Concept Pack (Green dummies WIP only)
Just a simple mod for me to get into the modding scene (ini wise and later Lua) as well as the First of my concept pack
these sprites are aimed to similar not as close as possible, since i may change some parts around to make them ideal to their suited purpose.
Like with all of the mods i shall do, this will be community based, in otherwords you don't need permission to help edit or change things or if you feel to throw your version of the stuff in. in shorter version everyone can help if they want.
Just a note beforehand These are, and will be direct copy of dummies (as of which is the reason there's dummy related things inside the folder if anyone wishes to browse through it)
the main reason is to get the correct balance between the two as well as the sprite related appearance, However what i am going to do is change the role these dummies play which is between Miners / Labour force with a cheap guard, or a Siege version of the dummies.
i'm also aware my sprites are pisspoor as of this moment since i'm really only doing this for ini and modding experience (for CC at least).
all Feedback is greatly accepted.
Green dummies:i'll make them on par with the dummies but make them ethier cheaper and weaker but more of the miners , medic's or repair bots types (have much more effective tools used for mining or repairing stuff) and weak guard type units.
or make them the Seige version of dummies (high explosive dummies with heavy weapons)
Or i could make them be both. But lack any decent assault unit (the guards will only have close range weapons while the siege units will just have siege style weapons)
the reason for this is mainly cause i don't really want to make the green dummies just simple re-colours of the current dummies.
Green dummy rocket: almost a direct copy of Dummies rocket but has more armour plating due to the thicker body
Green dummy: the basic labour unit simlier to the dummy in everyway (These will be in two types, A Digger and a Healer / Rebuilder both will come with a tool equpi for their role)
Green small Turret: copy of dummies turret but lacks the shields to protect itself at the cost of a smaller price.
I must remind people this is a current Alpha for now. the ToDo list is more of a Known bug list as well as what else to come in. It doesn't mean everything will be added in it or just the stuff included since i may get idea's or people may suggest ideas.
What to expect in Version 0.2going from top to bottem
Nailer: same as dummies
Light Nailer: fast firing rail pistol:
Heavy Nailer: fast firing Reapeter
Precision Nailer: Coaltion heavy sniper rifle for dummies
Nail cannon (Launches a NailBomb)
Nailgun (Shotgun that shoot a burst of nails short range) one shot shoots 5 reapeter shots at once (once i get around to doing so)
ToDo List:
(Green means Done)
Change the minor gibs to metal rather than orange
Fixed the turret's offset (i really gave up on doing it for awhile so feel free if you want to fix it while i ignore it for awhile until i get around to it)
Rename the weapons to something that's make sense
Fix the muzzleflash for the Pistol
Add Rocket dreadnought
Add Dropship
Add Rocket / cannon
Add Shotgun/Grenade launcher
Add Sniper
Re-do Current gun iconsAdd Wrench
Add heavy Dummy
Add Levitation (May depends)
Ketten for part of the SMG
Thesoupist (i think?)
for the shotgun , Nailer and nailpistol and rocket launcher (I heavily edited them to suit the need appearance of the other weapons)
EDIT 1: regarding the Turret, i'm scrapping it and starting again (sprite will stay the same but code wise it will be somthing else) I may also see if i can get around and make it use the same rounds as the heavy nailer.
EDIT 2: disregard that. i'm Avoiding any Acrabs for now.