Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
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Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8021827.stmOh god. We're ♥♥♥♥. Yeah It's small right now and I'm pretty sure it'll be another SARS or Bird Flu, but hey who's gonna remember to whine at me for being wrong when we're all dying ;D
Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:25 am |
Joined: Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:55 am Posts: 1627 Location: Ohio
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
411570N3 wrote: Hey, playing Resident Evil during a zombie invasion could bestow upon you uncommon skill in zombie killing... hmmm.... What have we learnt from Pandemic 2? ... ... ... EVERYONE TO MADAGASCAR, QUICK! When I saw that pic I about died, but they never shut anything down for me other than the boarder airports and sea-ports. Same with japan. I actually made it waterborn with moisture resistance maxed, specifically for that, which apparently doesn't do JACK with an ocean. because after all waterborn viruses never go into the ocean, no, that can't happen. [tinfoil hat] I tried a 2nd time because all my infectees died and japan/madagascar never got a single death... but I killed the rest of the planet at least... I love it, day 50 and those 2 are the only ones not burning bodies.... but my 2nd attempt... was a movie Day 30 was game over because all my infectees died. 70% of the population died. Vomiting, Necrosis, Coughing, Insanity, waterborn, liver failure.... 30 days and there was no europe... can you say 28 days later? I was sad that I lost but so happy that I made zombies. Medicine immune zombies.... -----EDIT I just read the BBC article. First of all, I lolled hard at "Suspected case(s) of swine flu in Israel" Remember that episode of bab5 I posted... that makes if funnier... but thats wrong... The rest of it however... due to panic Quote: Several countries have banned imports of raw pork and pork products from Mexico and parts of the US, although experts say there is no evidence to link exposure to pork with infection. Pork sales will drop Quote: Shares in airlines have fallen sharply on fears about the economic impact of the outbreak. Now what did I say about the big man with the megaphone? A bunch of people in the news saying "Swine flu! We gonna DIE!!! HIDE! DONT GO TO MEXICO! DONT EAT PORK! DON'T FLY! YOU GONNA GET SUPPA AIDS!" and now People are gonna be afraid of mexicans, noone will eat pork, and Airlines are going to suffer, and the airlines have had enough problems, and I still don't think they've quite gotten over 9/11...I think its a ploy to isolate people and make airports suck.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:27 am |
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:41 am Posts: 712 Location: New York
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Miles_T3hR4t wrote: Rawtoast wrote: Mad Cow and Bird Flu very well could have been incredibly damaging if it had not been for well-calculated disease control. Building awareness of a possibly pandemic disease is part of this control.
Yes, Well calculated control. but Bird flu was confined to a small area (what, less than 0.01% of the globe?), and yet, it became a WORLD WIDE scare, people on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE GLOBE where in hysterics and not eating chicken, and buying bulk anti-biotics because of 5 or 6 people in a country some of them might not have heard of. Mad cow disease was more threatening, and its not even a REAL DISEASE! Its a Defective self-replicating protein, people in small 3rd world country's get conditions near identical to mad cow disease from cannibalizing decaying people, it works the same way as the Sci-fi Ice-9 crap, except it takes proteins out of brain-cells to replicate and it makes people go insane, feel tremendous pain (due to nerve damage in the brain) and eventually they fall asleep and die, after weeks of insomnia. Mad Cow Disease had a legitimate reason to BE afraid, but given it CAN'T SPREAD from person to person unless you fudge EAT THERE DEAD BODY, and all they had to do is re-call the meat and destroy it, and isolate the infected cows, and stop feeding dead cow to other cows to save money on feeding them, and guess what? no more mad cow disease, Wasn't it isolated in the UK or something? there is no reason anyone else on the PLANET should have worried or even CARED about mad cow disease at that point in time. Swine flu, is exactly like that, Yes, If it mutates, or spreads to a larger populous through say, an airport, then yes, time to get scared, but its in a CLOSED SOCIETY, of people who are hiding in there homes in there small town, NOT moving, NOT talking to eachother, and THEY are getting to paranoid, and the CDC is all over it, keeping it from spreading, Until some protocol is broken and someone INTENTIONALLY spreads it, there is no reason ANYONE NOT INVOLVED should give a rat's ass about it! Rawtoast wrote: People sometimes cite Bird Flu as a major example of an over-hyped disease because it did not actually have that big an impact. What they don't realize is that if we hadn't acted swiftly and with maybe a bit of fear, an avian influenza strand could have "procreated" (very loose use of word) with a human strain of the flu. The result would be an airborne and incredibly lethal disease the likes of which possibly have not been seen since, as said before, 1919.
