Holy dicktits.
1st Granite, 1052, Early Spring
Holy ♥♥♥♥ Christ what just happened. Alenth just shoved a log book at me, told me I was leader, and walked off muttering something about giant bats. So apparently I'm in charge of the fortress. There are Elves at the border currently, so they'll bring us a good food supply. I've ordered the construction of some crafts. Ordered the damming of the river. The waterfall could end up being dangerous to any dwarves who fall in during the thaw.
15th Granite, 1052, Early Spring
After giving the dwarves permission to go outside, we began construction of the dam. It is only partly finished, but I am confident it will be finished before the thaw. The woodcutter ran into a Giant bat while cutting wood (Woodcutters often do that you know). Fortunately, he is a nimble one, and managed to slay the beast with naught but a moderately wounded leg. He is healing at the moment and should be up and about in no time.
24th Granite, 1052
A thief made off with a forbidden pig tail shoe. Melancholy sweeps through the fortress, so great a loss is the shoe. We traded the elves all of our trinkets for some precious wood and a bin of cloth. The woodcutter has fully recovered and is back to regular duties.
25th Granite, 1052
The damming of the river is complete. Our dwarves shall not drown when the thaw comes. I have expanded the farming area, so as to allow two plots.
(OOC note: I did this to reduce the lag from the waterfall, Alenth told me it was pretty beastly)
4th Slate, 1052
I have ordered the engraving of all of the rooms, so as to keep morale high.
7th Slate
Okay when I say "Make engravings to keep morale high", I do not mean this:
12th Slate, 1052
An immigrant wave arrived. Job tally is as follows
1 Mechanic
1 Engraver
1 Metalsmith (Weapon/Crafter)
1 Fish cleaner (Future army anyone?)
1 Animal Dissector (See above)
3 Peasants
1 Thresher
Another metalsmith, this one a metalsmith/crafter
1 Brewer
1 Potash Maker (See fish cleaner)
1 Siege Operator
1 Fisherdwarf
1 Butcher
1 Trapper
1 Lye Maker
1 Carpenter
Our community can now support a sheriff.
Assigned Carpenter wood cutter job.
4th Felsite
Ratman approached camp today. Assigned nearest unimportant dwarf to deal with it. Brewer handled it with no injuries sustained.
22nd Felsite, 1052
Mebzuth Nishsterus, an Engraver, is acting strange. He barred anyone from our craftsdwarf's workshop and went off to get two pieces of shale. He's locked himself in and is hammering madly. It's scaring the dwarves and to be honest, it's scaring me.
27th Felsite, 1052
Mebzuth finally came out of the workshop. He spent fivwe days in there, and came out with a ♥♥♥♥ piccolo. tinothmesir os Vod, or in the human tongue, Equaledshower the Certainty of Sounding. I'm convinced he went temporarily insane.
17th Hematite, 1052
Wagons could not access our site because of the boulders, so I ordered a road smoothed for them.
5th Malachite
Dwarven highway has been constructed. Water is draining frmo our irrigation systems as I write, so our farm plots should be doubled in size. I shall also assign some of the peasants as farmers.
14th of Malachite, 1052
Human traders left today. We gained much food.
15th of Malachite, 1052
The dwarves were treated to a sight of much amusement today. A kobold, intent on stealing our goods, was accosted by the human traders as they left and subsequently torn to shreds. Bets were taken as to which limb would come off next.
17th of Malachite
it seems word of our mountain encampment is spreading fast. We got another shipment of fresh bodies today. Many casks of ale shall be opened tonight to welcome the newcomers
1 Leatherworker
2 Peasants
1 Craftsdwarf
1 Child
*at this point, ink droplets are splattered across the page*
A kobold was spotted near the Depot. I sent the nearest dwarf, a Very Tough engraver, to take care of it.
That, however, was not the main problem. It got chased into our immigrant wave, who were being chased by a batman. I sent them all into the military momentarily and they destroyed it.
Then two more thieves were found withing the fortress and destroyed with no casualties during any of the conflicts.
I cannot record the other jobs, as they were rendered unorganizable by the confusion.
5th Limestone, 1052, Early Autumn
I have begun swimming lessons for our more important dwarves, such as the miners. Also logic states it will make my lone military dwarf tougher, so I chucked him in there too.
17th Limestone, 1052
Traders from the Mountainhome. Traded trinkets for a mace.
8th Sandstone
Feb Desiszuntir, an animal dissector, has withdrawn from society. He's claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop and has chestnut and birch logs. Let us see what he makes.
14th Sandstone
Feb, our neighborhood crazy animal dissector, has created Astel Amith, a Chestnut amulet. He is also a legendary woodcrafter. A fine addition to the fort.
17th Sandstone, 1052
The merchants have gone.
20th Sandstone, 1052
The brook has frozen.
24th Sandstone
Jesus ♥♥♥♥ Christ more migrants
1 Armorer
1 Brewer
1 Milker
2 Peasants
1 Tanner
1 Cook
1 hunter
This migration, although small, swells our ranks to 49.
27th Sandstone, 1052
I have put in place a Well in the north east corner of the dining hall.
25th Timber, 1052
Hunter is slaughtering mountain goats on the cliff. He is a fine addition to the fort.
18th Moonstone, 1052, early Winter
I encountered a goblin snatcher outside of the fortress. This does not bode well. I suggest military training immediately to anyone who follows me. My patrolling guard caught a kobold theif also.
20th Moonstone
Patrol found another kobold. Mutilated and dumped it.
7th Opal, 1052
The dwarves were getting antsy and bored, so I set them digging a place for the irrigation to pool.
23rd Opal, 1052
Deler Fikoduz, a Peasant, is posessed.
Has claimed crafstdwarf's workshop.
12th Obsidian, 1052, Late Winter
Unsurprisingly, Deler has begun a mysterious construction. Chestnut logs and rough sapphires.
16th Obsidian 1052
Chestnut ring. Spikes of sapphire and sweet pod image.
19th Obsidian
Hunter took down a bat man by shooting it once. It fell forty stories and exploded.
Spring has arrived and my time is up. I had a relatively peaceful year and I am happy about that.
And here we have a region.