Data Realms Fan Forums

[Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito ¡UPDATE!
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Author:  Asklar [ Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito ¡UPDATE!

Mors Ex Subito

Mors Ex Subito is one of the biggest laser cannons developed in universal history.
It is built on Mothership Rex, a spacecraft designed specially to hold very unstable and powerful nuclear reactions of LUA (Lithium-Uranium Alloy).

Our catalog will provide you this:

(Under bombs, and under tools)

How to use it:

Deploy the Designator in the area you wish to strike.

Now, you can change the settings using the Pie Menu! It's tons easier! (You can still change them with the decoders found under tools)
Also, no more accidental activations, because it can only be activated with the Pie Menu.

-This is not a terrain wiping device (except at level 10).
-The beam is highly focused, it is recomended to be used for destroying highly fortificated bunkers.
-Alternatively, you can change the wideness and intensity of the beam via Lua console:
Type Wideness = X, where X is the size in pixels.
Type NumberOfPhases = X, where X is the intensity (it can go up to 89, use it under your own risk).

File comment: With a 100% more B26!
ImperialBeam.rte.rar [72.45 KiB]
Downloaded 798 times

-Lag. It lags more on taller maps, when destroying a lot of terrain or when placing the settings ridiculously high.
-Sprites. Yes, I can't even sprite basic things.
-Effects. They aren't very aweosme, but hey, at least it works.

Author:  thesoupiest [ Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito

A touch complex, but hey. It works.

Author:  Jackal [ Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito

I'm about to test this out, but a heads up. I didn't really understand the description on how the intensity decoder actually modifies the intensity. Does the number of times I fire with the decoder correspond to the intensity, within the five seconds between throwing the beacon and the laser coming down? Sorry, my skills of decoding (no pun intended) aren't too developed. Other than that, I really love the whole "beacon for huge orbital laser weapon, with statistical modifiers as well" thing. I'll edit this once I'm done checking it out.

Author:  Asklar [ Sat Apr 30, 2011 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito

I know it's kind of complex to understand at first, but it isn't complicated when you get the hang on it.
And the only reason why I did it highly modificable is because I didn't want people to complain about lag.
And because it's fun.

Author:  Jackal [ Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito

Yeah, I got the hang of it when I started using it. I really enjoy modifying it, but you should try to figure out a way to modify the intensity without a beacon being out at the time. Overall, really nice mod!

Author:  Asklar [ Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito

Well, to do that is very easy.

Simply go to the Recognizer.lua and delete the function destroy(self).

Heh, it won't solve much that anyway.

The code must be as it follows:

function Create(self)
ThereMustbeOne = 1
if NumberOfPhases == nil then
NumberOfPhases = 1

Just the create function, nothing else.

Author:  Jackal [ Sat Apr 30, 2011 5:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito

Ok, thanks. I know enough Lua to be able to pull this off, I hope.

Author:  Asklar [ Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Mod Contest Entry: Laser] Mors Ex Subito ¡UPDATE!


Now it has more Pie Slices and more B26!

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