skeeter
(10:55:38 PM) Joe: I was enjoying it without the flaming homos
(10:55:47 PM) Eros: I take offense to that
(10:56:01 PM) Skeeter: What the ♥♥♥♥
(10:56:04 PM) Joe: good
(10:56:08 PM) Seleia: Yeah, eros is a homosexual man engulfed in flame
(10:56:23 PM) Joe: you're being DDOS'd skeet
(10:56:29 PM) Seleia: You should take that back before he takes offense and sets fire to your fursuit
(10:56:44 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Holyshit stop
(10:56:46 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Everyone stop
(10:56:47 PM) Eros: I'm like that guy from the fantastic four
(10:56:56 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Seleia just leave if your going to fight, Joe dont retaliate
(10:56:59 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Its not helping anything
(10:57:02 PM) Seleia: I'm not fighting
(10:57:05 PM) Skeeter: Downstream Rate: 2464 kbps
(10:57:05 PM) Skeeter: Upstream Rate: 704 kbps
(10:57:05 PM) Skeeter: What the ♥♥♥♥ kinda connection is that
(10:57:08 PM) Seleia: Joe's just being a meanie.
(10:57:29 PM) Joe: Prove your worth then you can stay.
(10:58:08 PM) Seleia: LOLK dude I am going to prove my worth in the form of ignoring you and your pathetic attempts at lulzkilling
(10:58:31 PM) Joe: ok, so what you're saying is that you're worthless
(10:58:39 PM) Seleia: Yeah exactly dude
(10:58:41 PM) Eros: My existence is meaningless
(10:58:47 PM) Seleia: That is exactly what I just said
(10:58:56 PM) Joe: Get out.
(10:58:58 PM) Seleia: Just the kind of eloquence you would expect from a mongoloid..
(10:59:06 PM) Joe: Get out.
(10:59:20 PM) Eros: NERDRAGE
(10:59:22 PM) Seleia: What happened to southern hospitality?
(10:59:28 PM) Seleia: Eros, mind your manners.
(10:59:37 PM) Eros: 'k.
(10:59:41 PM) Joe: It went north of ♥♥♥♥ idaho
(11:00:01 PM) Seleia: Haha that doesn't make sense because Idaho is not in the south
(11:00:01 PM) Skeeter left the room (quit: NickServ (GHOST command used by Skeete1)).
(11:00:01 PM) Skeete1 [] entered the room.
(11:00:03 PM) Skeete1 is now known as Skeeter
(11:00:18 PM) Seleia: Skeet you're getting some connection issues there or something
(11:00:21 PM) Joe: I hate America.
(11:00:30 PM) Daman [www-data@boy.loving.phase] entered the room.
(11:00:33 PM) Joe: ugh
(11:00:36 PM) Joe: WHO THE ♥♥♥♥
(11:00:36 PM) Eros: Skeeter: You got anything open that's eating your internet? You might want to check and see if there's anything you can close that'll fix that.
(11:00:38 PM) Joe: DID THIS
(11:00:56 PM) Seleia: Joe you're so xenophobic
(11:01:11 PM) Daman: I'd like to apologize for seleia, eros, and other ♥♥♥♥♥♥s from #drlchat joining this channel. It's my fault for mentioning #ocs in #drlchat because we were doing some Ocing sessions(me and jack).
(11:01:13 PM) Joe: Yeah, what else?
(11:01:38 PM) Seleia: Daman it's not my fault Joe is a jerk also a mongoloid also a xenophobe
(11:01:49 PM) Joe: You're projecting Seleia
(11:01:49 PM) Seleia: also a furry probably
(11:01:59 PM) Daman: Well when a bunch of random idiots join my channel and thing they are the boss I'd be annoyed too.
(11:02:01 PM) Mohey_Pori: thank you for sending people our way, and not let people join :V
(11:02:04 PM) Daman: think*
(11:02:04 PM) Joe: if you hate furries you're in the wrong ♥♥♥♥ place
(11:02:09 PM) Joe: and you should leave now
(11:02:18 PM) Seleia: Joe, who said I hate furrys?
(11:02:21 PM) Eros: Furries are fine
(11:02:24 PM) Seleia: I'm just making observations.
(11:02:29 PM) Seleia: Daman's name starts with a D
(11:02:35 PM) Joe: Stop projecting ♥♥♥♥
(11:02:45 PM) Seleia: I am not throwing anything sir.
(11:02:58 PM) Joe: You're making false assumptions.
(11:03:04 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Guys...
(11:03:07 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Just stop okay.
