Well, here I go. Everything will be edited into this post.
6th Granite, 1053 Early-Spring
I notice our noble has only meager quarters, and a meager office. I aim to fix this. We need increased storage areas for our seed and plants. We need more sleeping quarters for the shitload of dwarves we have.
By the way, they're having a big party and eating all our food.

21st Granite, 1053 Mid-Spring
I have nearly completed a project on improving our dining room. I am engraving the entire room. Many of the engravings so far happen to be masterpieces. A++. I am hoping our miners start mining faster, and the woodworkers make beds faster. I'd like every dwarf to have a bed. The noble's office and quarters haven't even started being mined out because of that party.
Elves also arrived and unloaded today. They only have berries for trade. We need food. They won't accept nearly 2x the cost of their berries in gems. I'm seizing everything they have. War with elves? I scoff.
It's time to start a military.
Damn right2nd Slate, 1053 Mid-spring
I have decided that upon the recent seizure of elven goods I am going to need to step up the defense. I have decided to build a fortress with two pillboxes at the entrance, and towers in corners where they can be placed. The archery range and barracks will be on ground-level inside the fortress.
Here it is, layed out but not placed yet. Dwarves are quite lazy. I need a few more brewerys..

10th Slate, 1053 Mid-Spring
Thanks to my predecessor's skill in engineering the well has flooded. I'm not sure if he put a lever for the well's floodgate anywhere but w/e. I'm probably going to lose 10 dwarves due to the partying going on in there, and I'll have to pump the room. WOO. Actually, you know what, ♥♥♥♥ it. Next person's turn.

Shit does overflow when you try to block a river and divert it to a well then not tell the next person to close the floodgate a++ pyro.
So whoever is after me, go. Use pyro's savefile.