Re: [WIP] DSTech Corp (UPDATED: 5/22/09)
Bloody hell, this mod has really advanced since the last time I played it.
It does however have lots of small bugs and things undone:
-Descriptions lacking on various items
-Some weapons abuse glows to an extent that it slows down the game considerably, mainly the flamer and plasma cannon. But damn, they look amazing.
-Teleport eats terrain quite easily and with rapid teleport orders, you can dig all the way to china with great efficiency.
-Jet sounds on ferratus sound too loud and kinda nasty.
-Jet effects are godlike.
-In bunker building, DS makes alot of categories. Consider removing some categories and merging stuff like the robots to be in the "Actors" group only.
-I think I saw a "dummy parts" category appear with the mod. Remove that, since theres no use with it.
-Drone hive drones not destroyable, I tried shooting them with laser, but it seems they are immortal, it would be cool if you could fight them off. Making them move much slower would be also really good and give a fighting chance for the ones that encounter the hive.
-MRL might be better if you reduced the amount of particles by 10-20% and added an explosion glow to the middle.
-Maybe make robots gib if their HP goes below 1? Would be cool if they are shot and they go 0 hp and then explode.
-robot gibs could look better with more fire effects. Or if not fire, then some energy explosions to make their deaths look impressive.
-I love the new laser weapons and the new force looks so BADASS. : 3
-New robots look really good. I really like the new legs, very good looking.
-Revolver cannon might look better if it shot larger slugs and at a faster rate and had 6 shots and a small reload in between and some more fiery and more dramatic and larger explosion.
-The ceiling brain seems to have slightly buggy horizontal offset, try making half pixel offset coordinates for it so it wouldnt twitch at all. Right now if you observe real hard, you'll notice it keeps flipping out by a pixel or so.
-MRL keeps getting better. It starts to feel like the missiles in armored core.
Very cool.
-I could suggest a repair bay bunker module. Its always ready to use and when you use it by moving a damaged actor into it, the module will then become inactive and "repair" the actor for 20 seconds after what it will spawn a new actor in the place of the old one and allow another customer to use the repair module again. Make a thread in Lua section and check the Reconstructor's code in my BW mod.
Thats probably not all, but I gotta go to bed now. But this mod just keeps getting more awesome. I love the effects you make ALOT. Best effects ever. And best laser weapons too.