Re: Warhammer 40K Compilation [R3.6 Out!]
Again, no dice - that's fired from a gun.
I figured out how to pull it off though, so no worries. The main grenade has an extremely low GibImpulseLimit and breaks into a visually identical 'sticky' component when it hits a hard surface or another actor. The sticky component has a script (based on the Base.rte Sticky.lua) that makes it adhere to any actors within 25px of itself on creation, and either way it gibs after 2500 SimMS... usually right inside or against the actor it stuck to. Very dangerous.
Ed: Here's a look at the new rockets, scaled up to twice their usual width/height;
And we're out!
Download link! R4 Changelist;
×× Fixed filepath errors that made offhand laspistols, hellpistols and offhand hellpistols make Mac CC crash.
×× Hand Flamers and Inferno Pistols! Use with a shield; perfect for clearing out bunkers. Tiny fuel cells though!
×× Plasma Cannon. 750oz, very accurate; fast projectiles;
incredibly powerful. Do
not fire at close range; pack a backup weapon!
×× Flipped SharpShake/Shake values for plasma weapons. They should be more accurate whilst standing and aiming and less accurate when firing on the move, rather than vice versa.
×× New and nice Assault Pack sounds, instead of boring ol' CC jetpack noises. Loud spinup/down sounds, quiet loop.
×× Tweaked hellgun/hellpistol visual effects to make them slightly more distinct from normal lasguns, enabled full-auto triggers for the laspistols and lasgun.
×× New Drop Pod gib sound, no more weird breakup noise.
×× Tweaked flamer firing sound behaviour to loop, same as the original sound files were intended. Sounds much nicer.
×× Replaced Storm Bolter firing sound with the one from the Land Speeder's pintle mount, sounds much better.
×× Fixed Storm Shield prices to better reflect their awesome defensive power.
×× Fixed up the Frag Grenade (5oz) and Meltabomb (10oz). The Meltabomb is a stronger and slightly heavier version of the frag, and makes fire like a Coalition Incendiary Grenade.
×× Sticky Plasma Grenades, now available for 25oz! These heavy, high-power grenades adhere to any actor or door they strike and won't stick to their user unless you're really really stupid with them. When the grenade's timer runs out, it unleashes a powerful blast of plasma, easily pulverizing most enemies!
×× Grenades use the No Bounce version of Military Stuff; no more rubber-coated grenades. They can still 'skip' a bit on concrete floors and such, but there's no risk of them bouncing back in your face like a demonic bouncy ball that wants to give you an explosive hug.
×× Toned down the Bolt Pistol firing sounds to better match the other bolters.
×× Imperium GL can now fire bouncy grenades for clearing bunkers.
×× Reduced plasma pistol/rifle rate of fire (120rpm for pistol, 75rpm for rifle, 30rpm for cannon). No more semi-auto fire; these things are unstable and overheat!
×× New rocket/missile sprites, based off the designs in the Deathwatch Core Book shown next to the Soundstrike Launcher.
×× Buffed the Krak Rocket to have the same 'shaped blast' effect as the Frag Rocket, the only major difference now should be proxy vs non-proxy triggers and flightpath/speed/weight.
×× New explosion sounds for the frag grenade.
Just shy of 500 total recompilation downloads.