Data Realms Fan Forums

dxp's ModDump|Feature:[Dafred Cannon]LastUpdated:4/30/2010
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Author:  dragonxp [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  dxp's ModDump|Feature:[Dafred Cannon]LastUpdated:4/30/2010


All Content is Under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License

Things I make, not worth it's own thread, so it's super compiled here.


Ronin Cannonv1

Single Dafred Auto Cannon:


Omfg Haxx Version:

Warning: MOID limit reached often when using Haxx Version.
Dafred may turn on you.

File comment: Shoots Dafred
RoninCannonv1.rar [12.63 KiB]
Downloaded 487 times



Update!: New Sprites [mash up of Benpasko's take and CrazyMLC's!]
+ hidden Easter Egg


It's a dropship capable of hauling 6 actors and has 2 exits.
It significantly reduces the chance of squishing the cargo.

Comes with an escape pod for the robot piloting your delivery!
[Armed with a M16]

Known Issues:
- Sometimes pod must be forcefully gibbed by shooting it.
- Sometimes the robot gets killed when it leaves the escape pod.

Shears straight in half when gibbed!

[Now with prettier Effex!]


-dragonxp [Coding]
-Benpasko and CrazyMLC [Sprites]
-Manbearpig [idea]

Download the Aegis Dropship delivery code here:
File comment: Sprites + Easter Egg
Aegisv1.2.rar [160.6 KiB]
Downloaded 642 times

File comment: v1
Aegis.rte.rar [137.84 KiB]
Downloaded 336 times

File comment: New Effex and Antenna
Aegisv1.1.rar [139.34 KiB]
Downloaded 283 times


Old bunker found in base.rte with the sprite magnified by 2.


Good for a quick base.

File comment: OLD BUNKER PIECE
OldBunker.rte.rar [8.64 KiB]
Downloaded 375 times


Koopa Troopasv 1.1

The basic soldiers of Bowser's employment, cheap and unreliable soldiers sent to the world of CC to get Bowser some gold.
Image Image

Update!: Iggy and Weapons.
Hammer Bros. Hammer:

Wizard Koopa Wand:

Iggy: Stronger then normal Koopas, Weakest Koopa Kid.

In the building menu it is found under koopas.
Beware, these things are extremely fragile, their shells offer protection.
And yes, jumping on top of them more then often squishes them.

Para Troopas Included.

So here is the download:
File comment: Koopa Troopa.
Iggy plus weps, [Newest]

Koopa Troopav1.1.rar [781.14 KiB]
Downloaded 621 times

File comment: Download o_0
Koopa Troopa.rte.rar [709.96 KiB]
Downloaded 429 times

The Predecessor of X2 Tech is just Technologies.


MC6 Entry, I thought i resubmitted, but the PM wasn't successful or something.

Anyways, I was hoping to win by using animation, but, i guess it wasn't a great eye catcher, non-the less I got one vote. :P


In order from left to right: [FunFact: was even made in this order.]
1. Artillery Tank, Costs 600
2. Assault Tank, Costs 300
3. Scout tank, Costs 100
4. Laser Tank, Costs 400
5. Digger Tank, Costs 200

File comment: Yeah, do whatever you want with it.
Technologies.rte.rar [203.34 KiB]
Downloaded 628 times

And Last, a simple scene, a small desert, nothing special.
Useful to see flaws in walkpaths. Small deposits of gold with solid gold chunk under bedrock.

File comment: Horrible Compression, stupid paint.
Deserts.png [ 7.4 KiB | Viewed 15360 times ]

Appears in-game skirmish menu as "desert"

File comment: Bad-average scene.
Desert123.rte.rar [74.53 KiB]
Downloaded 438 times

Comments for any of these are GREATLY appreciated.

Author:  CCnewplayer [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

hmm looks interesting, I know about his koopa Troopas a long time ago, but scenes of sand are difficult to find

Author:  Joesycop [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

Koopas are very nice, I had seen them before but like them still. You should make them a bit more protected and make the shell an attachable.

EDIT: Yah sand does wear away quickly but sand maps are funner because you can fall alot more without getting hurt. If you still have the ballistic weapons mod, from numgum i think, it has alot of sand maps.

Author:  411570N3 [ Sat Mar 27, 2010 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

CCnewplayer wrote:
scenes of sand are difficult to find
That's because a lot of the time the sand wears away very quickly.

Author:  dragonxp [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

Oh come on guys,
No critique?
Not even a balant flame on how bad something is?

Author:  Joesycop [ Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

Well i haven't tested this map but the little picture makes it look horrible. Could you post an actual screenshot.
Couple things i would change if i were you :
1. Make the koopa's shell an attachable, like armor, if it isn't already.
2. Make the koopa wing animation like 1-3 frames better.

Author:  unwoundpath [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

looks nice testing and editing when done testing.

EDIT: i played it and the tech is just to powerful, i used one of the best diggers i could find on cc and it took forever to die, the dessert sceen i really like and how stratagic you have to be to make a nice base. the koopas are... well just that, koopas and easy to kill at a low cost, the flying ones have good wing animation, and over all i like these mods. good work :)

Author:  dragonxp [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

Joesycop wrote:
Couple things i would change if i were you :
1. Make the koopa's shell an attachable, like armor, if it isn't already.
2. Make the koopa wing animation like 1-3 frames better.

If you have ever played SMB, then you would know the following:
1. Koopa's shells do come off, however, if i were to simulate the effect, I would need to switch the actor to a tiny crawling naked turtle, which has no arms.
2. Para Troopa's wing animations only have 2 frames.

Author:  ToastyGuise [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump

dragonxp wrote:
Joesycop wrote:
Couple things i would change if i were you :
1. Make the koopa's shell an attachable, like armor, if it isn't already.
2. Make the koopa wing animation like 1-3 frames better.

If you have ever played SMB, then you would know the following:
1. Koopa's shells do come off, however, if i were to simulate the effect, I would need to switch the actor to a tiny crawling naked turtle, which has no arms.

Super Mario 64 anyone?

Author:  Lizardheim [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump [Koopas, Technologies, Desert Scene]

It's actually in every game with koopas :/

Author:  Duh102 [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump [Koopas, Technologies, Desert Scene]

Why don't you make the shell an attachable with low jointstrength?

Author:  dragonxp [ Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump [Koopas, Technologies, Desert Scene]

But i don't have a sprite for a naked koopa,
cause there isn't any. :-(

Edit: I've been palleting these sprites:
Also, I plan on making some of the koopa kids and bowser's smiley flying thing.
No mario though.

Author:  unwoundpath [ Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump [Koopas, Technologies, Desert Scene]

dragonxp wrote:
But i don't have a sprite for a naked koopa,
cause there isn't any. :-(

Edit: I've been palleting these sprites:
Also, I plan on making some of the koopa kids and bowser's smiley flying thing.
No mario though.

the koopa kids would be good leaders and command the other koopas too. they could be tought and could you make them have SOME armor on there fronts to help with assalts. (sorry for bad english)

Author:  dragonxp [ Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump [Koopas, Technologies, Desert Scene]

I'll just make their wounds hurt less. :P

Author:  unwoundpath [ Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dragonxp's Mod Dump [Koopas, Technologies, Desert Scene]

dragonxp wrote:
I'll just make their wounds hurt less. :P

um... that would work too...

(sorry about being a noob)

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