I agree, people often cite it, but the one thing that must be understood is that bacteria and viruses don't 'procreate' or even mix. If its 2 bacterial strains then they will KILL EACHOTHER, break appart the DNA/RNA and recycle the materials, not using the actual code, The ONLY way it could spread is if BOTH strains mutated and for some reason didn't attack eachother, and then BOTH spread to the same host. Viruses however are just shells made of protein that contain RNA, they hook onto a cell like velcro, and inject the RNA into the cell, which then thinks that the RNA is it's own. Viruses can't infect other viruses. EVER. The only thing that can happen is if 2 viruses BOTH infect the SAME CELL, and the 2 strands of RNA get mixed, and even then it would probably be defective and just kill the host cell. The odds of ANY non-human flu spreading to a human, and being contagious, are about the same as wining the lottery and getting struck by lightning at the same time. it wont fudge happen. Rawtoast wrote: AIDS is not airborne and likely never will be. Although it kills millions, it will not directly cause the irradiation of vast populations. It can, however, aid* in the development and procreation of other diseases which can, such as influenza and, even scarier (to me), tuberculosis. *no pun intended AIDS kills HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people, I'm pretty sure the death-toll from aids is already past 1 BILLION by now, and where's the AIDS quarentine? THERE ISN'T ONE. The CDC has made NO attempt to isolate people with aids to prevent interaction with uninfected persons. Yes Africa is where most of those infected with aids are at. Just send everyone with aids to africa, and don't let anyone leave, guess what, No more aids. That however is cruel. Has the CDC made ANY statement, that AIDS could spread to other species the same wait as Swine-flu, or bird flu? Nope! Have they suggested that AIDS could potentially mutate the same way to become airborn? Nope! They won't even humor the idea. Bird flu went over the 'entire planet' and killed a staggering what, 81-89 people? and the whole damn world was watching, Meanwhile AIDS has swept the 'entire planet' and killed, or infected 950,000+ people. Bird flue is an astounding 4% fatal, but AIDS is only a measly little 100% fatal. Mass media Downplay of AIDS, by Up-playing other viruses that have a lower chance of doing a damn thing. Have you noticed the serious problems are never on the news? Where is the national news tracker saying that 4 AIDS infected Sexual predators just moved within 2 blocks of a major bus route, or serial rapists with AIDS? THERE AREN'T ANY! And it pisses me off! If you want to worry about a disease worry about AIDS, worry about Rabies. Worry about the High risk, 100% fatal, contagious, Known to spread to humans, and has already killed +1000 people diseases, that NOONE cares about, because we're told 'oh that won't do anything, you won't ever get infected, after all you'll never see a wild dog, have sex, or get raped, and if you do, we'll just give you a little shot for rabies and you'll pay a few grand, or you'll get AIDS and buy anti-biotics from us until it finally kills you' Think about how LITTLE Swine flu, bird flue, and mad cow disease actuall do, and how MUCH it is in the news, And then how DEADLY others are, and how LITTLE is even done about it. In short, Swine flu IS blown out of proportion, and If you want to talk about things that ARE global pandemics, actually pic one that ISN'T on every news station and radio station 24 hours a day that we are all sick of hearing about. Ignore the booming voice trying to draw your attention away from real problems. also Rawtoast wrote: Although it kills millions, it will not directly cause the irradiation of vast populations. first of all, Africa: 1/5 of all native africans are infected with HIV/AIDS, and IS eradicating a VAST Population. Second of all Rawtoast wrote: the irradiation of vast populations I didn't know they where radioactive (I'm sorry, I had to say something funny this post) OH And I just saw a post about the dreaded 'SARS' Virus. Oh wahh, less than 100 people, again isolated in a small area, few infected, super contained, and screamed through a megaphone around the world, Add SARS to the Swine/Avian flu /madcow/anthrax scares. Ignore the man with the megaphone, its a trap. You're forgetting your history, though. I'm going to drop the mad cow thing because that's a pretty different situation, except that it was a similar scare blah blah but I'd rather just talk about how much of a threat this really is rather than if things in the past were justifed. I know how viruses work, I was just sparing some details. You know, and everyone else here who has been reading should know, that the bird flu scare was very real because there is a REAL chance that a human influenza virus and a bird influenza virus attacking the same cell. We know it's real because it's happened before. Again, 1919. I completely agree with you that AIDS is a downplayed subject, especially on the news. I don't think it's for the reason I don't consider AIDS to be a possible continent-cleaner either. I think it's because AIDS, for the news, is not exciting. It's old news. Everyone knows it's bad. Sometime's they'll be a little bit of development towards a cure, and they might air that, but otherwise the news just doesn't think it's exciting enough, because to the average viewer, AIDS is something that they think could never happen to them. Compare to Tuberculosis. I think a lot of people in this thread agree that TB is the scariest damn disease in the world right now. It is airborne. We have no sure cures for its strongest strains. It was in NYC for a day. Yes, AIDS kills millions. Yes, it's downplayed. It's not going to wipe out a continent, though. It's not going to become airborne anytime soon, either. It's not in it's nature - there would have to be some HUGE morphology changes. Also, just as a technicality, AIDS is not 100% fatal. People with sickle cell anemia and some of European decent whose ancestors rode out the black plague can be immune.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:20 am |
