CaveCricket48 wrote:
Graphics are pretty neat, but walking feels like driving a car.
Yeah Lizard complained about controls/movement too, haha. Didn't have enough time to make a game out of it, really, which is lame.
madmax wrote:
I enjoyed pressing K after launching myself off the high wooded spot.
Me too, you can also get up on top of the really high grassy spot with some tricky jumping and throw yourself a variety of ways
Roast Veg wrote:
Oh wow that's incredible! I'd love to see that worked on further. Maybe as a 1bardesign project or something...
If I can find time in the next few weeks I'll work on it while it's still fresh to me, but there's a lot going on at the moment - Uni is ramping up as I head towards midyear exams and KAG work never slows down. Would like to do some more 1bd specific stuff though.
Today's "Oh I've got a break lets make something" thing. Some dude with a cup of coffee. Trying less square limbs/body etc while keeping it boxy. Need to tweak the rigging on these kinds of humans a little to make the elbows/knees deform more nicely (can probably be done by offsetting the joint a little)
1hr in blender and photoshop. Hair looks a bit shocking from some angles, haha.
Might do a properly connected mesh next time to see if I'm better at those yet.