Data Realms Fan Forums

Combine Military Force (21/12/10)
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Author:  Coops [ Wed Nov 24, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Combine Military Force (21/12/10)


Universal Union

The Combine, also referred to as the Universal Union, is a fictional multidimensional empire, which serves as the primary antagonistic force in the Half-Life video game series, developed by Valve Corporation. The Combine consist of alien, synthetic and human elements, and dominate Earth. They are regularly encountered throughout Half-Life 2 and its episodic expansions as hostile non-player characters as the player progresses through the games in an effort to overthrow the Combine occupation of Earth. - Wikipedia


Option to change in the Combine.lua script.




Combine's Law Enforcment agency on earth. Also known as Metro Cops.
Comes equiped with a USP Match Pistol.
Ability to Give out Manhacks.




Primary Military force for the Combine, Biomechanicaly Enhanced Humans.
Comes equiped with a MP7 SMG
Ability to Regenerate Health
When not controlled will Automatically use the power when health is under 25.




Elite force and higher ranking, Also known as Combine Elite.
Comes equiped with a Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle or AR2
Ability to Fire Pulse Balls
May cause Crashing and you can still fire it even without the AR2 in inventory.
Hold the Ability Button for a laser sight and must be held for it to charge.







USP Match Pistol

Duplicate of the USP
Medium Stoping Power



Python Revolver

Duplicate of the Colt Python Revolver
High Stopping Power




Duplicate of the MP7
High Fire Rate



SPAS-12 Shotgun

Duplicate of the Spas-12
High Stoping Power



Overwatch Standard Issue Pulse Rifle

Common Combine Military Weapon
Medium Fire Rate, Medium Stoping Power



Overwatch Sniper Rifle

Common Combine Military Weapon
High Stopping Power



MK3A2 Grenade

Common Combine Military Explosive
High Explosive Damage




Credits To:
CaveCricket48 - About a Metric ♥♥♥♥ of Lua help, thanks Man.
dragonxp - Beta Testing.
Darlos9D - Lua Key Numbering
Me - Mod


To Do:

- Character Traits (Ie. Metro Cop hand out Manhacks,) PRESS F TO USE THEIR ABILITY
- Combine Super Soldier
- Few more weapons (Missile Launcher, Combine Heavy AR2, ect.)
- Combine Dropship
- Combine Gunship (Possibly)
- Zombine (Possibly)
- Hunter (Possibly if im up for walkpaths, unless someone else wants to)


Any Bugs please Report to me.

File comment: Mac Compatible (Or atleast I hope)
HL2.rte.rar [6.31 MiB]
Downloaded 10293 times

Author:  LeonXross [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

Your a ♥♥♥♥ genius. I've been waiting for a good HL2 mod.

Yea I agree with non. The guns could slightly be a bit balanced. I think its just my own problem but I tend to look at UniTec when comparing balance since I consider UniTec to be perfectly balanced.

Author:  ratatat11 [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

very nive idea to work on . You gotta make the strider

Author:  Mingebag7 [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

The heads are a little too big and the legs maybe too thin, but otherwise this is great. :grin:

Author:  Coops [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

Mingebag7 wrote:
The heads are a little too big

Disagreed. Well, maybe the elite's is a tad too big..

Mingebag7 wrote:
the legs maybe too thin,

Agreed. More beastier legs do look better on them



Mingebag7 wrote:
but otherwise this is great. :grin:

Agreed, thank you.
ratatat11 wrote:
very nive idea to work on . You gotta make the strider

That would be near Impossible, I don't think I will take on this as Walk paths would be a ♥♥♥♥♥. Maybe a Hunter though.

Nonsequitorian wrote:
The guys are surprisingly tough, and the guns are pretty sorta balanced. The sprites are also really good. I notice that a guy with the pistol's arm sticks out in sharp aim sometimes.

The Combine are tough! Guns are rebalanced and the hip aim bug is fixed, I'll post a update here right now.

Thanks Guys.

Author:  unwoundpath [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

Omg... THANK YOU! I love this. (can you make a whole half life mod... that would be <3)
EDIT: Ask cave please. this would go better.

Author:  Corrupt [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

Awesome, also, a combine apc complete with rockets would be awesome (possibly an airboat w/ tau cannon for Hydro too...)

Author:  Poor mans sniper [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

Corrupt wrote:
Awesome, also, a combine apc complete with rockets would be awesome (possibly an airboat w/ tau cannon for Hydro too...)

The airboat had a MG.

Author:  Hobbesy [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

The shotgun ejects casings instead of shotgun shells, and the weapons can entire magazines of damage. Other than that though, this mod is pretty good.

Author:  Poor mans sniper [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

Hobbesy wrote:
and the weapons can entire magazines of damage.


Author:  Hobbesy [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Forces WIP* (24/11/10)

The guns don't break if they're shot at.

Author:  LeonXross [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Military Force (24/11/10)

Oh yea I just noticed this:

There are acid casings. Not super acid but still chewing through cement pretty easily.

And is there any chance of copying the secondary fire for the pulse rifle and the smg?

Is there also any chance of making a preset setting for the combine where you can edit the preset? And even making resistance forces?

And just for pure aesthetics, when you fly, the trail of the jetpack could be smaller. It just seems weird with a long trail.

Author:  Skull [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Military Force (24/11/10)

This is pure awsomeness. I'll DL once i'm back on my pc.

Author:  FoiL [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Military Force (24/11/10)

The sprites look pretty damn good. I do dislike the AR2, but It's understandable on such a small scale.

Author:  Natti [ Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Combine Military Force (24/11/10)

Oh my god, this mod wins on so many different levels. Thank you, Coops, for making it.

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