I see it the other way around, it's ridiculous to judge an entire group by its extremists when there are clearly a large number of far more reasonable individuals who also identify with the group. This has been true for
literally every large group of people I have ever seen, be it Furries, people who like MLP, people who like Homestuck, people who read Twilight, people who play WoW, people with religion, gay people, whatever you like.
The word Furry is a word
that has no meaning. Everyone has their own personal definition and a staggeringly large number of them have no interest in sex with animals at all, as I am sort of astonished to learn that you aren't already aware of. And
there is no standard definition. A Furry can be anyone who is even marginally interested in anthromorphic animals and will or will not describe himself as one depending on his own personal definition of the word. This is also true for many fandoms! Some people use the word Brony to only refer to the parts of the MLP fandom that they don't like, and other people use it to refer to all of them who are above the expected target audience, and more use it to refer to everyone who watches MLP.
You are taking your own personal, non-official definition of the word and trying to apply it to everyone, which doesn't work! Just because that is what the person who wrote the KYM page thought does not make it true, because it is not a standard dictionary word and there is no definition. The boundaries are incredibly murky.
Now I am not saying that generalisation is directly comparable to racism. Racism was a terrible thing that caused great pain to many people for many years whereas internet fandom generalisation just cause pointless whining on message board and cyber bullying, but the philosophy behind them is pretty similar. People in the olden days (and sadly, some still today) viewed a large group of people as inherently bad and inferior because of one tiny and insignificant difference in their appearance and used that to justify treating them like ♥♥♥♥. You are doing pretty much the same thing here, except using the fact that they like a TV show that you don't as justification to hurl insults at them. This is inherently much less hurtful but it is still a right ♥♥♥♥ move, though you might not realise it is what you are doing. You are imagining this group of fans as some great amorphous, hive-minded mass who all share identical opinions and tastes
which could not be further from the truth. In reality, just like not all black people have comically huge lips and crave chicken and watermelons but are actually individual people with their own tastes and feelings, people who like MLP do not all like it to the same degree, do not all like the same aspects, do not necessarily share any other tastes other than that singular show and certainly don't have anywhere near the same average intelligence.
And yet you seem to believe that you are justified in saying they do? That's not something I am really ok with letting go by, even if I'm not part of the group you are being (probably subconciously) prejudiced against.
I don't even like MLP myself, or at least I've never watched it and thus don't trust myself to have a fair opinion, I just have an even greater dislike of bigots.
It is really easy to think people are stupid just because they like something you don't, it's ok. I do it myself sometimes, and it is a difficult habit to get out of. What you need to do your best to remember though is that such a belief is
never ever true because there is not one single large group of people who can all be fairly tarred with the same brush anywhere in the world. Learn to recognise your biases and move past them (everyone has biases, even the best people) and you will become a better person for it.
Feel free to attack the work itself, nobody is saying you have to like MLP, but when you make a blanket statement about every single one of its fans then that's just ridiculous.
PS: you seemed to have missed the inherent joke in my first comment anyway, "all generalisations are stupid" is a generalisation