Well, this is my first mod, but hopefully I'll be able to surpass the expectations for a first mod.
My goal with this mod was to create some median between great looking weapons and extremely realistic weapons, which I think I did. I also put in some actors, just cause I felt it needed them.
But now, for some made up backstory....
When the Coalition began exploration of space, there were two munitions companies facing off to be picked as the Coalition supplier. One was Zeffram Manufacturing, a company focusing on utilizing cutting edge technology to produce the deadliest weapons possible. The other, not named for security reasons, focused on loud noises, big explosions, and sticking to old gun principles. The second won the contest, merely because it was easier for the leaders of the Coalition to make sense of.
While the Coalition went off to do its thing, the Zeffram Munitions Company (Now, Zeffram Manufacturing) nursed its wounds and continued what it had always done-
- Produce elegant and yet simple weaponry. As seen below, Zeffram Manufacturing offers a wide variety of weapons to fit any situation.

ZM7 - The ZM7 is a lightweight, compact machine pistol, with either semi or fully automatic fire.
Clipsize : 20
Ammo Type : Plasma

ZM15 - The ZM15 is a compact, but still heavy, gatling gun, fed from a top mounted magazine.
Clipsize : 75
Ammo Type : Plasma

ZM16 - A classic remade, the ZM16 followed the basic model of the Colt M16. It has been upgraded with a larger clip, plasma based ammo, and a modified M203 grenade launcher mounted on the bottom.
Clipsize : 35/1
Ammo Type : Plasma/Grenade

ZM20 - The ZM20 is a semi-automatic double barreled shotgun. The primary barrel is loaded with a fragmenting shot, the second with a piercing slug.
Clipsize : 4/1
Ammo Type : Shot/Slug

ZM24 - A hybrid between an assault rifle and a flamethrower, the ZM24 is fed from a magazine instead of a canister. The napalm in the canister either flows straight out and is ignited or fills a compact grenade, launched when in secondary mode.
Clipsize : 50/1
Ammo Type : Napalm (Streamed)/Napalm Grenade

ZM25 - A mod of the ZM24, the ZM25 features the same napalm magazine, but also a pressurizing chamber in which the napalm is compressed. It is then launched in a single burst, igniting all of it at once in a deadly fireball.
Clipsize : 4
Ammo Type : Napalm (Burst)
(Sorry, forgot image.)
ZM36 - A dual-wieldable SMG, loaded with plasma rounds.
Clipsize : 30
Ammo Type : Plasma

ZM44 - A sized down assault rifle loaded with SMG plasma rounds and a small grenade launcher.
Clipsize : 30/1
Ammo Type : Plasma/Grenade
ZM55 - A simple plasmite timed grenade - sold by the case.
Timer : 3 seconds
ZM82 - A plasmite grenade designed to explode on contact - sold by the case.
ZM90 - A heavy plasmite charge intended to be detonated by use of a remote detonator - sold one at a time.

ZM97 - A homing missile launcher, designed to fire two compact plasmite rockets at once.
Clipsize : 1
Ammo Type : Plasmite Guided Rockets

ZM99 - A high powered railgun based rifle, it accelerates plasmite charges to extreme speeds, allowing it to penetrate almost all armor and obliterate light armor.
Clipsize : 5
Ammo Type : Plasmite Charges

ZM101 - An assault rifle designed to fire either standard plasma rounds or armor piercing rounds.
Clipsize : 30/5
Ammo Type : Plasma/Conventional Armor Piercing rounds
TO USE FIRING MODES: when you have the weapon selected, open the pie menu and select "Gold Dig AI Mode". If the weapon switches, just scroll until you find it.
Zeffram Manufacturing also employs basic clones and mechanical units.

Invader - The Standard light infantry of Zeffram Manufacturing. They are equipped with minor cybernetic implants to increase performance. In case of severe head trauma, the unit will explode to prevent salvage.

Enforcer - A heavier, better armored version of the Invader. Also equipped with explosives to prevent salvage.

Destroyer - A heavily armored crab-walking tank, piloted by an Invader.
V1 - Release
V1.1 - Introduced dual firing modes on most weapons. DOES NOT WORK ON MAC.
V1.2 - Added a bit more content, got sprite for soldiers (courtesy of DSMK2), and made a few more weapon sprites.
Dr Victory (for Coalition Dreadnought sprite sheet)
MacAnkka (for recoil affected aiming code)
p3lb0x (for a few sprites [found in sprite dump] and original plasma ammo)
Gotcha! (for sprites and code from UniTec)
CaveCricket (for original dual firing mode script/template)
Blaze200038 [me] (for respriting, a large amount of ini coding and a bit of lua coding)
DSMK2 (For soldier sprites)
Please give constructive criticism, post bugs, et cetera.
--Known bugs, or things I just plan to change--
-Make Enforcer arms stronger - DONE
-Introduce duel firing modes to 90% of weapons (original plan, lua bloke on me) - DONE
-Get firing modes to work on Mac - 0%
-Make (by myself or with an artist) original unit sprites - 15%
-Make original craft, including:
--A dropcrate - 0%
--A dropship - 0%
--A troop rocket - 0%
--An attack rocket - 0%
--An attack gunboat - 0%
NOTE: There is one download, containing two rtes. The scenes in one are disabled due to dependency on Map Pack Three, available here:
http://forums.datarealms.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12224All the scenes really have is two bases, though I think they're pretty well done.
Blah, external download cause its too big.
http://www.mediafire.com/?kndoinv1zzvReleased under Creative Commons license
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/If anyone running Mac cares to take a look at the Lua files for the weapon switching and fix them to not crash on Mac and tell me how, I'd be most appreciative and will give you the credit for the fix.