W40K.rte: Imperium of Man [Standalone/Steam: R20.8b]
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:01 am Posts: 6211 Location: In your office, earning your salary.
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R8.5 Out!]
I've been thinking and termies definately NEED teleporters.
In their current state, they are next to useless when assaulting.
Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:14 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R8.5 Out!]
Yeah, I can see teleporters being helpful. Maybe a range-limited thing, set to work using either Goto-AI (designate coordinate -> release -> teleport!) or a handheld device?
Either way it should probably have a limited recharge speed.
I'm not sure the jetpack thing would be possible though, not without replacing the actor entirely using scripts, which would also restore all health, replace lost limbs, and cure all wounds.
KXZ: I've completed every mission that requires a sergeant/chaplain for hacking in Unmapped Lands without them needing a jetpack. Even that long mission with the big wall and the guards with missile launchers on isolated towers. Remember you don't have to fly an actor back into orbit when using a craft, you can drop them off again and then return the craft to orbit.
Is it risky? Absolutely. But given the Marines can handily crush almost every other faction in UL, I think it's a fair trade.
Besides, it leads to epic moments.
Still, I probably do need to add Assault Sergeants, so I'll sort that out at some point. I also need to issue updated faction files anyway.
Ed: Assault Sergeants and Assault Pack-equipped Chaplains are in game and ready for the next release, along with some tweaks for the CortexShock sergeants. I'll also be offering a seperate download of updated Unmapped Lands and CortexShock faction files.
Last edited by Arcalane on Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:29 pm
Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:39 am Posts: 8
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R8.5 Out!]
Arcalane wrote:
KXZ: I've completed every mission that requires a sergeant/chaplain for hacking in Unmapped Lands without them needing a jetpack. Even that long mission with the big wall and the guards with missile launchers on isolated towers. Remember you don't have to fly an actor back into orbit when using a craft, you can drop them off again and then return the craft to orbit.
Is it risky? Absolutely. But given the Marines can handily crush almost every other faction in UL, I think it's a fair trade.
Besides, it leads to epic moments.
I realise that is an option. However, the lack of a jetpack is only a part of the problem, truth be told (though the main issue is actually to do with Unmapped Lands itself, but I've already stated the problem in weegee's thread); then again, maybe I have the wrong faction version enabled - I'll need to check.
At any rate, the idea of possible Assault Sergeants is a good one, as I often find myself choosing the regular Assault Marine as my default attack troop, due to the extra mobility the jetpack affords (much as I love the regular marines, they aren't exactly the fastest troops, especially once the terrain starts getting covered with debris and gibs).
Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:20 am
Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:44 am Posts: 4
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R8.5 Out!]
This is a great mod
Is there any way that an eldar mod will come out?
Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:46 am
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R8.5 Out!]
Not unless someone else handles the spriting.
Still waiting on the missile scripts but they should be done soon. Hopefully it'll be possible to remotely detonate the laser-guided missiles in-flight, so you can detonate missiles over a mob and so on.
In the meantime I've been giving the shotgun some love, since it was rather ineffectual against... well, just about everything really. Now it's got some real 40K-esque 'this gun can pulverize any unarmoured fool you point it at' kick, but isn't hideously overpowered. I hope, anyway.
Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:44 am
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:38 am Posts: 162 Location: Only The Claw knows...
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R8.5 Out!]
Eldar eh? I'm not sure that would kind of fit in. Chaos I believe would be easier, besides the shitloads of purple glowing.
Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:58 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
Now that I have the final changes from Cave, I can bring you R9! Same link as always!
