28th Felsite, 1054.
The crazed cook who decided that his complete lack of skills had
no bearing on how well he could do with a crafters' tools has
started working on... something.
I have my own business to attend to.

1st Hematite, 1054.
Summer, puppies, and apparently one of our marksdwarves was pregnant.
105 dwarves now live in Windgriffons.
19th Galena, 1054.
What the ♥♥♥♥ is wrong with these humans they should have left over
6 months ago now their pack animals are breeding what the hell.

3rd Limestone, 1054.
Too ♥♥♥♥ many puppies.

Work is going well.

23rd Limestone, 1054.
A goblin ambush appeared today, a crossbowman and some spearmen,
going to let the traps/humans/dwarven merchants that just arrived
deal with it.
Also a hammerman and some swordsmen apparently.
Dogs going after them.

24th Limestone, 1054.
The the marksmen among the merchants are many and powerful.

26th Limestone, 1054.
The goblins routed after losing too many of their kin to the merchants
and traps.
We lost a guard, an animal caretaker (who probably would have thrown a
fit over how many dogs died) and a lot of dogs. Somewhere around a
dozen. Puppies, dogs, hunting dogs (which notably lead the first attack
against the invaders), war dogs, poodles; just about any sort of dog,
The incident showed that the fishing going on in the brook gives both an
advanced warning and also places dwarves in a good position to die.
Maybe we should create a small pond in a safe area to fish from.

6th Sandstone, 1054.
Animal caretaker got pissy about the dead dogs and threw a tantrum.
Apparently she spent so much time outside that she got lost trying to find
something to break and ended up calming down without doing any damage.