(11:03:23 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: seriously, just stop, theres nobody to impress Seleia, I know you want to prove your intellect
(11:03:26 PM) Joe: No, take your bumbuddies out of here and never ♥♥♥♥ return.
(11:03:28 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: But do it somewhere else, or atleast try
(11:03:29 PM) Daman: Well I'm leaving, sorry #ocs and it's denziens. Hope you make the best of your time with the rabble from #drlchat until they are banned/leave.
(11:03:33 PM) Daman left the room.
(11:03:37 PM) Seleia: Look, Joe, I don't know what we did to invoke your wrath, but I don't really feel like arguing with you anymore.
(11:03:44 PM) Joe: good
(11:03:46 PM) Joe: then leave
(11:03:52 PM) Seleia: Why don't you leave?
(11:03:54 PM) Joe: that's all I wanted
(11:03:59 PM) Joe: Because I'm liked here
(11:03:59 PM) Seleia: Give me several reasons why
(11:04:01 PM) Joe: unlike you
(11:04:04 PM) Seleia: Give me several reasons why
(11:04:06 PM) Mohey_Pori: Seleia, why are you ♥♥♥♥ with people
(11:04:08 PM) Mohey_Pori: seriously.
(11:04:15 PM) Joe: I'm nice to cool people
(11:04:16 PM) Seleia: I'm not, table artisan.
(11:04:22 PM) Skeeter: coda! Seleia is being mean and wants a time out!
(11:04:28 PM) Joe: heh
(11:04:32 PM) Seleia: Joe just starting humping my leg for no apparent reason other that I'm new here.
(11:04:36 PM) Skeeter: stupid poopy head
(11:04:57 PM) Eros: Joe said "who are these people" then "gay" after Seleia explained why we all were here, so uh.
(11:05:05 PM) Joe: That was the best grammar I've ever read.
(11:05:17 PM) Mohey_Pori: actually, the only person who explain was Damen.
(11:05:29 PM) Joe: Yeah and he was cool.
(11:05:34 PM) Seleia: Damn Joe if you want me to analyze everything you type for grammatical errors I will
(11:05:46 PM) Joe: Go ahead.
(11:05:47 PM) Seleia: Otherwise I hope we can be cool (8D)
(11:05:57 PM) Joe: Probably not.
(11:06:03 PM) Mohey_Pori: well, good luck with trying to win each other's hearts
(11:06:06 PM) Joe: Considering the assclown you've been so far.
(11:06:07 PM) Mohey_Pori: i'm going out to get a life for now
(11:06:16 PM) Joe: I've got a pretty good first impression of you.
(11:06:23 PM) Mohey_Pori left the room.
(11:06:31 PM) Joe: Maybe if you handled this situation better, I'd tolerate you.
(11:06:35 PM) Eros: Allow me to reflect back on the first moments I experienced of Joe
(11:06:40 PM) Eros: <Joe> who are these people?!
(11:06:40 PM) Seleia: Sorry I don't live up to your expectations Joe
(11:06:45 PM) Eros: <Joe> gay
(11:06:50 PM) Eros: <Joe> hey ♥♥♥♥ off
(11:06:56 PM) Eros: <Joe> No one likes you
(11:07:26 PM) Joe: reflect and do everything I'd typed.
(11:07:29 PM) Joe: please
(11:07:38 PM) Eros: No thanks
(11:08:00 PM) Seleia: Surely Joe is the pinnacle/epitome of testosterone and must pick fights with the newbies, Eros
(11:08:02 PM) Seleia: But in the end
(11:08:05 PM) Seleia: It's for the better
(11:08:11 PM) Seleia: He needs to pass the torch
(11:08:17 PM) Seleia: He's just toughening us up
(11:08:27 PM) Joe: I'm barely even awake and I'm pretty much making these ♥♥♥♥♥♥s BAWW.
(11:08:43 PM) Eros: /wrists
(11:09:00 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Seleia, just leave please
(11:09:01 PM) Skeeter left the room (quit: NickServ (GHOST command used by Skeete1)).
(11:09:01 PM) Skeete1 [] entered the room.
(11:09:01 PM) Skeete1 is now known as Skeeter
(11:09:03 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: I came trying to get a little help
(11:09:08 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: and you just really mucked it up
(11:09:13 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Eros you arent helping much either.
(11:09:19 PM) Joe: You're not really worth my time since you've contributed nothing to why you should stay.
(11:09:21 PM) ***Eros lurks
(11:09:37 PM) Seleia: Joe, you've contributed nothing to why I should leave
(11:09:50 PM) Eros: <Joe> No one likes you
(11:09:57 PM) Seleia: All you've done is insult me and my intentions, which quite frankly I don't appreciate at all.
