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 Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic? 
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
good thing i don't intend to become a wetback

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:04 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Shard wrote:
3POK_PHALE wrote:

Well, I haven't felt sick lately, sooo.. I don't really care about any type of disease or sickness .

It's been killing off otherwise perfectly healthy people. You're not safe yet.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:05 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:09 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Shard wrote:


Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:11 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Rawtoast wrote:
Shard wrote:
3POK_PHALE wrote:

Well, I haven't felt sick lately, sooo.. I don't really care about any type of disease or sickness .

It's been killing off otherwise perfectly healthy people. You're not safe yet.

I never said that.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:16 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Swine flu?

Bird flu is going to kill us,
Mad cow Disease will kill us
anthrax will kill us

Note how many times we've had OMFG PANDEMIC WARNING when less then 150 people get sick, or less then 100 people actually die, and they call this a world wide pandemic. Its the news, trying to create fear because it gets people interested in the news, which means more viewers, more viewers equals more money from advertisers.

Do you want a global pandemic, do some checking on this little Disease that supposedly muted from cats, or chimps (at first they said chimps, then later realised cats have the same damn virus), its this little thing called AIDS.

Swine flu is a bunch of whinny parents of catholic school kids going "OH MY GOD TIMMY HAS THE SNIFFLES HE'S GOING TO DIE!"

I'm sorry if that seems a little harsh, but its the truth, and truth hurts.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:55 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Swine flu?

Bird flu is going to kill us,
Mad cow Disease will kill us
anthrax will kill us

Note how many times we've had OMFG PANDEMIC WARNING when less then 150 people get sick, or less then 100 people actually die, and they call this a world wide pandemic. Its the news, trying to create fear because it gets people interested in the news, which means more viewers, more viewers equals more money from advertisers.

Do you want a global pandemic, do some checking on this little Disease that supposedly muted from cats, or chimps (at first they said chimps, then later realised cats have the same damn virus), its this little thing called AIDS.

Swine flu is a bunch of whinny parents of catholic school kids going "OH MY GOD TIMMY HAS THE SNIFFLES HE'S GOING TO DIE!"

I'm sorry if that seems a little harsh, but its the truth, and truth hurts.

Mad Cow and Bird Flu very well could have been incredibly damaging if it had not been for well-calculated disease control. Building awareness of a possibly pandemic disease is part of this control.

People sometimes cite Bird Flu as a major example of an over-hyped disease because it did not actually have that big an impact. What they don't realize is that if we hadn't acted swiftly and with maybe a bit of fear, an avian influenza strand could have "procreated" (very loose use of word) with a human strain of the flu. The result would be an airborne and incredibly lethal disease the likes of which possibly have not been seen since, as said before, 1919.

AIDS is not airborne and likely never will be. Although it kills millions, it will not directly cause the irradiation of vast populations. It can, however, aid* in the development and procreation of other diseases which can, such as influenza and, even scarier (to me), tuberculosis.

*no pun intended

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:06 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Tuberculosis is ♥♥♥♥ terrifying.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:12 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
This seems like another SARS, really. People will be a-scared, people will die, and then it will all blow over and we'll totally forget about it.
And where are all the people dying of swine flu? Oh. Mexico, where there is far less health care than here.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:25 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
define 'here'

'here' could be ♥♥♥♥ ANYWHERE.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:26 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Given that pretty much all of DRL is in either North America or Scandinavia, I guess anywhere in those areas.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:34 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Note how many times we've had OMFG PANDEMIC WARNING when less then 150 people get sick, or less then 100 people actually die, and they call this a world wide pandemic.

anthrax killed like 10 people

swine flu has infected thousands and already killed more than 100, with a fatality rate around 6%

take your circle of friends/acquaintances and kill one out of every 20, then tell me this flu isn't a problem

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:35 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
Rawtoast wrote:
Mad Cow and Bird Flu very well could have been incredibly damaging if it had not been for well-calculated disease control. Building awareness of a possibly pandemic disease is part of this control.

Yes, Well calculated control. but Bird flu was confined to a small area (what, less than 0.01% of the globe?), and yet, it became a WORLD WIDE scare, people on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE GLOBE where in hysterics and not eating chicken, and buying bulk anti-biotics because of 5 or 6 people in a country some of them might not have heard of. Mad cow disease was more threatening, and its not even a REAL DISEASE! Its a Defective self-replicating protein, people in small 3rd world country's get conditions near identical to mad cow disease from cannibalizing decaying people, it works the same way as the Sci-fi Ice-9 crap, except it takes proteins out of brain-cells to replicate and it makes people go insane, feel tremendous pain (due to nerve damage in the brain) and eventually they fall asleep and die, after weeks of insomnia.

Mad Cow Disease had a legitimate reason to BE afraid, but given it CAN'T SPREAD from person to person unless you ♥♥♥♥ EAT THERE DEAD BODY, and all they had to do is re-call the meat and destroy it, and isolate the infected cows, and stop feeding dead cow to other cows to save money on feeding them, and guess what? no more mad cow disease, Wasn't it isolated in the UK or something? there is no reason anyone else on the PLANET should have worried or even CARED about mad cow disease at that point in time.

Swine flu, is exactly like that, Yes, If it mutates, or spreads to a larger populous through say, an airport, then yes, time to get scared, but its in a CLOSED SOCIETY, of people who are hiding in there homes in there small town, NOT moving, NOT talking to eachother, and THEY are getting to paranoid, and the CDC is all over it, keeping it from spreading, Until some protocol is broken and someone INTENTIONALLY spreads it, there is no reason ANYONE NOT INVOLVED should give a rat's ass about it!

