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 Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer" 
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Joined: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:19 pm
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Post Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
Hey, um, im looking into turning my old Wndows 98 with 5gb hard drive (2.5 gb free), 96MB ram,a nd about 400 or 600 megahurtz speed into a webserver for my not-high-load site

Ive been looking into getting 98 replaced with a free linux build made for servers. I am looking to find a distro that matches this criteria:

[install] Fits on a single 700mb CD
Allows the use to have a LAMP system (or variants)
Can be connect to my home cable thing and basically hosts a site.
Wont totally replace windows (I have some nostalgia I like to play with on there) (I already have a cleared out 2.5 gb partition)
MUST have PHP enabled.
Not all flashy, no Beryl or anything or screen savers, I just need something to use to host my site.
Be able to host a Vent server.

Thats pretty much it. I am a freshman in highschool, and as a result, I cant just drop down even 300 dollars for some new-ish computer with better specs, not can I get one of those stacking servers with like 8gb ram and such.

My dad is in IT, so he cold be able to help me, but I have experience with computers. Networking is not my thing yet, and I have only had like an hour of linux experience. I hope to replace my WIndows partition on my Macbook with Linux soon.

Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:27 am

Joined: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
I heard Arch-linux was good bu thow do I install OpenBOX

Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:46 am
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
Use the edit button please.

So many double posts from forums newbies...

Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:47 am
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
TrouserDemon wrote:
Use the edit button please.

So many double posts from forums newbies...

Superspawning = mushrooshi
While a flaming weeaboo, homosexual, and n00b, he is not a forum newbie.

Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:56 am
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
I see you took my joke about needing a userbar to make your hate-train official literally then.

I actually quite like and respect you. We should have a love train.

Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:05 am

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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
Wow, this sucks. Turns out my old computer does NOT accept CD-RWs...

Thu Oct 18, 2007 3:47 am
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
Use PCLinuxOS or Slax Server edition, both are pretty good for what you want to do.

Also, would you happen to know anything about ICS? (Internet connection sharing)

Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:04 am

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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
Um, I haven't heard of ICS.

In the mean time, are there any bare minimum web server things that can be nstalled with... floppy...

Or a direct-to-drive thing that like lets me just install linux straight to my hard drive, like Wubi?

Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:11 am
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
PCLinuxOS does, that's what my desktop runs on. I'm not sure about the Slax server, though it would be way better for a server.

Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:13 am
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
floppies dont have enough memory on them to contain the file to include the file/downloader for a web server like the one you want.

Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:13 am
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Post Re: Creating a web server thingy on my old "legacy computer"
whitty wrote:
floppies dont have enough memory on them to contain the file to include the file/downloader for a web server like the one you want.

lolhtmllink = liek 15 kb amirite.

Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:44 am
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