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Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY
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Author:  Cybernetic [ Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

This mod i should have released way back in build 23/24?
Anyway here it is, i will lighten up the page later add some juicy storyline i wrote and such.

The story of ACLONE's life (named Jason) continues after he escapes from his own brain when the base is attacked by the robot faction as written about in ACLONE.

He then meets the dummy
and they live a life of both freedom (in the sense that they are no longer controlled by any brain) and a life of hiding as a result of total rejection from the mainly disembodied society on Trade Star Madias and the planet.

The story then continues where the dummy is tragically murdered while under controll by a dummy brain.
Jason then changes to look like this:
and formed a group to do this:


This mod includes:
-both Jason's variations
-the dummy
-the light and heavy clonek soldiers
-the heavy and light robots
-both clonek and robot(lol i forgot what i called the robot faction)
faction weapons

-the scene where A Clone happend(clone base), do notice that Jason is at the top right side of the tower(has a little grey on his beard) and that the brain in the picture is not realy there, i just added it to get the brain he is talking to into the picture as well.
Unfortunately no lua.

I will add the story I wrote about Jasons escape (featuring all the weapons in this mod).

thanks to Casual Hero for writing the epic first story A Clone.

Have fun.
The fixed version, seriously, like delete the old one and download this.
AClone.rte.rar [534.71 KiB]
Downloaded 693 times

any comments on any of the work done here will be highly appreciated

Author:  Crabman [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

Found a Problem with your mod, it doesn't seem to work because of this:

Abortion in file ./System/Reader.cpp, line 534, because

Referring to an instance ('Razor Metal') to copy from that hasn't been defined! in
AClone.rte/Weapons/Razor.ini at line 16!

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

Here is the Abort screen,

Author:  Joseh123 [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

Yeah I also got that error.

Author:  Leogg [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

So did I

Author:  dabensta [ Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

I made a quick fix:

File comment: FIX
AClone.rte.rar [533.91 KiB]
Downloaded 320 times

Author:  Cybernetic [ Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

thanks man I salute you.

Author:  Joseh123 [ Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

dude, I am going to be honest. I didn't liked it. The weapons are way too simple (just a green stick when you are holding them), despite the 9999 hp, the main character is weaker than Mia, because you can kill him just by exploding his chest. And he also can survive without a head. The actor's sprites are excellent, but the weapons need some tweaks, especially the boom pistol. It is A LOT buggy. You shoot at something and the ball transforms in a half invisible rock that stops in the air and fall like it had no physics, and then it explodes. My guy just died by a dreadnought without even destroying its armor (I had ALL the weapons).

Author:  Cybernetic [ Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

Damn I thought i fixed that :x . Exploding chests... I like. OK people give me one more shot like i said i made this mod a while back and made some stupid adjustments (temporary but just never changed it back (the guy with the 9999 health)) but im fixing that as well as the other error with the razor metal material I didn't add to the rte.
Ok fixed everthing.
BTW... green sticks, there are like only 4 variations of green, not much one can do about that, i designed those weapons befor i pixelated them into "green sticks".
Oh and one last thing the unit you refered to as the main guy is just a light clone its not Jason, the two variants of Jason and the dummy are both brains and will therefor not be accesible in the buy menu, but only in the building phase where you choose a brain.
Thanks for the feedback Joseh123.
Oh and do try the blaster grenade :smile: ,only in bunkers tho...

Any comments?

Author:  Quickdraw64 [ Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

Its a good read. Heres what I understand the cortex command storyline to be: After the human race is able to seperate themselves from there bodies (In order to flee into space from the church) they are able to live longer and thus travel into the far corners of the universe. As a result they discover many differant races and technology and take the role of universal merchants. By using there technology they are able to remotely focus there attentions through mutiple... Puppets if you will. These puppets are built, grown and mutated by corporations which in turn are sold to enterprising brains to use as mindless soldiers and workers. When the brain is not focusing/directly controling a puppet a form of AI (Although very shitty AI atm) takes control and allows the puppets to do basic tasks on there own. I always thought each faction was a differant corperation with its own unique weapons and puppets (Kinda like a brand). These puppets contain no brain or independent thought, they feel no pain or sadness or joy. They are mindless zombies own by you (The brain) and are a peice of Biological or Mechanical (Or Both)equipment.

This is from what I understand although I may be wrong

I personaly enjoyed the read and would like to read more fan fiction

Author:  ryanbob1 [ Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Clonek from the stories ACLONE and ADUMMY

I'm going to be frank, i didn't like the spriting. The green texture is almost a pain to look at..Other than that, good job, the weapons need a lil fixing and polish though.

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