AR2 Pulse Rifle/Hunter Flechette Gun*Update(2-12-10) Fixed
Standard weapon for Combine soldiers in Half-Life 2. This high-tech device has 2 firing modes: Normal
bullet plasma sprayer, and alt fire energy ball launching mode. To toggle between the two modes, open up your Pie Menu and select the Gold Dig AI Mode.
Normal mode, where the plasma bolts are fired from the top barrel:
Alt fire mode, with energy balls coming out of the bottom barrel which disintegrates targets:
Note the red indicator light on the botton barrel, signalling that alt mode is on.
Weapon 2: Hunter Pulse Rifle
A modified Pulse rifle with explosive Flechettes for the Alt Fire that detonate after a set time. Contains 8 flechettes per mag.
*outdated gif, stickiness is better in-gameNote to modders: Feel free to use any part of this script for your own mods, private or public. If you want to make mode switching weapons, you can use
-Mac compatable for sure
-Fixed switching scripts and flechette scripts to reduce crashing for mac users
-Improved energy ball script
-Flechettes have better sticking and will better rotate correctly with their targets
-Increased durability all both devices
-The game shouldn't crash when either Pulse Rifle is destroyed
-Changed many sounds
-Sprite tweaks to H-Pulse Rifle
-Re-sprited flechettes
-Flechettes have a pre-detonation sound
-Energy Ball has a bounce sound
-Energy Ball can now accurately hit large objects such as crafts
-The Overwatch Pulse Rifle has a charge-up time when in Alt-Fire mode
-Added the "Hunter Pulse Rifle," an AR2 with flechettes for the alt fire
-Fixed the bug where the gun would switch modes when you didn't have it out
-Sprite tweaks
-Energy ball now has a constant velocity
(10-18-09) Again
-Changed ball sprites
-Enemies emit particles while disintegrating
-Disintegrating sound plays when enemies are struck
-Switching weapon modes is super-reliable, no more jams
-Added a blue muzzle-flash glow on the standard weapon mode
-AR2 wouldn't work when bought in bunker build menu, now it does
Duh102 - Flechette explosion glow
CaveCricket48 - Spriting, Lua scripting, coding
Valve - sounds