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 The current state of affairs 
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
Your all a bunch of nOOBs! (All but Mr.X) You have NO IDEA of how this forum is doing because you have not been here long enough to compare how its doing now with how it used to be. All the great modders have left.
All the cool Mods have left or become in-active. Almost all the the cool posters have left. All the new people think they are great, But are stupid. How many of the people that have posted in this thread can remember the crazy before B14? What about B12 or B13? Can anyone here really say they are Old-Fags? No.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:31 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
I know it has degraded an awful lot (I've been here since 2006).

I just feel that flaming the crap out of everybody isn't the best idea.

Edit: POST 1000! ;-)

Last edited by TrouserDemon on Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:34 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
Neither do I, And I've been here since....2004...Or was 2003?

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:39 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
I've been here since 2004 if we're counting pre-join dates.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:41 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
If they piss us off with shitty mods, bad grammar, or getting pissed we don't like his shitty mod, then yes, he gets flamed. If he can survive the flames, and stay, then he's fine. Otherwise he gets burned, and dies. Those who stay are cooked, and if they stay long enough they are seasoned.

Datarealms is a kitchen, TrouserDemon, and you are under-cooked.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:42 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
I haven't left and Pyro flames me near constantly.

How am I "undercooked"?

Besides, I fulfil a valuable role

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:43 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
Because you still think Datarealms is a place of fairness and help, where noobs are welcome.

They are not. This is a communist cult.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:47 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
No matter how many people flame me and everyone else, I will still try to encourage a healthy environment, where n00bs can flourish into fully functional forumites.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:48 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
Healthy environments don't make valuable members. Harsh wastelands encourage the fit to survive, and the weak to perish.

AKA: let them learn the hard way, and improve from it.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:51 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
This thread is full of fail.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:55 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
Wow, MrX, you're getting better at this.

High fives over IRC later.

Oh, by the way, in case you guys missed the memo, Pyro got banned.

And demodded.

This place has gone downhill, but it is not because of the people who flame the noobs. It's because of the noobs.

DRLFF has become such a shithole that it's literally causing me to lose faith in humanity.

The people on here are so close to literal retardation that I cannot even bring myself to sift through their incoherent posts for a meaning that I can answer.

It is a much easier plan to flame them until they literally either leave or stop being such flaming cockwads.

And it would be working, too, if you people weren't retarded yourselves and would stop encouraging them.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:58 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
someone lock this thread before it gets out of hand.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:13 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
And can this please be the last thread on this topic.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:14 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
I've seen this happen before, being a long time member of

I get pissed off at people who don't try. People who don't try to formulate their post into something that is readable. People who don't try too hard on a mod. People who say they're smart, but they don't care that what they're saying is bollocks. I see why long term members say all these angry, angry things and half the time I support them because it kind of works.

Unfortunately, the mods also do this from time to time, and I believe that the role of Moderator on this site is to set a good example, and to respect and live up to the title and responsibility that Data has given them. Most of the time they do do this, however the recent Portal Gun thread was I think pushing it too far.

Data doesn't patrol these forums, that's what the moderators are for - and if the moderators themselves can't behave in an appropriate manner, what hope have these forums got of being an enjoyable welcoming community?

All in all, this "petition" won't do anything, because it's not addressed to anyone who has the power to change anything. I still trust the moderators, and I do hope they won't pull anything like this again but if you really want to change something still I'd suggst you bug Data. That being said, he himself said "Every time I have to come onto these forums and intervene, I spend less time working on CC." Granted, it probably took five minutes to go through the forums, read the thread and get the gist of things and lock it, but we should be able to sort this out like mature people, not like the childish cretins I see every so often.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:27 pm
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Post Re: The current state of affairs
I would love to do that but the /b/-tarded logic of some forumites such as mr x and others who will remain unnamed does not allow for this. They are simply beyond the grasp of reason in those respects; and i do agree that after build 13 everything went downhill. I mean look at the MPAM (and i respect numgun im just showing this as an example) it looked amazing but it's been inactive for quite some time and that portal gun stunt doesnt help matters when it comes to developing good mods and a strong community. In order to keep cortex command around the community has a certain responsibility in upholding its reputation modding wise. Look at the great games of our time that were pushed to legendary status because of mods, half life, quake 3, unreal tournament(s), doom. And although these games were supported by their communities that does not mean that their forums did not have the same problems that we have, that does not mean however that we can simply ignore and support those issues in question. We must work togetehr in order to create an environment that promotes mod/forum progression and success.

Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:48 pm
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