[WIP] NovaMind [Updated to B27]
The NovaMind Corporation specializes in heavy duty troops for zero atmosphere combat. Unfortunately our current line up only consists of the NovaMind light and medium clone and assorted weaponry.
Test footage of the Star Armaments SN-15 Anti Spacesuit Carbine
Ideally used against heavy spacesuit units such as our own. The SN-15 will chew through most anything encountered in normal conflict.
Test footage of the Garrett light machinegun
The Garrett LMG was designed for resolving riots. Or otherwise getting rid of undesirable crowds of lightly armored organics. As such it chews right through anything unarmored.
Test footage of the Johnson Railgun
The Garret Railgun was designed for incapacitating shuttles in one shot by puncturing all the way through it and hopefully killing whoever inside who isn't wearing a spacesuit. It has proved to be a awesome weapon on the ground too. However it is hideously expensive
Test footage of materials for armor.
Newer composite materials are used in current models and as such they can withstand a lot more punishment
Test footage of the NovaMind Mediums Anti Air missile launcher
The NovaMind Medium has preequipped shoulder mounted Anti Air missiles. Originally designed for use against enemy space fighters, they have proved to be effective against normal aircraft as well. Activated by triple tapping sharpaim or the pie menu depending on control setup
WIP note: I still need to add another actor or two and a few more guns. We'll see if I can get around to doing this at some point
XenoLith linkDOWNLOADZip version for people who prefer thatCredits
ThunderToes - Various spriting tips, most of the helmet sprite. Also prettying guns
Roon3 - Making the guns prettier
Sparkle Magicians:
ScifiSpirit - Made the damage script for head shots. Also helped me debug the missile tracking
Roon3 - Made the script that made me able to use icons for my actors
Grif - AA Missile launch, homing and reloading script
Grif - Ammocounter. Added another entry for emphasis
Misc Help:
Arcalane - Metagame data help
And various people from #drlchat whom I have forgotten who was
Updated to B27, I think.
Apparently changed the SN-15 at some point.
Changed how the Anti Air Missile, that the Medium has, works so that it hopefully is less retarded. Also fixed problem of not being able to fire correctly when rotated or lying down. It will now fire the right way if prone (right into the ground).