Exterminatus is not simple.

Eyes... that's even nitpickier than the Black Templar shoulderpads thing. Besides, all chapters have green eyes at the moment (except the Dark Angels, I think?) so I'd have to change all of them, on all of the helmets. I think not.
Anyway, since I can't think of anything small that needs doing, I'm not going to sit on this any longer. Consider it a New Year's Eve present.
Say hello to R6!IMPORTANT EDIT: I just remembered I left a rather...
unreliable homing script on the Krak missiles. You can fix it yourself by removing the ScriptPath line from the relevant entry in
RPGKrak.ini, or just download the mod again, I've uploaded a fixed version.
General:×× Strikes; Earthshaker -> Bombard, Whirlwind -> Whirlwind Vengeance, Heavy Whirlwind -> Whirlwind Incendiary Castellan.
×× Added offsets to the fire deployed by incendiary support missiles, ensuring that the fire spreads better to cover the target instead of being bunched up at the point of impact.
×× New impact/wound sounds for light and heavy armour.
×× Black Templar Assault Marines have chapter-appropriate red shoulderpad trim.
×× Assorted housecleaning work both in terms of files and pieces of code, namely cleaning out a pile of old
Thumbs.db files which are not necessary for more recent computers, and are autocreated on older ones.
×× Weapons and armour entry wound sprites changed to null images. They still take damage and will still break, they just won't be obscured/uglified/messed up by getting covered in obnoxious entry wound sprites. Any blood-emitting 'flesh' wounds will still appear.
×× Fixed laspistol/lasgun image filenames to stop referring to 'Gauss'.
×× Removed muzzle flare sprites from all Las weapons. They still make the radial glow effect, just not the red/blue flare.
×× Replaced Hellgun/Hellpistol firing sounds, made it loop like the flamer SFX.
×× Increased Hellgun/Hellpistol rate of fire and accuracy, added a medium laser sight to the Hellgun. Infinite ammo is meaningless when your gun can barely shoot straight.
×× Widow Hellgun recieved a rate of fire boost as well, made a tiny bit less accurate to compensate. No loss of per-hit damage.
×× Buffed Longlas damage slightly, nerfed the Hellgun/Hellpistol damage a little bit to compensate for their increased rate of fire.
×× Added some green and purple FX to the Glows folder as prep work for any inevitable Chaos-related shenanigans.
×× Buffed Marine ImpulseDamageThreshold values.
×× Beefed up melee weapon (chainsword, power axe, powersword) strength significantly. They are also made of the same 'material' as Storm Shields, ensuring they won't break in your grip when closing to engage the enemy. Attribute it to power fields and Space Marine super-reflexes.
×× Mostly fixed Krieg Actor legs. The feet are still a bit weird but it'll have to do.
×× Deep Strike 'craft' Impulse Gib Limit changed to 1, meaning instant deployment upon 'touchdown'. Actors will arrive in a disoriented (and often slightly injured) heap, so be careful when using it to teleport units into combat areas.
×× Replaced Shotgun and Sniper Rifle firing sounds with effects taken from Dawn of War II.
Bolter Overhaul Pt.2:×× NEW WEAPONS: Stalker Boltgun, Bolter CombiPlasma
××× Stalker Boltgun: Increased view/aim range, superior accuracy, longer-ranged laser sight, increased muzzle velocity. 10 shots per mag, semi-auto only.
××× Bolter CombiPlasma: Integral plasma pistol (2sec recharge) triggered with 'F' key. Moderately increased cost and weight, marginally reduced accuracy, removed laser sight.
××× Bolt Pistol/Storm Bolter/Bolter/Stalker Boltgun all fire the same size shells, essentially making them (mostly) equal in terms of firepower.
××× Storm Bolters use open-sided box magazines now, similar to the Heavy Bolter. Purely visual.
××× Bolters eject smoking shells when firing. Looks pretty classy.
××× Replaced
all Bolter firing sounds (inc. the Widow's Heavy Bolter) with effects taken from Dawn of War II. Much beefier.
××× Kraken Bolt appearance tweaked, performance enhanced.
××× Storm Bolters can no longer use Kraken Bolts.
××× Added Inferno Incendiary and Hellfire Acid Bolts.
××× Bolter and Bolter CombiPlasma can use Inferno Bolts to spray a target/area with burning materials. Less effective on direct hits, but can hinder enemy movement.
××× Stalker Boltgun can use Hellfire Bolts to engage heavily-armoured targets that may be resilient to Standard or Kraken Bolts.