GMod Tools (WIP) *Update(1-24-10) 6 New Tools
Note the "WIP." This currently has 12 tools in the Tool Gun plus a Phys Gun if you don't want to download my gravity guns. Feel free to suggest any new tool ideas.
Current Tools:
1. Cloner - Clones stuff.
2. Cloner Pinned - Clones stuff and pins them on creation.
3. Remover - Removes stuff.
-New- 4. Welder - Attaches 2 objects together.
-New- 5. Weld Remover - Removes all welds on an object.
-New- 6. Balloon Tool - Attaches balloons to objects.
-New- 7. Thruster Tool = Attaches thrusters to objects.
8. Emitter Controller - Toggles an emitter's emission.
9. Device Controller - Operates HDFirearms and TDExplosives.
10. Actor Controller - Switches your control to the selected actor.
-New- 11. Health Controller - Adds or subtracts an actor's health.
-New- 12. Object Spawner - Opens up the build menu.
Press Fire to start the Tool Gun and bring up a cursor.
Up/Down/Left/Right or Mouse - move cursor.
Fire - Primary tool function.
Crouch - Secondary tool function.
Jump - Bring up mini-menu.
Jump + Left/Right - Swtich tools.
Tool Controls are listed in while using the tool.
Change Log:
- Added Welder
- Added Weld Remover
- Added Balloon Tool
- Added Thruster Tool
- Added Health Controller
- Added Object Spawner