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[Mod Contest Entry] Bugger Tech |
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Author: | CrazyMLC [ Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:37 am ] |
Post subject: | [Mod Contest Entry] Bugger Tech |
Have you ever wanted a giant space beetle as a friend? Today is your day. We here at Bugger Tech have tamed several flying space beetles for your pleasure. They're well trained, and capable of transporting cargo in their mouths! Quite a marvel, really. Don't worry about cleaning up after them either, as when they die their body liquefies into a rather acidic substance. Quite handy, that. We've even managed to harvest several of their explosive zits for weaponization. We've created a launcher that should be more than suitable for dispatching lightly armored targets. This mod, of course, uses no lua files. The thing being a big dumb bug, the creature is incapable of any thought a script would provide, surely. With intelligence this low, you should feel no remorse in sending it to its demise using our premier mind control implants. Why does a space beetle need wings? We'll leave that one for you to figure out. Attachment: Old Version: |
Author: | Punisher [ Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:14 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Mod Contest Entry] Bug Ship |
Oh its realy interesting dropship. Its able to make some factions like "Bugs from deep deep space fire dat lazor bdaaaa!" I can add gib and delete yellow and white particles from original dropship. Listen, you need that baby? Can i take it for... Experiments? |
Author: | RandomCoderZ [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Mod Contest Entry] Bugger Tech |
Looks alot alike my Myskoplexian Creature from Myskoplex. It also works the same. Nice work on the animation for the wings. I like it. Maybe you could have made the stabilization thrusters have invisible particles. |
Author: | CrazyMLC [ Sun Apr 09, 2017 8:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Mod Contest Entry] Bugger Tech |
I assume you mean they explode? Actors/Craft as grenades isn't a very original idea unfortunately. In fact, I made a faction based on that concept back in 2008. It wasn't necessarily a good mod, but I'll blame being 13 at the time for that. I did it again for this mod because I didn't have time to make gibs that I thought would be satisfying. Something needed to happen, since I knew I couldn't have it just blink out of existence. Exploding also fit well with my initial concept of having attachable grenades on a craft that can be shot to explode in retaliation. I suppose on a superficial level they do look similar, insofar as being insect themed. Quite different physiques and colors though, since mine is more based off of flies/bees and Myskoplex seems to be based off of mantises? Thanks. It took a grueling 5 minutes in GIMP with the perspective tool! They aren't invisible, though. It needs a way to reorient itself in space, so it expels fluid out of those and other holes when it needs to. Think sort of like a whale blowhole in basic appearance, except for maneuvering. In no way had I made myself too crunched for time to make custom retro thrusters a priority. |
Author: | RandomCoderZ [ Mon Apr 10, 2017 12:33 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: [Mod Contest Entry] Bugger Tech |
That is one long reply. Thanks! Yeah I just thought they worked the same. Although you really made that sprite alot better than what i did on my creature. I wasnt too sure what colors or shapes it shouldve had, so i just made something similar to the actors. I also had alot of issues with the wings at the time not showing up so i was kind of tired of the mod to be honest, and i just wanted to finish it. Whale blowholes xD, perfect! I have no idea what the myskoplexian creature would resemble to be honest. But either way good job on the mod. |
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