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Vash actor and AGL Long Colt
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Author:  irregular9 [ Wed May 06, 2009 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

It replaces the first ronin soldier by Vash from the anime Trigun, also replaces the desert eagle by the long colt, the name is not changed anyway but, it's a work in progress, it needs some minor fixes to change the name and fix the weapon balance, but well... its a work in progress. I'll update this actor soon.


Ok. I replaced the legs, head and fixed the body a little. i hope you like it, please comment, so i can make it better and better.

Yes, I added the AGL Arms Long Colt .44 too and make the mod a complete new .rte also, the weapons are in the shield category, so you can hold both weapons at the same time or combine the guns with some other guns, I'm planing to make a biggest trigun mod, instead of a trigun mod.

File comment: This is the firs version, you dont need to download it but.. if you want to chose this instead of the new one you are free to do it
Vash.rar [86.31 KiB]
Downloaded 557 times
File comment: Version 1.5 or something like that :P
VashMod.rar [95.06 KiB]
Downloaded 518 times
File comment: The last version, recommended, lets call it, 2.0 or last version or newer or wathever you want :P
VashMod2.rte.rar [1.5 MiB]
Downloaded 1179 times

Author:  The Fat Sand Rat [ Wed May 06, 2009 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

Use the templates to make this in a separate .rte. No one likes to modify the core files much, unless it's das uberawesomeleetsauce.
Doesn't look awful, but could use a little shading, and perhaps something more different from a basic Ronin; at least flashy eye candy like Whitty's stuff.

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed May 06, 2009 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
No one likes to modify the core files much

Also against the rules. Looks good though.

Author:  irregular9 [ Wed May 06, 2009 12:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

The Fat Sand Rat wrote:
Use the templates to make this in a separate .rte. No one likes to modify the core files much, unless it's das uberawesomeleetsauce.
Doesn't look awful, but could use a little shading, and perhaps something more different from a basic Ronin; at least flashy eye candy like Whitty's stuff.

Man, i liked your comment. I don't like to modify the core files too, but, this is my first try to modify this game, so, im learning in the process. I dont know anything about using shading but, if you can give me a little tip, I'll be thankfull. So, when I get experimented here, I'll update this actor. So, thanks for your comment. Really

Author:  dapaperboy [ Wed May 06, 2009 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

you should post your first mods (1-10 usually) in mod making but this is a good mod for a new modder. you *kind of* seem to know what your doing here unlike people who just make a black rectangle with another rectangle coming from the bottom and calling it a mod.

offtopic: woot 400th post!

Author:  Woose1 [ Wed May 06, 2009 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

Shading is taking a block of one color and putting different shades of that color (Grey to black) on it to make it seem more... real.

Author:  Exalion [ Wed May 06, 2009 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

and you need to do it to his high collar (does that deflect bullets?)

Author:  irregular9 [ Thu May 07, 2009 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

About the shading: Yes, you are right, but, i did the sprites with paint :P and it's a little annoying to select diffrents colors. I'll try to get my work better and better, but im not so good drowing :P the face was very dificult to make.

Exalion wrote:
and you need to do it to his high collar (does that deflect bullets?)

Deflect the bullets?

Author:  Geti [ Thu May 07, 2009 5:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

most people here use paint to do their sprites, so it doesnt count as an excuse.
you will get better though, with time. the body looks pretty good, its just the head and collar that need a bit of work, as well as shading everything. heres a tip for spriting in paint: put the sprites you're working on in a new image, and fill the rest in with purple. now, pull in the CC palette from base.rte/palette.bmp, and place that in the corner of the image. try to grab different shades of the colours that you think would work well for the weapon and create sub-palettes of them, with the smallest square of the brush tool.
heres an example, with the palettes outlined in black and the sprite off to one side.

File comment: my "AF-AWP" sniper rifle and associated sub-palettes.
Example.bmp [2.62 KiB]
Downloaded 34 times

Author:  irregular9 [ Thu May 07, 2009 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

You are right, i use to put the colors i want to use in a bigger window and make the figure there, then i copy and past in the final file :P
It's about practice, I'll get better with the time, i have a lot to lear, and im doing my best hehe, its true that this sprite looks some caricature but ill work on it, thanks, i love to read good critics.

Also, how can i do to make the front leg behind the body? because as you see, the body is the coat. so, the front leg must be down the coat, but i cant figure how to do it, i saw that command "DrawAfterParent =" but i cant make it work

Author:  novodantis [ Thu May 07, 2009 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

Geti wrote:
most people here use paint to do their sprites, so it doesnt count as an excuse.

Man, really? Forget that noise! I've been using Photoshop and PSP7. I got other stuff I want to have time to do before I die :D

EDIT: haha, sorry; on topic, I like where this is going. CC needs a healthy dose of Vash the Stampede.

Author:  Flammablezombie [ Thu May 07, 2009 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

How do you use photoshop to sprite? For a start, where is the tool to cover the background pink?

Author:  capnbubs [ Thu May 07, 2009 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

Flammablezombie wrote:
How do you use photoshop to sprite? For a start, where is the tool to cover the background pink?

Pencil tool?

I use photoshop for all my spriting.

I like the character design, the pose is perfect Vash :)

Author:  Flammablezombie [ Thu May 07, 2009 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

So the pencil tool is 1 pixel wide, and you just zoom in? Is that it?

Author:  novodantis [ Thu May 07, 2009 11:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vash actor and AGL Long Colt

capnbubs wrote:
Pencil tool?

I use photoshop for all my spriting.

Dude... you would not believe how long it took me to figure that out. I spent ages trying to google how to turn off anti-alias on a 1px brush, then finally remembered the damn thing. *is a dork*

I still like PSP7 as a middleman, mind. It's so old, it MUST be free by now surely. And the old-skool is actually an advantage for CC because everything is a little more Ye Olde Pixel Art and you have better low-level control over palette, colour depth and the like.

Overall point being, I recommend to irregular9 a better drawing program at some point, even CC sprites will benefit from it (particularly if you're wanting to improve shading). I hear GIMP is the bees knees, should the above not be ideal for you.

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