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Tiberium Mod
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Author:  Commodore111 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Tiberium Mod


Nearby actors get hurt and die rather quickly, causing little seeds to come out that turn into more tiberium.
Place the seed found in the tiberium section, or just place the crystal directly. You cannot place it in-game, but I might make a grenade later.

It will spread across the map given enough time. (And a suitable map like Horiz Land)
Uses lua, thanks to akblabla, since I learned from his code. (I did not copy it, just learned some stuff from it.)

First mod released, but any criticism is appreciated.

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Author:  Karion [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

the tiberium can be collected to get money? prolly you should make an actor with a special tool for that

Author:  Commodore111 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

I never actually got the point of having tiberium give you money in CnC. It is there to make everyone's lives miserable and to kill everyone, yet you can get rich by selling the stuff.

In the next version the AI will shoot it, right now the AI is just distracted when it sees the tiberium.

Planning to add visceroids and maybe mutants that infect people, and hunt other actors.

Author:  Ohm [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

This stuff COVERS flatzone. Awesome mod, would like to see it develop. A bomb, like you said, it a good idea in my opinion. Maybe you could make an opposite (health-giving)?

Author:  The Egotist [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

Yeah, it needs a grenade, and a harvesting option. The mutants and things are a really cool idea, and I'd like to see it, but I would much rather have the ability to bomb an enemy, then make gold off of their corpse.

Author:  Karion [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

just make a piece of rock with tiberium that fall from the sky (bassically a drop pod with tiberium crystals)

Author:  Ohm [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

A drop pod, OR, massively cool idea that would require some lua:

Mix two chemicals, maybe from a tool gun (concrete-sprayer type, or any other way, maybe a liquid bursting bomb) and when the two chemicals hit, tiberium pops out?

It is your mod though, so keep it how you like it.

Author:  Commodore111 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

New update in original post.

-AI now shoots at the tiberium.
-Ranged Digger-thing added to destroy the tiberium efficiently. I tried to make it only hurt tiberium but oh well.
-Try breaking the crystals. You. Can't. Kill this stuff.

Author:  Commodore111 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

Started working on a visceroid, it doesn't work right now though. I need to ask CaveCricket48 if I can use his Hunter Bot script.

Author:  HighEndNoob [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

Add in a dropship-like thing that has at least 3 sonic weapons(Sound is Tiberium's weakness) that costs 300 oz,but it harvest's the tib and gives you gold. The Tiberium harvester."Lets get to that tib zone!" GDI Harvester: C&C 3

Author:  Foa [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

The visceroids kill themselves.
The tiberium seedlings grow too fast. ( so fast that when you mow them down with a gatling, you end up making around a few hundred more seedling which then quickly grow to become ass rape adult tiberium plants )

Make the plants easier to kill off, when you do, you only make the multiply.

Author:  Commodore111 [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

The next version is a lot more balanced. It is just powerful enough that the AI can't handle it on hard, but you can take out large swaths of it with a hydra gunship.

I'll upload it right now.

EDIT: New version is out.
-Fixed Visceroids
-Visceroids spawn from tiberium crystals
-Tiberium is no longer pinned, so it will spread out more easily, resulting in less clutter.
-Visceroids lose effectiveness as you shoot them
-Tiberium crystals slowly replace the ground under them with green crystal things.

-Tiberium zombies, very deadly, hard to kill, give you a lot of money if you abduct them. (BTW tiberium crystals can be abducted too)
-Tiberium floaters
-Some kind of tiberium hive that digs underneath it, replacing the ground with tiberium crystals and maybe making more hives underground, and slowly causes tiberium to grow around it.

Author:  akblabla [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

I never actually got the point of having tiberium give you money in CnC. It is there to make everyone's lives miserable and to kill everyone, yet you can get rich by selling the stuff.

From what i've heard i think it is because it is made of some of the best materials you will find. If you split it you'll all sorts of good metals and you can also use it to create energy.

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

akblabla wrote:
I never actually got the point of having tiberium give you money in CnC. It is there to make everyone's lives miserable and to kill everyone, yet you can get rich by selling the stuff.

From what i've heard i think it is because it is made of some of the best materials you will find. If you split it you'll all sorts of good metals and you can also use it to create energy.

Actually, tiberium leeches minerals and metals from the soil, concentrating at the surface to form the bulk of tiberium crystals, thus the high mineral yield is where the money/resources comes from harvesting them (pushes nerdy glasses).

Anyway, I am very excited about tiberium in CC. Thank you.

Some suggestions would be making the glow of the tiberium less 'mechanical', like flash lights. A slow, lasting glow may be better. Also, I wonder if it works to give the visceroids irregular legs, like assymmetrical, to increase the 'meatball' look. Lastly, tiberium crystals need to be shinier, they're a bit dull right now.

I think the best way to harvest them in CC would be making them gib into collectable tiberium shards. Or use a special digger to destroy them if lua allows. Looking forward to the floaters and zombies.

Author:  BrainChild [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tiberium Mod

Very nice :grin:

this is like the most awesome first mod ever
You should make a huge tiberium crystal that spawns viceroids and lots of crystals , make it like the mother of tiberium

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