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 Viruses ?! 
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Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:31 pm
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Post Re: Viruses ?!
Daman wrote:
If I lived in the Ukraine I would go play games in the REAL chernobyl.

Oh god, I sig'd that.

Anyway, you don't seem to understand the concept (but with a name like 'grenade' that's no surprise) that if a file is infected with a virus then there aren't a lot of options to use that file. I know a lot of people have said this already, but is that the only update on the entire web for the game?

Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:25 am
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Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:19 am
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Post Re: Viruses ?!
You seem young. Period.

If a file has been identified as a virus, its a virus.

And I'll say, a virus is also a file. Grah.

You seem vulnerable to scams...

Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:57 am
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Joined: Mon Aug 18, 2008 5:29 pm
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Post Re: Viruses ?!
Ok i understand.This is a scam.Ok.And about Chernobyl.You cant enter chernobyl for free.2 ways: Pay lots of money to those who defending enter to chernobyl.Or go there for free , but 65% that you will never back from zone: 30% because of radiation 30% because of no food 5% somebody will catch you and he will put you in chernobyls jail.And ok.I... really lied... Lied a lot... Yeah that update is virus its true...But thats now what i need to heal...Ok...Thats NoCD for stalker patched to 1.006 all nocds for 1.004 and under not contain virus.But that dudes says that virus is hitting games "brains" so that how that NoCD works.But if you say that i buy pirated games , i say no and yes.My STALKER is pirated only now.I haved license of STALKER but my friend "scrathed" it so MUCH so disk doesnt install game.I have thought : To buy another license or buy a pirated.I chosed ppirated.To save the money.Because license games arent cheap for us.The stalker license in our country costs 20$ dollars = 100 grivna.Our grivna for us = your dollars for you.For eg. My dad gets 3000 grivna in UA,And somebodys dad gets 3000 dollars in USA.1 dollar= 5 grivna.As you see we get 600$ and for our level of prices its enough.

Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:21 am

Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:18 am
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Post Re: Viruses ?!
Theres no mod to fix "lag" next to getting a better net connection, now unless the game isnt able to run on your computer fast enough then upgrade your computer. someone claiming this mod to do this , is just trying you to get a virus installed, and if your that stupid to fall for it, then you deserve it.

edit, also, unless your on the compound of that place, you dont really need to worry about radiation as theres very little still left over. But since theres also no human support around and its all fenced off and blocked up by armed guards , ye. play the game, pay the game. and if i see any more talk about pirated games il ban you.


Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:57 am
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