SRC Everything - Updated 3/2/08 [B21/B22]
SRC Everything - Last update 3/2/08 [Build 22]
All mods are in a folder containing all the different .rte's.
DarkTrooperThis is the Special Ops trooper from SRC. Designed to be invincible (but is far from it), this is the preferred unit for intense battles.
Inside: darktrooper.rte
Made by Whitty
GT-01This is the standard ground trooper from SRC. Best used when attacking in groups.
Inside: SRCGT.rte
Made by Whitty
Miner CloneThis is the only miner avaliable from SRC. Outfitted with a powerful jetpack and his digger, he is used to mine a large amount of fast gold.
Inside: miner.rte
Made by Whitty
RP-88This is one of the assualt robots from SRC. With tough armour and a powerful machine gun, this is a formiddable oppenent.
Inside: RP-88.rte
Made by Whitty, based off concept drawing by Jox =3
Guard BotThis robot is the standard issue guard from SRC. Very effective at guarding bases when used in pairs.
Inside: SRCGB.rte
Made by Whitty
WBT-01The first of the WhiteBot Assualt Series from SRC. This robot is designed to take many hits. This is the weakest of the series.
Inside: SRCWBS.rte
Made by Whitty
WBT-02The second of the WhiteBot Assualt Series from SRC. This robot is stronger than the WBT-01 and take more hits to down.
Inside: SRCWBS.rte
Made by Whitty
WTB-E1The last of the WhiteBot Assualt Series from SRC, this robot is designed to rush deep into enemey territory. This robot takes a lot to destroy.
Inside: SRCWBS.rte
Made by Whitty
SRC Radiation TrooperThis is a special ops trooper from SRC. Built for radiation mastery, you get a strong soldier for the right price.
Inside: Radiation Trooper.rte
Made by Whitty
Suicide DroneWatch out! after 60 seconds, this actor explodes. There are two versions, one with a big bang, and one with a smalled one.
Inside: SuicideDrone.rte
Made by Whitty
LDEThis is the LDE, or Lightning Defence Emplacement. This is used to defend a large area needed to hold down a battle for a win.
Inside: SRCLDE.rte
Made by Metal Chao
HAAUThe HAAU, or Heavy Air Assualt Unit, Is a very heavy robot with spikes in his "foot". Now much more effective with the "body slam" feature.
Inside: SRCCAU
Made by Metal Chao
A-SRC RocketThis is the standard issue rocket from SRC. Just like a normal rocket, except completely different.
Inside: A-SRC Rocket.rte
Made by Whitty
Bomb RunnerThe Bomb Runner was designed to deliver troops into the heat of battle and drop bombs on unsuspecting foes.
Inside: SRCBR.rte
Made by Whitty, external armour sprites made and attatched by Metal Chao
Build 18 and down Weapons (all converted):Beam Blaster 2.0 - Build 14
Needler V1.1 - Build 14
Dynamite - Build 14
U.B.E.R. - Build 15/16
Bio Bomb - Build 18
RL- NU - Build 19
Inside: beamblaster.rte
All made by Whitty