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:41 am Posts: 712 Location: New York
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
On another note, you guys have to cut this Mexico stereotyping ♥♥♥♥ the ♥♥♥♥ out. Mexico City is not a bunch of clay pueblos with sombrero wearing uneducated denizens who all wish to come to the dream land of America. It is a booming metropolis on par with with any other city in America. http://www.dynamicarchitecture.net/Events/NUOVI_Events/14_ENADII_28-30-APRIL_MEXICO-CITY/MexicoCity.jpgAlso, in case you didn't know, it's been confirmed: 20 cases of swine flu in New York City.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:24 am |
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:41 am Posts: 712 Location: New York
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
cambiogris wrote: surprise surprise it's already worldwide remember SARS? yeah this isn't just one country like that was Hey! That's just a map of Wendy's locations! venn177 wrote: 20 cases in the US.
In the US, it's blown way out of proportion. You're more likely to die of a shark attack on a plane. Again, shark attacks on planes are not exponential! Miles_T3hR4t wrote: Ophanim wrote: OKAY. It is not about how fudge likely you are to die of it you dumb twat. It's a goddamn disease, it spreads. It's not static in any way shape or form. 20 people have it each give it to 2 people 40 80 160 320 640 1280 2560 5120 10240 20480 40960. 41,000 people and we're only 11 recursions in. It's a serious fudge issue. your right, IF they spread it, it will be serious. Right now, everyone who IS infected, is Staying at home, and is urged to stay home until they are no longer contagious, which means even if the number of infected TRIPLES it will likely be people in the same household. I will be worried if 3 times as many cases are reported, in a wider area (not the same town, or household) in a day or two. So we have 20 people in the US Infected, If by wednesday we have 60+ people infected, THEN I will get worried, Until then, in the US It is still totally blown out of proportion. Close the mexican/american border for about a week until we're no longer infected, and then just make the boarder one way, INTO mexico, for aid, NOT out of it. Put armed guards and the CDC along the boarder, and Only let people in if the CDC Clears them. and even then that's ONLY if it grows at that exponential rate. Furthermore, Binary exponents are my job, don't steal my fun. mr double everything and add some zeros.... cambiogris wrote: surprise surprise it's already worldwide remember SARS? yeah this isn't just one country like that was Holy crap is that where all the cases of swineflu are?! I am now convinced that either A) someone is intentionally spreading it, or B) some global activist health group thought mexico needed help and gave up part way through. There is no logical way for ANY disease to spread that far, and yet that THIN. Each dot is a PERSON, not a town, not a houshold, but PERSON presumably colored by date, which ALSO suggests its people trying to intentionally spread it, which says to me that the austrailian CDC (or whatever they call it) is awesome, and that south america probably isn't counting. And thats assuming you didn't just put a bunch of random points on google maps. Link to source? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW PLANES WORK? No one has to be spreading it intentionally. Keeping people in their homes will not solve it. Mexico is a BIG country. Mexico city has a population of almost 9 million. It's only a surprise that it's spreading into the US now and not earlier. Border control like that would never work. Not just because we don't have the money or because someone would likely sneak in anyway, as they always do, but because it would have to involve preventing all travel from Mexico internationally. Your plan would not stop someone flying from Mexico, spreading it in Croatia, and then someone else flying from Croatia to the US.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:34 am |
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:41 am Posts: 712 Location: New York
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