(11:10:00 PM) Joe: you're an asshat
(11:10:06 PM) Seleia: Haha nice one dude
(11:10:10 PM) Joe: no one wants you here
(11:10:14 PM) Seleia: If you want I can take you back to the 90's
(11:10:17 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: I'm out, I guess asking for a little help isn't cool with you guys.
(11:10:19 PM) Skeeter: Seleia: You'e broken our circle jerk and nobody trusts you with their ♥♥♥♥
(11:10:20 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Bye.
(11:10:22 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits left the room.
(11:10:30 PM) Joe: 1 down
(11:11:01 PM) Seleia: Hey good job Joe
(11:11:10 PM) Seleia: JK he left on his own accord
(11:11:11 PM) Skeeter: So now wer're just standing around, hands in pockets waiting for you to leave so we can carry on
(11:11:12 PM) Eros: Way to get rid of the guy who just wanted help
(11:11:12 PM) Joe: just go back to your own hugbox and jerk off with your sockpuppet pals, mmmkay?
(11:11:27 PM) Eros: The one on my right hand loves me very much
(11:12:48 PM) Seleia: So, Joe
(11:12:58 PM) Seleia: What's your motivation?
(11:13:02 PM) Nobuyuki`: why do you people have to bother me during the 1% of the time I'm actually in an OC session?
(11:13:14 PM) Seleia: Hey, Nobuyuki`.
(11:13:17 PM) Nobuyuki`: hello
(11:13:20 PM) Seleia: You're a pretty good artist.
(11:13:21 PM) Skeeter: If Dog wanted help, he could have just come here and ask.
(11:13:23 PM) Nobuyuki`: thanks
(11:13:27 PM) Seleia: Skeeter:
(11:13:30 PM) Seleia: He was going to
(11:13:37 PM) Seleia: But he's a pretty shy guy
(11:13:40 PM) Nobuyuki`: sorry about all this but skeeter's bugging me in IM's about something or something
(11:13:51 PM) Skeeter: Instead of coming with someone who was being confrontational as if they needed to impress someone.
(11:13:54 PM) Seleia: I figured I would come too because I'm pretty open
(11:14:12 PM) Seleia: Skeeter, I admit I came on a little strong
(11:14:22 PM) Seleia: But it doesn't exactly excuse what Joe has done
(11:14:33 PM) Skeeter: Yes, that you did. And as you can see, we aren't used to new visitors.
(11:14:40 PM) Seleia: And I can respect that
(11:14:54 PM) Skeeter: So it's easy to get comfortable with the small group we have going.
(11:14:59 PM) Nobuyuki`: I don't see what there is a problem with any of these new people being here.  Are you a xenophobe skeeter or is there a valid reason to disturb my opencanvasing :V
(11:15:07 PM) Nobuyuki`: please answer via IM
(11:15:18 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits [] entered the room.
(11:15:23 PM) Skeeter: Nobuyuki`: Scroll up and you'll see a flood of arguments
(11:15:38 PM) Seleia: I admit I had a nice scuffle with Joey here
(11:16:29 PM) Seleia: I don't really intend on staying here much to be honest
(11:16:35 PM) Seleia: I don't know about Jack or Eros
(11:16:37 PM) Skeeter: Thats fine.
(11:16:38 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Um,
(11:16:43 PM) ***Nobuyuki` scratches head
(11:16:44 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Is Noboyuki here at the moment?
(11:16:46 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Oh
(11:16:47 PM) Nobuyuki`: hey
(11:16:49 PM) Seleia: I was just coming here to help Jack here a bit
(11:16:54 PM) Nobuyuki`: what's up?
(11:16:58 PM) Seleia: Also COME ON JACK IT'S A U NOT AN O
(11:17:43 PM) Skeeter: We have no problem with new visitors and such, just try to get along if you can help it.
(11:17:45 PM) DogsInSpaceSuits: Oh um.
(11:17:55 PM) Skeeter: So anyway.
(11:18:04 PM) Skeeter: What were you wanting to know, joe.
(11:18:06 PM) tanasinn [] entered the room.
(11:18:10 PM) Skeeter: lol
(11:18:13 PM) Skeeter: I called you joe
(11:18:14 PM) Skeeter: wtf
(11:18:19 PM) Seleia: Joe didn't exactly help the situation Skeeter but yeah
(11:18:25 PM) Seleia: Not pinning all of the blame on him
(11:18:37 PM) Seleia: Like 68% of it at least

Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:52 am
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Post Re: Seleia's adventure in OpenCanvas
Daman you are a traitor leave DRL forever or I shall burn you as a witch.

Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:23 pm
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