Since the changelist so long, I've stuck it in a spoiler;
×× Incorporated (with some changes) Mehman's autoadjusting sniper-scope script. I think. No errors in the console at least... ×× Increased Sniper Rifle ROF to 75 RPM (up from 65) and mag capacity up to 5 (from 1). Reload up to 1440ms (from 480) to compensate. ×× Increased mass of sniper projectiles up to 1.5 (from 0.8?) and sharpness up to 100 (from 5) ×× Added dynamic bullet sharpness script by Azukki to sniper rifle projectiles. They are now even more powerful against actors, but don't annihilate terrain completely. ×× CortexShock: Added custom heads to the faction Sergeants, to give them a little more individuality. Sprites modified by Tearagion. ×× Introduced some randomness into the Plasma Cannon submunition lifetimer. ×× Replaced Autocannon sprites with new Space Marine-style ones made by Tearagion, and firing sounds with ones from Space Marine. Adjusted offsets/etc. of course! ××× Increased Autocannon firepower by adding a shaped charge effect. It does a lot of damage on direct hits, but near-misses are very weak. ×× Added Assault Cannon! 200 rounds and 80kg of fully-automatic crowd control! Sprites by Tearagion, sounds from Space Marine. ××× The Assault Cannon has a hybrid bolter/dynamic sharpness script to reduce terrainrape but maximize damage to enemies. It can tear apart just about anything with ease, so be careful! ×× Added Vengeance Launcher, effectively a beefed-up version of the Coalition Remote-GL at the moment. Sprites by Tearagion, firing sounds from Space Marine. ××× Limited to 6 grenades at a time and no 'remove' function, but grenades fly faster and farther, are easier to see, are more explodey, and the weapon itself is much more durable. ×× Tweaked Multi-Melta FX to white-blue, and adjusted firepower/damage behaviour for all melta weapons. They're safe to use at point blank now. ×× Applied shaped-charge hack to plasma weapon shots, so they should be more reliably effective against certain metal targets. Hopefully. ×× Added Assault Sergeants for each Marine Chapter, and an Assault Chaplain. ×× Moved all standard AI scripts to an AI subfolder, added new AssaultElite AI. ×× CortexShock Sergeants now have the same health regen as if they were normal Sergeants. ×× Tweaked Marine head sprites to use more of Tea's new heads for the standard marines. ×× Faffed around with the shotgun a bunch more, and used the new bolter scripts on it too. Because hey, why not! Shot is absolutely brutal (especially at close range) against lightly-armoured actors, but not very effective against tougher actors like Space Marines or Dummy Dreads. Slug rounds pretty much flat out annihilate things, as you'd expect. ×× Updated Credits.txt at long last. ×× Recoded power weapons a bit. Power Axe = slower, but stronger per hit. Power Sword = faster, but weaker per hit. Replaced the Power Axe/Sword sprites with new ones made by Tearagion.
×× Imperial Portable Launcher Overhaul ××× Renamed the Imperium Portable Launcher to the Thunderstrike Missile Launcher, and updated the description; ×××× "The new Thunderstrike-pattern Missile Launcher is a marvel of Mechanicus engineering, easy to reload and easy to use. The new missiles employed either lock onto targets the launcher is directly aiming at, or if no target is present, seek the pointer of the integral laser aiming unit. All of this considered, the Thunderstrike can put missiles on target with devastating speed and accuracy." ××× Increased the launcher durability significantly, so it can survive more wounds and much greater impact forces without breaking. ××× Reduced reload time to 1500ms, added autoadjust scope script, increased rate of fire to 120rpm. ××× Tweaked trail effects for incendiary missiles, increased the amount (and spread) of actor-igniting fire they make, reduced the amount of burning particle fire. Still annihilates groups, and makes less lag! ××× Renamed all ammo options on the pie menu to reflect the fact they are now blessed with guidance systems and thus missiles, not rockets. Also replaced their icons. ××× Added Plasma Warhead Missiles. The punchiest of the lot! Stronger than a Plasma Cannon shot! Can easily kill a grot! More rhymes I have not! Plasma Missiles can take down dropships, pulverize groups of personnel, punch through doors, and generally destroy/kill/annihilate/atomize just about anything. ××× Added Hellfire Acid Missiles. Hellfire Acid Missiles spray a jet of powerful acid into and onto the target and so are extremely lethal to actors on a direct hit, but have minimal splash damage. These missiles can easily maim or outright kill a single target without turning them into a shower of gore and/or debris.
Guidance Behaviour; ×× If the launcher is pointing at a valid target when fired, it will emit a lock-on tone and your display will indicate the intended target with a large blue diamond. Missiles will seek in a straight line (ie they will not path around obstacles should the target move behind any), and can only lock onto targets that can be highlighted with the laser aim point; if your target is too distant for the dot to display on them, the missile will not acquire a lock. ×× If the launcher is not pointing a valid target when fired, then it will attempt to home in on the laser aim point. Be aware that missiles are not particularly agile, and thus may not be able to make tight turns or other sudden maneuvers. You cannot fire any weapons whilst guiding a missile in this fashion, or launch another missile. ×× Valid targets include: craft, actors, weapons, gibs, debris, and possibly missiles or rockets from other launchers. Missiles can and will lock onto friendly actors, so be careful. ×× Manually-guided missiles can be detonated in-flight by hitting the 'fire' button/key again. ×× When manually guiding a missile, reloading is paused.
