§ SM Weapons:×× Bolt Pistol, Storm Bolter, Bolter and Heavy Bolter can switch to non-explosive Kraken-Pattern Penetrator Rounds. They fly faster than normal rounds and have a distinct orange trail. Their magazines have red markings.
××× Kraken rounds are ideal for engaging heavily armoured targets or those that are resilient to normal explosive Bolter rounds, but can overpenetrate softer targets and may not deal much damage to them as a result.
××× Bolter and Heavy Bolter Kraken Rounds can fragment/splash off of hard surfaces on occasion.
××× Made custom Pie Menu icons for the Kraken/Standard ammo switching options.
×× Heavy Bolter no longer has an awkward pause time before it starts firing.
×× Added the Heavy Flamer. It weighs a lot, but holds 500 'shots', has better range, and produces a bigger and more lethal stream of fire.
×× Bolters now hold 24 rounds (up from 20) to match numbers in the Dark Heresy core book.
×× Reduced Heavy Bolter rate of fire by about 50-60%. It's a little faster than the Bolter, but not nearly as fast as it was.
×× Reduced Storm Bolter rate of fire by a little under 50%.
×× Renamed the Sniper Rifle to "Marine Sniper Rifle" to avoid confusion/confliction.
×× Increased the SR's SharpLength to match the new Long Las.
§ Shared Weapons:×× Resprited and renamed the shotgun (Imperium Shotgun). It now holds 18 rounds to match the Dark Heresy core book Combat Shotgun. Reduced rate of fire.
×× Resprited and renamed the flamer (Imperium Flamer), reduced ammo capacity to 250. Sorry guys, but 1000 was a bit silly.
×× Not at all canon, but Flamers can switch to using Hellfire Acid instead of Promethium. Designed to combat the Tyranids and normally used in Hellfire Bolter Rounds, this powerful acidic compound can cut through armour and reduce your foes to a pile of bleached bones. Very short range... try not to melt your feet off. (Acid scripting by akblabla)
××× As a side-effect, both flamers 'wave' their stream up and down while firing with either kind of ammo. It looks pretty cool and it stops them from being too good at melting through bunkers like a meltagun, so it's staying.
×× Renamed the Krak Launcher to Imperium Portable Launcher. It can now switch between Anti-Infantry Frag and Anti-Armour Krak rockets, normally using the latter.
××× Frag rockets are basically identical to the Ronin RPG-7. They are ideal for killing 'soft' infantry like Dummies, as they detonate before impact and shower the target with shrapnel.
××× Krak rockets are unchanged. They explode on contact with a target or surface. Good for killing armoured targets like Dreads and Turrets.
×× Plasma Rifle now holds 20 rounds and Plasma Pistol holds 10, to match the numbers given in the Dark Heresy core book.
×× Power Sword/Axe are always loaded up, without needing to load the Imperial Guard/Space Wolves.
×× Adjusted the Power Sword sprite since it was pretty much a direct clone of the NVC Saber with a PresetName change.
×× Halved Meltagun ammo capacity and reduced rate of fire by about 25%.
§ IG Weapons:×× Added the Long Las, a dedicated sniper rifle for the IG. It has 40 shots, packs a decent punch, and has a very long range. Watch where you point it.
×× Lasgun has 60 rounds (up from 20), Laspistol has 30 (up from 20 also), to match the numbers in the Dark Heresy core book. Otherwise they're the same as before.
×× Finetuned the Laspistol muzzle offsets.
×× Added Hellgun and Hellpistol, for the IG. Full auto, rapid fire and no reloads necessary, but very expensive compared to lasguns.
§ Drop Pods:×× All drop pods have had their weight increased to give them more stable landings, but not so much they cause serious terrain deformation unless hitting very soft material like sand or plants.
×× With Coops' permission, incorporated airbraking pod scripting from the Superior Assault Warriors mod to further increase the general reliability of drop pods. Now they should make it to the ground more often.
×× Spliced in a small chunk of Abdul's scripting from the Air Support SAM Crate to ensure the pods really do land safely. Massively increased reliability.
§ Marines:×× Renamed actors to use a [Chapter] [Type] format (eg
Blood Angels Assault Marine) in most cases.
×× All marines now have superhuman jumping capabilities, but only Assault Marines possess jump packs.
×× Jump Packs are now much more powerful! Use them to get up close and personal with your opponents, and to move around quickly.
×× That means Scouts jump too. They can't do so as well as Marines though, since they lack the strength boosts granted to them by power armour or something.
×× Space Wolves; Scouts are now Wolf Scouts, Assault Fangs are now Skyclaws, Wild Fangs are now Blood Claws. Grey Hunters are still Grey Hunters.
×× Marines no longer come with weapons, to avoid causing headaches when ordering them, and to avoid weirdness with UnmappedLands.
×× Consolidated jetpack code into a single file for ease of fine-tuning and to cut down on duplicate files.
×× Removed a bunch of commented-out references to the Bear Federation 'Bear Punch' weapon.
§ Imperial Guard:×× Guardsmen and Commissars lack jetpacks, but can jump fairly well. I recommend grappling guns if you need to climb or cover vertical maps.
×× Guardsmen and Commissars no longer come with weapons, again to avoid headaches when ordering them, and to avoid weirdness with UnmappedLands.
×× Commissars are now in the Brains group. This is mainly so they can be used as an Officer/Brain for UnmappedLands.
×× Added Imperial Guard Sergeant. Slightly different torso sprite, gold patch on FG shoulder, no helmet, own weapon switch sounds.
×× Added new death sounds to the Guardsmen and Commissar. No more "I'm hit! I'm hit!" all the time.
×× Adjusted helmet/hat offsets for Guardsmen and Commissars.
×× Added Imperial Guard Kasrkin and Imperial Guard Kasrkin Sergeant.
§ General:×× Scripts, Misc and Glows folders added for tidiness.
×× Moved the Devices folder out of the Space Wolves chapter folder for sanity.
×× Tidied up a few duplicate/redundant/unused files.
×× Added sounds from the first Dawn of War to the Las weapons, all Bolters, Power Sword, Power Axe, Flamers, Portable Launcher and Sniper Rifle.
CREDITS:Games Workshop - Warhammer 40,000.
ivan21 & Wingwolf - Original 40K mods;
[1] &
Mehman & Natti -
Original Bolters.
Abdul Alhazred - Lua-scripted AI, small chunk of code from Air Support SAM Crate.
wooden - Mac-compatibility reminder.
weegee - Multi-chapter support.
Asklar - Compiling the modpack.
Arcalane - Flamethrower resprite, Heavy Flamer, Longlas, Shotgun resprite, misc. code.
Coops9753 -
Superior Assault Warriors Drop Pod .lua.
akblabla -
Acid Sprayer .lua and effect sprites.
Relic - Dawn of War sound effects.
TheFanciestOfPants - Original NVC Sabre.