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Lua Guns - last update: 31.08.09
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Author:  piipu [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Lua Guns - last update: 31.08.09

Multi-Purpose Drone: A tiny, useful drone that can do all the boring and tedious chores you can imagine. Ordered via the buy menu, it comes with whatever is loaded in it's inventory. It has a few tools in the Tools section of the buy menu.
Big credits to Roon3 and Kyred for the grapple gun I used to make the transport hook for this, and The Decaying Soldat for the idea for the drone. Credits to Stophe for a little code edit for the grapple gun which I used too.

Vortex Gun: Creates a temporary strong gravity field that sucks in enemy actors and particles. Leaves player actors unharmed. This can get pretty laggy if a lot of enemies get sucked into it.

LRM-Launcher: Shoots a homing missile with a camera and a remote control module, allowing it to be manually steered in the air. Controls: Up adds speed, Down reduces speed, Left turns left, Right turns right, if mousecontrolling, pie menu toggles autopilot, if on keyboard, sharpaim toggles autopilot.

Swarmer: Launches a large number of homing minimissiles

Vortex Missile: Vortex generator mounted in a homing missile. Causes anything close by implode when the missile goes off.

Gun Drones: These drones are little drop ships fitted with a small turret underneath them. The combat variant has a revolver cannon, a chaingun and a missile launcher. The support drone has a digger, a healer device and a sniper rifle.

Teleport nade launcher: Fires a teleportation grenade which teleports the user to it's location. Activates when the second shot is fired.

Instagib Pistol: Shoots homing bullets that completely and utterly destroy anything they hit.

Force Pistol: A modification of the instagib pistol, this shoots bullets that push anything they hit with extra force.

Force shield deployer: A single-use device which creates a regenerating, protective force field around the user.

Reflector shield deployer: Creates a force field which reflects any bullets back at the people who shot them.

Quantum shield deployer: A force field, which randomly teleports any actors and bullets moving towards the shooter, is generated around the user.

Stinger cannon: Shoots small, sticky explosive devices that blow up 5 seconds after attaching.

Harpoon gun with physics: A harpoon gun that shoots big, sharp harpoons that stick to people and drain their hp. Originally made by numgun, I just added physics to the .lua.

Miner: This handy little device deploys invisible mines that jump in the air and detonate whenever someone comes close. Ignores friendlies.

File comment: Missiley update
luaguns.rte.rar [456.71 KiB]
Downloaded 2734 times

Author:  shadow [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Looks awesome. This will be extra awesome when B23 comes out. If I can play it before I leave.

Author:  Bladecat4 [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Epic. Tell me when the next one is ready.

Author:  Control [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

      Path = Marshians.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp

Cannot find.

I wonder if you people test these things before commenting.

EDIT: Is pretty cool, though. Lags terribly when you get more than one person in the vortex, though.

Author:  shadow [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Worked for me. That's weird.

Author:  war_man333 [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Control wrote:
      Path = Marshians.rte/ModuleIcon.bmp

Cannot find.

I wonder if you people test these things before commenting.

Well, not everyone does.

Author:  piipu [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Okay, fixed that. The problem was I ripped the Index.ini from my marshians and forgot the moduleicon there. Also added the Seeker Cannon. Also also, to use the guns in any lua scene, just copypaste the for vortex in MovableMan.Particles codeblock to the scene's .lua file.

Author:  Batux1995 [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

I love gravity guns...............

Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

RTE Aborted.

Abortion in file.\system\contentFile.cpp Line 549 Because: Failed to load datafile Object with the folowing path and name: Marshians.rte/guns/railA

Author:  Bladecat4 [ Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Oh for gods sake...

Author:  Miles_T3hR4t [ Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Bladecat4 wrote:
Oh for gods sake...

It's not the index thats the problem for me, its in some random file and I dont know which one. its NOT index.ini.

Author:  meta [ Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

it's in the file for the seeker gun, under "AddAmmo"

Author:  piipu [ Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Okay, fixed really this time.

Author:  The Decaying Soldat [ Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Isn't there a gravity gun in the Solace .Inc mod? How is this different to that?

Author:  leadpumper12 [ Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gravity guns WIP

Because this gravity gun isn't a part of the Solace mod

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