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IDS tecnologies Now 100% more B27!!!
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Author:  lucariokiller [ Sun May 27, 2012 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  IDS tecnologies Now 100% more B27!!!

Welcome to IDS Tecnologies!

The weapons reserch company of avance wars:dark conflict.

see the readme in the mod for credits.
if i forget somone,please tell me and don't ban me...

mod content:

IDS-A : assault rifle.simple but easy to use and cheap.
IDS-A LMG : Variant of the IDS-A(Light machine-gun).
IDS-A SMG : Variant of the IDS-A(Compact Carbine).
IDS-A SR : Variant of the IDS-A(Sniper rifle).
IDS Shield : A riot shiel upgraded.
IDS-46 : A compact carbine.
IDS-43 : A AutoCannon who fires two big caliber bullets.
IDS-82G Barett : A barett modded.
IDS-30E : A fully equipped assault rifle.
IDS-LAT : the LAT is a two cannons rocket launcher.
IDS-477 : Heavy Minigun.
IDS-128 Climax bomb : a huge bomb used to wipe out cities
IDS-7 : a cool sidearm.
IDS-384 : the standart zephyrus assault rifle.
IDS-112 : a useful auto shotgun.
IDS-75 : a recon rifle.
IDS-45 : Anti-tank rifle.
IDS-90 HAT : Anti-Tank RPG
IDS white clone : A clone or all your works.

In coming:
Climax Missile,ABORTED
White clone,DONE
Chemicals bombs,ABORTED

Zane Seele : My best friend
Major : Gatling Sprite
DeathBringer : Mushroom Sprite
DEX98 : beta testing(not so disciplinex lol)

untitled.PNG [ 90.98 KiB | Viewed 17802 times ]

LOL.PNG [ 130.96 KiB | Viewed 17802 times ]

That's all folks!


File comment: last
IDS [2.19 MiB]
Downloaded 1077 times


File comment: VERSION 1.2 :
Climax bomb now explodes when touch the ground,
Added the IDS-90 HAT
Added the white AntiTank

IDS [2.19 MiB]
Downloaded 312 times

File comment: version 1.1:
White clone added,
climax bomb offsets modded,
make the IDS-46 more "MP5-ish.

IDS [2.18 MiB]
Downloaded 252 times

IDS [2.15 MiB]
Downloaded 359 times

Author:  mod tester [ Sun May 27, 2012 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

please post pics

Author:  Mingebag7 [ Sun May 27, 2012 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

Needs pictures as per forum rules

Author:  ModTester [ Sun May 27, 2012 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

mod tester wrote:
please post pics
I'm just saying that name seems awfully familiar :???:

Author:  Gotcha! [ Sun May 27, 2012 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

Two mod testers? How can this be? I thought all mods worldwide were tested by one person. :shock:

Ontopic: Pictures! :x

@Asklar: Yes, I saw that poor excuse at abiding the forum rules.

Author:  Asklar [ Sun May 27, 2012 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

There is a picture, which shows you almost nothing of the mod and isn't properly inserted on the post.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Mon May 28, 2012 3:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

Just report the topic if it's missing adequate pictures. It's entirely unnecessary to make five posts about it.
Lucariokiller, please post some pictures for your mod. Everyone else, stay on-topic.

Author:  Otaku_666 [ Mon May 28, 2012 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

:0 you have normal screenshot ?. show all weapons

Author:  Lizardheim [ Mon May 28, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

I gotta say, I like the sprites, they've improved quite a bit from your earlier mods.

Author:  lucariokiller [ Mon May 28, 2012 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

thanks lizardheim,Theses sprites are the best I can do!
sorry,but I can't post pics now please wait some some hours.

EDIT:LastBanana,All the files are .png files!
the others,is my mod is good because now there's pictures?

Author:  Roy the Cuttlefish [ Wed May 30, 2012 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

First off, I just wanna say I really enjoy the guns you have made, the minigun especially has a really nice feel to it, but i think some of the guns could use a decrease in range to make them more balanced, not in the way of how far you can aim, but in the terms of how far the bullets fly before they Drop/become ineffective. also the prices could use a little work, for example the IDS-A smg (i think) is the same price as the assault rifles and its less effective, Also where the muzzle flash happens seems to be not accurate to the guns look. and the sprite for the IDS 46 I think would look nicer if it was more mp5-ish. (see below) and less Ak47-ish.


Author:  mod tester [ Wed May 30, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

ModTester wrote:
mod tester wrote:
please post pics
I'm just saying that name seems awfully familiar :???:

:0 i never knew there was a other mod testers what ever but nice to meet you :wink:

Author:  lucariokiller [ Thu May 31, 2012 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies

The ids-46 have the magazine of the ak-47,I konw this is really stupid.Il'l mod this gun.
for the IDS-a SMG Il' l mod that not now but earlier.please wait some days.
for the muzzle flash,if you think this will be more realistic,okay!


Author:  Dummy Commander [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IDS tecnologies Now 100% more B27!!!

Mhhhh,that mod is really good!
but the bomb is too powerful :(

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