Rawtoast wrote:
People sometimes cite Bird Flu as a major example of an over-hyped disease because it did not actually have that big an impact. What they don't realize is that if we hadn't acted swiftly and with maybe a bit of fear, an avian influenza strand could have "procreated" (very loose use of word) with a human strain of the flu. The result would be an airborne and incredibly lethal disease the likes of which possibly have not been seen since, as said before, 1919.

I agree, people often cite it, but the one thing that must be understood is that bacteria and viruses don't 'procreate' or even mix. If its 2 bacterial strains then they will KILL EACHOTHER, break appart the DNA/RNA and recycle the materials, not using the actual code,

The ONLY way it could spread is if BOTH strains mutated and for some reason didn't attack eachother, and then BOTH spread to the same host.

Viruses however are just shells made of protein that contain RNA, they hook onto a cell like velcro, and inject the RNA into the cell, which then thinks that the RNA is it's own.

Viruses can't infect other viruses. EVER. The only thing that can happen is if 2 viruses BOTH infect the SAME CELL, and the 2 strands of RNA get mixed, and even then it would probably be defective and just kill the host cell.

The odds of ANY non-human flu spreading to a human, and being contagious, are about the same as wining the lottery and getting struck by lightning at the same time. it wont ♥♥♥♥ happen.

Rawtoast wrote:
AIDS is not airborne and likely never will be. Although it kills millions, it will not directly cause the irradiation of vast populations. It can, however, aid* in the development and procreation of other diseases which can, such as influenza and, even scarier (to me), tuberculosis.
*no pun intended

AIDS kills HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people, I'm pretty sure the death-toll from aids is already past 1 BILLION by now, and where's the AIDS quarentine? THERE ISN'T ONE.

The CDC has made NO attempt to isolate people with aids to prevent interaction with uninfected persons.

Yes Africa is where most of those infected with aids are at. Just send everyone with aids to africa, and don't let anyone leave, guess what, No more aids. That however is cruel.

Has the CDC made ANY statement, that AIDS could spread to other species the same wait as Swine-flu, or bird flu? Nope! Have they suggested that AIDS could potentially mutate the same way to become airborn? Nope! They won't even humor the idea.

Bird flu went over the 'entire planet' and killed a staggering what, 81-89 people? and the whole damn world was watching, Meanwhile AIDS has swept the 'entire planet' and killed, or infected 950,000+ people. Bird flue is an astounding 4% fatal, but AIDS is only a measly little 100% fatal.

Mass media Downplay of AIDS, by Up-playing other viruses that have a lower chance of doing a damn thing. Have you noticed the serious problems are never on the news? Where is the national news tracker saying that 4 AIDS infected Sexual predators just moved within 2 blocks of a major bus route, or serial rapists with AIDS?

THERE AREN'T ANY! And it pisses me off!

If you want to worry about a disease worry about AIDS, worry about Rabies.

Worry about the High risk, 100% fatal, contagious, Known to spread to humans, and has already killed +1000 people diseases, that NOONE cares about, because we're told 'oh that won't do anything, you won't ever get infected, after all you'll never see a wild dog, have sex, or get raped, and if you do, we'll just give you a little shot for rabies and you'll pay a few grand, or you'll get AIDS and buy anti-biotics from us until it finally kills you'

Think about how LITTLE Swine flu, bird flue, and mad cow disease actuall do, and how MUCH it is in the news,

And then how DEADLY others are, and how LITTLE is even done about it.

In short, Swine flu IS blown out of proportion, and If you want to talk about things that ARE global pandemics, actually pic one that ISN'T on every news station and radio station 24 hours a day that we are all sick of hearing about. Ignore the booming voice trying to draw your attention away from real problems.

Rawtoast wrote:
Although it kills millions, it will not directly cause the irradiation of vast populations.

first of all, Africa:
1/5 of all native africans are infected with HIV/AIDS, and IS eradicating a VAST Population.

Second of all
Rawtoast wrote:
the irradiation of vast populations

I didn't know they where radioactive (I'm sorry, I had to say something funny this post)

OH And I just saw a post about the dreaded 'SARS' Virus. Oh wahh, less than 100 people, again isolated in a small area, few infected, super contained, and screamed through a megaphone around the world,

Add SARS to the Swine/Avian flu /madcow/anthrax scares.

Ignore the man with the megaphone, its a trap.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:38 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
TheLastBanana wrote:
This seems like another SARS, really. People will be a-scared, people will die, and then it will all blow over and we'll totally forget about it.
And where are all the people dying of swine flu? Oh. Mexico, where there is far less health care than here.

Now all those sick Mexicans will swarm over the border for a cure, Ifecting every other existing being in the USA.

Last edited by Shard on Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:41 am
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Post Re: Swine Flu: Blown out of proportion or Global Pandemic?
TheLastBanana wrote:
And where are all the people dying of swine flu? Oh. Mexico, where there is far less health care than here.

except mexico actually happens to have extremely large stockpiles of flu vaccines and masks and ♥♥♥♥ like that and the US has next to none (and the GOP got $900M of pandemic preparation funds stripped from the stimulus bill)

stop stereotyping mexico and realize that american health care is honestly a far cry from the best in the world (unless you have a private doctor of course... but what about those who don't)

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:41 am
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