Weird graphical glitch with VLC/CC/gimp...
First off, this is my first post ever, whoooo...
Now that we're past that, I noticed this when I was watching this video and playing CC at the same time. I tried to explain to my friend about it, but he was just convinced I was high. (I do not do drugs <_<)
Running windows XP SP3. CC is at a reso of 1680x480 (computer resolution is 1680 x 1050)... I use 480 because if I make it...larger... I get unfun black bars on the top/bottom. The 1680 allows me long sight lines for fun sniping.
I took a video of it with my crappy digital camera, but it works. What is going on is I have VLC (a cool media player) running behind the CC window. I noticed it, and tried to take a screenshot, but the screenshot was CHANGING. (You'll see what I mean when you look at the video). My friend suggested I use my camera that I have in real life. I then took this video. I'm using gimp 2.4.4, CC build 23, and VLC version
Sorry about the unsteady in the beginning, I had to move my hand...obviously. I've made this long enough! The link is below.
Oh yeah. Around the "tear" in the CC space area, the stars also glitter, for whatever reason, but they don't appear on the camera. I've no idea why this is so. Pretty odd. Just... thought I'd share it with you guys. link for it. 11.88MB, 18 seconds, .avi
To anybody wondering: That's the "1776" skit/thing that Robot Chicken did, a spoof of "300". I think it's fairly funny, just the "extreme"ness of it.