Data Realms Fan Forums

Extra Plants FIXED 30/06/2010
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Author:  Dylanhutch [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Extra Plants FIXED 30/06/2010




(Outdated... LOTS)
Will upload new one soon.

The best sprite:


This mod is finished, 23 sprites, But I will continue to update it. I am aiming for at least 40.
It is pretty much extra plants for mapping purposes.
It is totally unique since I have searched and no-one has made grass before.

Attachment: [21.88 KiB]
Downloaded 563 times

First version:
42 Dl's

Second Version:


You will have to edit a line in Base.rte/index.ini because the mod needs to start from Base.rte so that when it gets referenced by a map it will be already finished loading the mod.
The mod is extra grass, so it is an extra terrain debris and it needs to be referenced before the map.
It comes with a Readme, so DON'T FORGET!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes I thought it said "It comes with a Readme, so DON'T FAGOT!" too...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope you like it! :grin:

You don't like it... :(

Forgive me mods if this is supposed to be in mod-making.

Author:  Raven [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

...This mod is nearly finished, 19/23 sprites!
...It has 18 sprites so far...

Does that make sense? And will the grass be place able?

Author:  Dylanhutch [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

Sakiskid wrote:
...This mod is nearly finished, 19/23 sprites!
...It has 18 sprites so far...

Does that make sense? And will the grass be place able?

I meant to do that, and btw, thanks For contributing nothing to the topic.

Dylanhutch wrote: is an extra terrain debris...


Author:  Natti [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

18 or 19?

Author:  Dylanhutch [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|


EDIT: Can we PLEASE get back on-topic?


Author:  whitty [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

Yes they were. Now stay on topic good sir!

Author:  LeonXross [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

For some odd reason, everyone is into biobased weapons/mods these past few days...

So I remember those old tree mods...are you planning on expanding to other flora?

Author:  Nocifer [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

I didn't particularly feel like adding yet another .rte, but I liked these a lot, so I just spliced it into my Base.rte as Plant023-Plant044. Hope you don't mind.

Author:  FuzzyMelon [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

Plant 007 is a PNG, might have to be changed back to a BMP

Author:  akblabla [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

Woot these are awesome. I might use them for one of my missions if you give me permission of course.

Author:  Raven [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

thanks For contributing nothing to the topic.

No problem. And it really does look great.
    It is a new idea.
    It's not finished, but I think that will be done soon.
    Most of the grass is just resized and it is very pixelly.

Quick question, will you make more terrain eye candy after this mod?
I like to think of myself as an unofficial reviewer and/or rater.

Author:  gtaiiilc [ Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

:shock: this is useful as can be thanks! (think we could see some new rocks or other objects for underground next...maybe some new sources of income to mine? (Cortex Command uses oz thats not just gold :lol: )

Author:  Dylanhutch [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

whitty wrote:
Yes they were. Now stay on topic good sir!

That's still off-topic...

Nocifer wrote:
I didn't particularly feel like adding yet another .rte, but I liked these a lot, so I just spliced it into my Base.rte as Plant023-Plant044. Hope you don't mind.

Is alriagh.

LeonXross wrote:
For some odd reason, everyone is into biobased weapons/mods these past few days...

So I remember those old tree mods...are you planning on expanding to other flora?

Yes. In a few days maybe.
FuzzyMelon wrote:
Plant 007 is a PNG, might have to be changed back to a BMP

No, that is just for uploading purposes. It has the original in there.

akblabla wrote:
Woot these are awesome. I might use them for one of my missions if you give me permission of course.

Oh... Heeeeeeeellll Yeeeeeaaahh!
Loved your water btw.

Sakiskid wrote:
thanks For contributing nothing to the topic.

No problem. And it really does look great.
    It is a new idea.
    The spriting is awesome and fits into CC.
    It's not finished, but I think that will be done soon.

Quick question, will you make more terrain eye candy after this mod?
I like to think of myself as an unofficial reviewer and/or rater.

Yes, sure.
Quick question, will you make more terrain eye candy after this mod?

Yeah, I might, but it will be a lot harder than plants, rocks, well atleast they don't have shading! :D

gtaiiilc wrote:
:shock: this is useful as can be thanks! (think we could see some new rocks or other objects for underground next...maybe some new sources of income to mine? (Cortex Command uses oz thats not just gold :lol: )

Hmmm... Mabey

Sakiskid wrote:
I like to think of myself as an unofficial reviewer and/or rater.


Author:  Naxete [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|19/23 pieces|

Plants plants plants and more plants... now I remember why we created all those flamethrowers in past!
anyway, what about flora-life what slowly grows without eating my actors? I want some common seeds.

Author:  Dylanhutch [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: |Extra Plants|23 pieces|Update:29/06/2010

Ok I have finished, I have all 23 sprites, and, in my opinion, very good quality sprites.

I will continue though, I am aiming for 40, maybe a tree too...
Hope you like the update! And post feed-back, it's good to hear from people who like/dislike the mod, so I can change it and make it a lot better.

Naxete wrote:
...what about flora-life what slowly grows without eating my actors?...

No way man, I know nothing about lua. (Anyone?)

EDIT: Btw, the map comes with Plants, but they are called plants_dense2.

The file is corrupted I removed the map.



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