Data Realms Fan Forums

Medusa Faction Mod
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Author:  breakwarp11 [ Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Medusa Faction Mod

Medusa Faction 1.0

Well, I pretty much made this mod (that is if you can call this a mod) by modifying Imperatus, both actors and weapons.

Here's some concept art I made.


Here are the actors - Lamia, Harpy, Echidna and the brain bot.

Weapons - Hermes, Hades, Zeus, Ares, Perseus, Chronos, Kratos and Athena.

I really did not feel like going through tutorials and tutorials about lua so i really just made this mod the cheap lazy way.
I changed the way weapons work so they are somewhat different from the Imperatus' ones.
I also do know that the images above don't really have an amazing resolution and thats just because I asked a friendo on skype to take a screen cap.

I most likely wont go back to change any issues so, this is a latest and oldest version of the mod, if you know what I mean.
Anyways, thanks, and try to enjoy it, I guess! ... sa.rte.rar

Author:  Death Visor [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

Hello. Sprite nice, the basic game lack of female faction. great idea and good design. the artwork is of you?

Author:  breakwarp11 [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

Thanks! And yeah I drew that.

Author:  Death Visor [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

nice, and the more you seem to have talent. delighted that people still working on mods. good job! :grin:

Author:  breakwarp11 [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

Wow! thanks for the nice words!
I got into this game really late though... I wish I was around when the community was at it's finest.

Author:  Contrary [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

I can't play with it until I'm able to update to the most recent build, but I love your art! Don't be discouraged by the dead-ness f the forums, they've always been slow and there are other people working on mods (I'm working on a decent sized one myself).

Author:  Death Visor [ Tue Aug 30, 2016 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

I also worked on a faction called Lotus corporation made up exclusively of women.
I have also several projects in developement which emerge soon. :-o

Author:  breakwarp11 [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

Thanks for liking my stuff! and I'll be sure to take a look at your mod once it is out, Contrary.

Author:  breakwarp11 [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

Woah! Do you still have the mod? or is it anywhere for download? I would love to check it out.

Author:  Death Visor [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

Patience it out tonight! 8)

Author:  Contrary [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

I finally had a chance to play with your mod!

Overall I think this definitely a mod I'll be keeping in my folder. The art is the main draw; only a handful of CC mods have art of this quality, and fewer still have anything besides generic operative guys. You've got an original design and good technique. The weapons are still recognizably similar to the Imperatus ones, but they're different enough for it to be fun. The biggest problem, if I had to point one out, is that the legs are a bit wonky- the knees raise really high and it doesn't look like there's any feet? I guess that's a stylistic choice based on your concept art but it doesn't carry over that well into gameplay. Additionally the posture of the actors in general could use a little tweaking to bring out the elegance of your initial design. I think the mod has a lot of potential, so it's too bad you're only having one go at it. But even as-is, the art is great, and I'll be using it as long as I'm playing CC.

Author:  breakwarp11 [ Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

This is some pretty neat feedback! I do agree that their posture is not very elegant and maybe that can be fixed by raising their heads a little, I am not quite sure though.
If I find the patience I will try to update it.
I also tried to figure out a way to give them custom sounds but since I am kind of dumb even to the simplest of things I wasnt able to figure it out, atleast yet.
Anyways, I really appreciate the feedback and I am glad you like the mod! :grin:

Author:  RandomCoderZ [ Thu Sep 01, 2016 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

breakwarp11 wrote:
This is some pretty neat feedback! I do agree that their posture is not very elegant and maybe that can be fixed by raising their heads a little, I am not quite sure though.
If I find the patience I will try to update it.
I also tried to figure out a way to give them custom sounds but since I am kind of dumb even to the simplest of things I wasnt able to figure it out, atleast yet.
Anyways, I really appreciate the feedback and I am glad you like the mod! :grin:

I agree that the art is nice, a little "too green for the screen" though? But i totally agree with the quality of the sprites.
I cant agree that having no feet looks bad though. So I thought it fit having no feet on your characters. It really make the slim legs stand out.

Fixing custom sounds is easy, If you want them to talk when changing weapons just add this as a single code above everything in the actor code:
AddSound = Sound
   PresetName = Random Talk
   AddSample = ContentFile
      FilePath = Test.rte/Bla/RandomSound0.wav
   AddSample = ContentFile
      FilePath = Test.rte/Bla/RandomSound1.wav

Then under the Actor you just change the:
   DeviceSwitchSound = Sound
      CopyOf = Random Talk

And it will choose one of the sounds you added in there randomly when you change weapon or item.

About posture.
Legs together, arms more downward. Because it really looks like their hands are out like the zombie arms.
Also are they supposed to be robots? Thought they had the upper body in flesh atleast.

Good stuff, and keep on modding! We need more content makers allright!

Author:  darkman945 [ Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

Im just gonna leave this bump here, i dont wanna see this mod fall into obscurity like many. (even my mods feelsbadman)

For my general opinion on the mod, good quality sprites, good weapons although they are just kinda recolors, still good.

havent seen female clones in a while, so this a good refresher.

And what id like to see is new chestpieces, so that actor difference isnt just its head.

Author:  HuskyD [ Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Medusa Faction Mod

I'd genuinely like to see this or something similar worked on more. Add more things to it to make it a fleshed out factions, like a heavy unit or a crab unit.

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