1st Granite, 1051.
We arrived at the site today. Windgriffons. Why Windgriffons?
Oh, we're on the top of a ♥♥♥♥ cliff.
Not just any cliff though, I do mean a ♥♥♥♥ cliff, like "Oh Armok this cliff would seriously ♥♥♥♥ up a bronze
collossus if it happened to fall."
My first surveys indicate that we have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it in. For whatever
reason, the King ordered us to start this fortress on the edge of not only quite possibly the highest cliff I have
ever seen, but next to a chasm as well. So, the area is crawling with troglodytes and ratmen and Armok knows
what else.
We immediately started digging downwards, left with no other choice as it was. I hope that we can use the
cliffs as a defense against all those ratmen. Luckily we have a Mechanic among us who can hopefully create
some deadly traps.
7th Granite, 1051.
Good news, we found that there is a large amount of magnetite just below the surface. Maybe we'll be able
to arm ourselves soon, if we can find a source of fuel. Which is probably not going to be wood, since all
the trees are both dead and about 150 feet below us, at the least.
10th Granite, 1051.
The Mechanic was the first to get a workshop, which was completed today. Holding off on further workshops
until the food stores can be relocated inside. I told him to prepare to trap this place until a band of
troglodytes couldn't breach it if they tried.
12th Granite, 1051.
The Mechanic requested that one of the dwarves who had nothing to do at the moment be assigned to work with
him. I promptly told the woodcutter that he should go learn the basics of Mechanics so that we could speed
up with securing our home.
24th Granite, 1051.
Ordered the Masons workshop be constructed today, might as well allow ourselves to make some doors to lock
the monsters out, and the less-than-brilliant members of our group inside.
My orders to clear out all magnetite from the soon-to-be food stores is helping free up space faster, as the
miners had insisted that it would be more effiecient for them to do that room LAST.
27th Granite, 1051.
That mentally troubled canine had better not lure those troglodytes to us...
28th Granite, 1051.
The food stores are complete, and soon everything will be inside.
5th Slate, 1051.
It started raining today, hopefully that means that it will get warm enough for the brook to thaw.
The hoary marmots to the southwest are getting slowly closer. Maybe we can catch some. However the troglodytes
in the northwest are doing the same, I hope out defenses won't have to be tested, and that if they are, it's
a successful test.
9th Slate, 1051.
The brook melted today, time to work on some farm rooms and an underground resivoir.
10th Slate, 1051.
Apparently troglodytes, even in packs of eight, fear dogs. This may prove useful.
16th Slate, 1051.
They are really also stupid, the dog just stands on one side of the brook and they run away, forget what's
going on and run back, then get scared off again.
28th Slate, 1051.
Okay, the dog KILLED a troglodyte, with no problem whatsoever. I think we need to invest in more dogs, and
a trainer.
3rd Felsite, 1051.
I ordered three levers for the farm to be built. I have decided that the best way to irrigate will be to
channel the brook into the room, flooding it, then allow this flood to spill out the face of the cliff.
This setup could even be rebuilt to flood later farms, or for other purposes.
18th Felsite, 1051.
Spring is almost over, but today we finally pulled the levers and mined out the brook for the farm. Soon we
will be self-sufficient, at least with food.
Which begs the question; How in the name of Armok are any traders going to get to us?