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Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1
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Author:  Areku [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1




Have you ever felt different from everyone else? Have you ever felt like you did not belong in today's modern society? Have you ever felt that everyone else is watching you and conspiring against you?

If so, you're weird and we can't help you.

But if you've ever felt like busting a hole the size of Texas through some poor sod's head with a gun as big as an albino moose, we've got just what you need!

Yes, the Waysider Technological Force is proud to present you with our special selection of custom revolvers, magnificently handcrafted by blind phylosophers in the depths of the tropical rainforest. They are, as seen from left to right on our catalogue picture:

1- The Retrovolver: An old-times classic. Six shots, full metal jacket, high precision.

2- The Shotvolver: Specially cast in an alloy of tytanium and unicorn horn, this beauty is guaranteed to horribly skewer whatever it hits in the most stylish manner imaginable. Just don't fire from too far away.

3- The Impactvolver: Because sometimes busting a hole through someone's head is just not enough, you have to send 'em flying too. Aim for the torso!

4- The Gatlingvolver: The name speaks for itself. Just make sure to read the included instructions set, to avoid... slightly unpleasant side effects.

Thank you for purchasing our fine selection of weaponry. Now, a small piece of advice:

In the end, there will be cake.


This is a joke mini-mod, so don't expect it to be balanced or reasonable. It was made to do exactly what the description says, bust holes the size of Texas through people's heads. So don't complain if it makes almost everything it hits explode in a cloud of blood and gore. 'Cause that's what it's supposed to do. :P

-Myself, Areku, for the coding.
-NaXx, for all of the spriting. Thanks a lot, dude! :wink:

And now, the mod itself:

WTFRevolvers.rte.rar [13.29 KiB]
Downloaded 908 times

Author:  Duh102 [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1

Areku wrote:
4- The Gatlingvolver

How does that even work...

Anyway, look like beauts, probably work like them too.

Author:  madmax [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1

Oh wow, these look and sound great. Definitely giving em a try.

Author:  LeonXross [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1

These are super special awesome shananigans

I love the gatlingvolver!

Author:  Naxete [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1


HOW HUGE! Those are really strong revolvers, judging by size I would call them "the west cannons"
Anyway, I love them, great work, friend :wink:

Author:  Nocifer [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1

Classy. Bloody classy.
Also, on a side note, nice avatar. Gunnerkrigg Court is awesome.

Author:  10050 [ Sat Jun 12, 2010 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1

Absurd and impractical, but awesome enough to make me not care. You sir have my download.

Edit: I just realized the Acronym, hilarious!

Review: They're fun to use. Only problem is with the shotvolver, you may want to consider increasing the effective range just a bit.

Author:  Ohm [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Waysider Technological Force revolvers V1

Woah. Way fun, holes the size of Texas is right. There are two things I feel could be improved. First, the retrovolver is based off of being very acccurate, but you can't aim out very far. Second, I know it's a revolver, but the gatlingvolver seems to being almost not worth if for only six shots per reload.

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