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OmegaTech Industries
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Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  OmegaTech Industries

Quick note::
This is my first mod, so it is a little sketchy and the Offsets are wierd compared to others.

The OmegaTech Faction, quite a small, 3rd party faction with few weapons and even fewer soldiers (1 currently).


1. Units
The XR-Unit, OmegaTech's (as of now) only unit.
It is made of hardened metal, impenetrable by small-arms weapons.

There are quite a few other actors with pre-equipped weapons that I added in

Very Buggy!

2. Weapons and Explosives

HG-AR, the High Grade Assault Rifle
This is the go-to gun, if you can afford it. The other ones can't even compete with it.

MG-AR, Medium Grade Assault Rifle
A cross between money saving and power. The most common OmegaTech weapon.

LG-AR, Low Grade Assault Rifle
For the money saver, lower power and lower ROF make it a pretty poor weapon by comparison, but for only 80 oz. Don't let it break though, you'll regret it.

Superb Rifle
This Fires Heavy Pistol rounds at a high fire rate. It can be dual-wielded. It is easily the most overpowered weapon in this mod.
Offhand one is in shields

Unix Sniper Rifle.
This uses the latest OmegaTech Technology, it accelarates a very sharp bullet through space at nearly-untrackable speeds.

The close-range weapon of choice. Fires 10 bullets per round, 14 rounds per clip.

This is a Work-In-Progress, rushed it in before I uploaded the mod. Yeah I know it needs fixing.

Mine Launcher (NEW)
This launches grenades, but not normal grenades... I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise...

UX-HE Grenade
This is a grenade. It goes boom. What more need I say?

3. Shields (Shield)

Riot Shield (Couldn't think of a name for it)
It is made of tougher stuff than the norm, will reflect light-calibur bullets.

That's it for now.
Thanks to TheLastBanana for helping me with a few major bugs that I never would've gotten past.
Another thing, give me a detailed post if you find any bugs please. OTHER than the R6 Pistol bugs.

File comment: Version 1.1 [1.01 MiB]
Downloaded 1103 times

Author:  Shakatuko [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Yay, my first first post! Btw, we need pictures!

EDIT: tested it, the sprites are good, but the weapons are too big, and we need more actors and crafts. The bomb's sprite is bad, it looks like a mini-wrench. And the helmet is too big compared to the rest of the body.

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Congrats, and I'll try alternative ways, my prntscreen button is broken, any suggestions?

As I said, there are many bugs, will fix the head, weps, and nades, but it may take some time.

Author:  Shakatuko [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

I'll try to make print screens for you.

Author:  [Insert Name Here] [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Common sense rarely prevails on the internet. It's a saddening state of affairs.

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Insert Name Here, i know how to use google. Was just wondering if anyone had recommendations and/or experience with a certain one.

Author:  DrVonBarron [ Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Print Screen Button and Pasting into Paint, Job Done.

Then Upload it onto some image hoster or somthing, like tiny pict or whatever.

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

As I said, MY PRINTSCREEN IS BUSTED. please read the whole post before making a comment.

EDIT: Fixed the Printscreen button, turns out it was just jammed :P

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Ok, on to business, The next release will be scheduled for January 21st. That gives you guys time to point out flaws, and gives me time to implement new features. Please continue to list bugs, even if they seem small. I'll do my best to fix them.


Author:  [Insert Name Here] [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Wow, those are good sprites. Carry on.

Author:  gtaiiilc [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

whats up with the tall ballistic weapons marine numgun made?

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Read the credits in the mod file. I credited him. If he wants me to remove the RESPRITES, then he can tell me himself.
EDIT: And they're mercenaries, not marines. In this mod, they're cyborgs. Times change, modders die, time stops for no one.

Author:  CCS [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

This is a nice third party faction. The small size and style really make it a quaint addition

Funny enough the head has a good design as the outer wear than the actual mounted helmet (which seems to keep flying off at the lightest impulse). The backpack is good, AI can't use it naturally. Ans so is the walkpathing, OTech has a good ground speed. The actor's armor is thin which makes this faction like "glass cannons"(not a bad trait). However if you want endurance, Omega, giving them a armor rating like a Coalition light and lessening the amount of wounds can be a option.

The weapons and the focus on ARs is fun, the large size of the guns is actually nice and importantly defining. One improvement can be to lower the sharpness for the HG-AR enough to keep the piercing quality. Considering the effort on the ARs, the shotgun, pistol, and explosive were overwhelmed in terms of use. Its like the two weapons feel out place. So another improvement here: If you were to include a slow, armor breaking AR and/or burst AR (in place of the shotgun), this move could preserve that effort while keeping some diversity.

In summary, OmegaTech is great by its aesthetic. The faction is small, concentrated and can be played as is. Only the minor touch-ups are needed if keeping with the current version. Should making a more defined faction be your goal, only consider your on its own merits.

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

Thank you, and I plan to add different types of each weapon, and the actor was just a test to see how different weapons work on mega metal. I'm still a (very) novice coder, and the GNTurret should be finished before February, gotta learn how to code ACrabs.
Any suggestions for additions?
A craft

Author:  OmegaX17 [ Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: OmegaTech Industries

New version up! (bump)
Now taking suggestions for new additions/changes
Reminder: please post any bugs you have.

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