Notes; ×× Applied knowledge of creating shaped charge effects learned from beefing up the Autocannon to the Krak and Plasma missiles - they'll now generate quite a vicious shaped blast effect much like the Autocannon does, giving the Krak a bit more kick and value, and letting the Plasma tear up doors. Like the Autocannon this also means near-misses with krak missiles are not very dangerous, so use frag missiles against highly mobile infantry. ×× Missile speeds, from fastest to slowest; acid, frag, krak, incendiary, plasma. Faster missiles turn less effectively, but obviously reach their targets sooner. ×× The autolock is not perfect, make sure you have a perfectly clear line of sight to the target before firing - missiles may not lock onto targets that are well-protected by cover or debris. But hey, then you can just guide them in anyway, right? ×× You can change the colour of the diamond by changing the # after 'TargetGlow' in Weapons/RPG/RPGFX.ini, under the "40kRPG Target Effect" entry. Currently, the valid numbers are 2 (red), 3 (green), or 4 (blue, default). ×× If you wish to submit your own lock on sprites, just post them here. If they're good enough, I'll add them to the mod! They cannot be animated, and should be treated as any other glow effect; black background, non-indexed. ×× Taking all of these changes into account, I think the launcher is now well worth the 350oz pricetag, and I hope you'll enjoy using it as much as I have!
×× Bolter Overhaul Pt.3! That's right, they're back for more! ××× New scripts by Mehman! Delayed bolt explosions! Bolts deal an initial impact, then explode inside your foes. Delightfully messy and deadly. ××× Slightly nerfed standard bolt power just a tiny bit. Shouldn't have a noticeable effect though, given the changes. ××× Switched Kraken Bolts to use the new fragmentation/explosion system as well. They make more fragments than standard bolts, fly faster, and are sharper. Ouch! ××× Slightly reduced damaging fragments made by secondary (inferno/hellfire) bolt types, reduced number of igniting flames made by incendiary bolts. Should be less laggy, but have a 100% chance of immolating the target. ××× Significantly reduced abnormally high shot lifetimes, should lead to less madness with bolts flying around multiple times on wrapping scenes.
Have fun~
Over 2500 total downloads since the initial recomp release! Woo!
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
100 downloads and not one comment since the R9 release? You wound me, sirs! You would me most gravely.
Ha! But seriously, all reasonable/constructive/actually useful feedback is welcome. I've hit that 'out of ideas' rut again.
Termis will hopefully be reviewed/looked at eventually. I've already fixed the Assault Cannon description. Need to add the Thunder Hammer... and if anyone's quick with Lua, a quick-trigger to detonate Veng charges (keypress, like the bayonet) would be nice. I tried to frankenstein something together myself but it didn't work at all.
Might do something with the sniper rifle next. Explosive shots? I think I need to beef it up a bit more so it's competitive with the Longlas/Lascannon for sniping duties... travel time is too much of a drawback in the face of the instant-trace laser weapons. Maybe nerf longlas power against armoured/metallic targets a bit as well? Thoughts?
Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:09 pm
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:38 am Posts: 162 Location: Only The Claw knows...
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
I'm not sure if this is a feature or not, but when using Assault Seargent, and holding on jetpack button, pressing S launches me torwards mouse. It's pretty cool, and I was wondering if you could give me a fix to add this to all Assault Marines?
Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:14 pm
Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:19 pm Posts: 322
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
thats a feature/bug in base CC, its just the crouch key + jet key = forward force unless you have mobility mod installed.
Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:40 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
Uh, no. Well, yes and no. Asklar/Coops cooked up some scripts that've been a feature on all Assault Marines since R5. You can also doubletap S to airbrake and stop moving.
Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:40 pm
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:01 am Posts: 6211 Location: In your office, earning your salary.
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
What's the lua thingie you need for the termies?
Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:03 pm
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:32 pm Posts: 1609 Location: UK
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
Nothing, right now*. What I want is for there to be an easier way for players to detonate the explosive charges the Vengeance Launcher fires, instead of having to use the pie menu every time. It's a beefed-up Coalition Remote-GL in most respects.
*That said, a Deep Strike/Teleporter for them would be pretty awesome and no doubt very useful. Maybe once Kettenkrad has had time to take a look at respriting them.
Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:11 pm
Data Realms Elite
Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:01 am Posts: 6211 Location: In your office, earning your salary.
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
Re: Warhammer 40,000: Imperium of Man Compilation [R9 Out!]
Arcalane wrote:
Nothing, right now*.
*That said, a Deep Strike/Teleporter for them would be pretty awesome and no doubt very useful. Maybe once Kettenkrad has had time to take a look at respriting them.
This may be similar to what you have in mind. EDIT: Added the link. Stupid me.
Last edited by Mingebag7 on Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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