One more post, I promise, last one for this morning: Duh102 wrote: TrouserDemon wrote: Now the fatality rate is fairly low, but it's still a lot of people if this spreads as readily as regular flu. So old people and children will die, leaving the rest of us to feel like clowns for surviving. It's killing otherwise perfectly healthy people. READ. whitty wrote: If the human population is eradicated by the swine flu, so be it. It'll make the universe a more peaceful place for other intelligent life that may or may not exist. Why do people always assume that anything that's not human is better? That's just part of the wishful thinking that creates idiotic superstitions. "Wow, this sucks, I'm going to invent something in my head that's better". In any case, even if this does become a continent cleaner, it is very unlikely that it will destroy the human race completely. In my opinion, I think things might get scary for awhile, it could get out of a control in a few places, and then scientists will save the day before ♥♥♥♥ gets too real. The scare is real, but the response will be good. If the response fails, it still wouldn't wipe us out. There are waaay too many humans who are reproducing waaay too fast for just any disease to clean us off the planet without any chance of us building a natural immunity. Well, unless we started using antibiotics carelessly. Oh wait.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:42 am |
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 4074 Location: That quaint little British colony down south
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Rawtoast wrote: Well, unless we started using antibiotics carelessly. Oh wait. I laughed so hard... Anyway, my Pandemic 2 strategy is to get absolutely no symptoms, including your starting symptoms - so sell those at the start. Once a ridiculous amount of people are infected and you have everything apart from symptoms, buy the symptoms, making sure to buy the least damaging first. Anyway, I just watched a news story where a bloke thought that we were "Long overdue" for a flu pandemic since the last one was ages ago. -_-" Thoughts?
Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:56 am |
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:55 pm Posts: 948
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Edit: everyone in the world is infected by Pedophilia
Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:14 pm |
Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:26 am Posts: 4074 Location: That quaint little British colony down south
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Lols at starting region. No offense to my trans-tasman sea neighbors So anyway, did anyone else hear about how lots of Mexican people wanted to leave because the normally busy cities were really empty due to everyone staying inside?
Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:23 pm |
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:41 am Posts: 712 Location: New York
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Kallemort wrote: Edit: everyone in the world is infected by Pedophilia BAHAHAHHA 411570N3 wrote: Anyway, I just watched a news story where a bloke thought that we were "Long overdue" for a flu pandemic since the last one was ages ago. -_-" Thoughts? Actually, that's true. Historically, two major flu epidemics happen every century or so. Was even going down back in BC.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:41 pm |
Joined: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:21 pm Posts: 22 Location: My house.
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
... i hate flu. iv had it. i almost had swine flu. But i didnt panick because of the high levels of pollen in the air. so if u think ur sick. its most likely the pollen.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:06 pm |
Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:47 am Posts: 1182
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
That made no sense.
Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:12 pm |
Joined: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:41 am Posts: 712 Location: New York
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
sss505sss wrote: ... i hate flu. iv had it. i almost had swine flu. But i didnt panick because of the high levels of pollen in the air. so if u think ur sick. its most likely the pollen. wat?
Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:19 pm |
Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 4:30 pm Posts: 1040 Location: England
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
this is actually quite a bad flu virus we got here. 18 march-28th april (just over a month) and 90 people dotted all around the world are currently infected according to the BBC, 6 locations with suspected infections (1600 suspected cases in mexico) and 7 dead. however the number of suspected cases are most likely far above the actual number of infected people.
The name swine flu is quite misleading to the general population, until I looked into it I thought is was just a piggy problem and was not able to contaminate humans (I had only hear it mentioned on the news briefly). I don't know if it is at all linked to pork or not but I don't eat it anyway :p I eat beef and chicken but not lamb or pork
Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:00 pm |
Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 830
Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Rawtoast wrote: Hey! That's just a map of Wendy's locations! xDDDD so funnee hey dumb idiot learn to quote too, you don't need to quote two ♥♥♥♥ pages to get your message across
Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:06 pm |
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