Re: TF2 Spy Disguise Kit!!! V0.5
Like everyone else has said, amazing mod. With the B22 Portal gun map and the many semi-HL2 based gravity guns out there we've almost got the entire Orange Box covered
About how to make animated .gifs I'll try to explain in a few words. Bear with me, I'm not that good at explaining. Also, sorry if it sounds like I think you're an idiot, I really don't
First, to create the sequence of pictures you want to use, simply hold the Print Screen button down for the entirety of the clip. This will severely limit your control as the game lags extremely, so make sure you have everything set up before you start. These pictures will be saved as .bmps called screendump xxx in your main CC directory.
Next you need a program to convert the pictures into an animated .gif. I'd suggest VirtualDub (just google it), for being very small, quick and completely free while still having everything you usually need (it can also make .avi clips). Once you've got the program installed and opened, just choose to open the first screendump in the sequence, the program will then read all dumps with a higher number than the one you chose. If you don't want all frames in your .gif (if you made many consecutive animations) just play the animation up to the point where you want it to end and crop it there. There are resizing tools as well, although I can't check where they are at this computer (I think they're in the filtering menu).
Once you're content with the clip you've got, just click the file menu and choose to export as an animated .gif. It usually takes some time to finish this, and it's a good idea to move the gif to another directory and play view it from there afterwards to verify that everything worked as it should (sometimes the .gif only saves as a reference to the original pictures).
Hopefully this helps, I expect you don't need any help with how to upload and display your animations right?
EDIT: Sorry, I checked up on VirtualDub again (haven't used it in a while) and I can't find the crop function anymore. It's possible to resize the image, but that only shrinks the image and doesn't cut out the areas you don't want. I know GameMaker can do that, but that's slightly more complicated to use and I don't remember how to do it currently. I know The Punisher made a nice tutorial a
long time ago, will try to find a link to that.
EDIT AGAIN (I don't want to double-post). Ok, here's the working way to do it with Game Maker (free version).
Click the "resources" tab and choose Create Sprite.
Click Load Sprite and then select ALL pictures you want to use. This will probably take a long time to load during which the program will stand as "not responding", don't worry about that.
Click Edit Sprite, then under the Transform tab you choose to Resize Canvas. You might have to resize it a few times as you can't choose how much to cut from each side, but it shouldn't be too hard.
After saving this you should have a working, but non-looping .gif. To fix this, download
Microsoft GIF Animator (no installation required).
Load the gif into this program, go into the Animation tab, set to loop and tick the box loop forever.
Save again and you're done.