Data Realms Fan Forums

Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set
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Author:  DrRibbones [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

Greetings all;

Thanks for checking out my first, very mediocre, mod release.
I thought It would be prudent to lower my ambitions for my first release. That way I'll have time to chill, receive input and learn some more Lua.
Without further ado, I am proud to present the Dark-Matter Devices Dynamic Deployment:


Featuring adaptations of your favorite battlefield playthings:
- Negativity Rifle : The long-ranged sniper rifle that creates a pretty rebound effect on impact.
- Negativity Blaster : The basic assault SubMachineGun that is capable of dealing immense damage at a low to moderate range.
- Negativity Charge Deployer : The Grenade Launcher that fires 'bursts' of grenades, allowing you to carpet a small area of ground with delayed death.
- Negativity Missile Launcher : The high-powered Rocket Launcher that carves a path of destruction through the area behind the impact point.
- Negativity Welder : The multi-purpose weapon that is capable of forming a barrier, cutting through terrain or decimating actors and craft.
- Negativity Shredder : The actor-slaughtering weapon that launches metal blades at stupendous velocities, either sending the target flying, or just obliterating them.

- Compressed Napalm Grenade : A standard 'detonate-on-impact' grenade that sprays burning oil in the area that lingers for several seconds.
- Delayed Reaction Dark-Matter Grenade : A variation upon the Charge Deployer's ammunition, modified for increased capacity for carrying and carnage.
- Infected Mushroom : Hand-picked at great risk from the swamps of a tiny planet on the edge of the galaxy, they release a cloud of corrosive spores in a large area.


And that's it. I hope at least a slight amount of interest has been piqued.
I hope this slightly meets the expectations of a certain someone in that it is 'an influx of fun, if small, mods instead of occasional pulses of the modding equivalent of platinum.' If the reception is kind, I'll aim to produce more. Either way, criticism or comments are much appreciated.
Thankyou once again.

-Dr Ribbones.

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Author:  Flammablezombie [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

Sprites look good. It's not that bad. First mods aren't always nasty, then!

Author:  dragonxp [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

nice, but i think its his first RELEASE not his first ever mod.

Edit: hehe i ninja'd someone! :lol:

Author:  ZevN47 [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

... I think he said "first released mod"

Edit: Wow ninja'd

Anywho: good mod I like the glow effects and might just have to shamelessly "Borrow" them also what does the welder do? I couldn't get it to hurt anything or DO anything

Author:  Mr p0kets [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

sprites are nice, but you should release an actor with the same color scheme: blacks and reds and grays.

Author:  mrsico [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

Haven't tested yet, but Congrats, it looks good! But, can you post your mods in .RAR format? That way the tutorials work and Newbies can enjoy your work too!

Author:  Duh102 [ Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

.rar and .zip are functionally the same thing for something so simple as installation.

Author:  ZevN47 [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

If you have winrar you can open .rar and .zip... the same way I think

Author:  dragonxp [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

Also, all windows already can open zips.

Author:  DrRibbones [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dark-Matter Devices : Small Weapons Set

ZevN47 wrote:
What does the welder do? I couldn't get it to hurt anything or DO anything

Sorry about that! It was originally meant to be a different version of a Flamer, but if the particles had higher sharpness or mass it just caused way too much terrain damage. It's really not a long-ranged weapon, think of it more of a close to medium ranged weapon for taking out actors, or spraying in the air towards incoming aircraft or bombs to create a barrier that damages them if they fly through it. The best example I can give is in the Zombie Cave level. Grab the welder, approach a zombie with a Blue Bomb and spray it in the air towards them as they throw. Even if the particles don't kill them, the bomb exploding once it reaches the barrier in front of them should.

Apart from that, thank you all for the kind reception. I think I may end up creating several basic actors and crafts within a week or so as I'm on holidays right now.
I just aimed to create something a bit different, so I experimented with putting negatives in places they probably shouldn't go, which is where I got the concept for all this.

Look at me, talking like I've created a masterpiece not 5 clumps of pixels on a screen.
Thanks once again, you honor me!

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