Re: =Alteisen Arsenal Labs 3rd= ))AAL Product
Well, I played it and I guess i'm kinda dissapointed, even though it is a great mod.
Heres what I found:
-Tank: Maybe not a bad thing, but its annoying to see the hover tank "walk".
Also, the jetpack kinda sucks, but that should be normal, considering its a tank and all.
-Rockets: This is what im most disappointed at. The legs dont work, and the big rocket takes damage from landing. Softly. Also, the legs are way to big.
-Pilots: Overall very good, except for the thermal energy rifle. 'Twas a good weapon, but with ugly effects. I dont like shooting upwars with it
-Marines: The aiming; Its horrible. The weapons are good, but it isnt good when a enemy gets right above you and starts firing on your head and you have no way to get him. Also, the feet. There just weird. Oh ya, and the sniper. The laser aims both ways, So when i'm targeting a rocket on one side, the other laser thingy aims at my other marine, who goes schizo and blows my snipers head out.
-Slayer: I like just about everything on this guy except for the dual welding and the legs. Why are his legs bent forward? It just looks weird, and its also kinda bad when he just stands still, and the legs kinda retract into him. For the dual welding, I just think that having two rifles like that is kinda overpowered, considering the rest of the pack.
-Runners: Pretty good, nothing too bad to say with these guys, other then the legs. The legs are kinda weird, but in no particular way.
-MPAM: Again with the legs. The legs on this behemoth are not so bad, but its defiantly not good. The weapons are okay, but you are going old-school and using the old way to make lasers. MAKE NEW LAZORS DANGIT!!!!
-Freighter: Great overall, but the engines don't fit in with the craft.
-Materializer: Nothing bad to say about this, other than its a square.
-TTR: Beautiful, I like the timer it has, and the explosion makes a nice big whole.
-TIC: I like, but its not a superweapon as far as i'm concerned.
-Harvester, Reaper: Haven't tried these yet, so I can say nothing about them.
-TGS: I like these, but the observer blocks are too weak, as in they blow up from just about nothing.
-Reactor: Good, but the shielding doesn't really work.
-NovaStar: Too weak? I don't like seing the shell score a completely horizontal shot on a dummy dropship, and bounce off harmlessly. Also, I have seen it deflected by:
1. A coalition helmet
2. A riot shield
3. Ground
4. A marine
5. A MPAM's chest
6. And a single black pixel.
-Amber Turret: Good overall, haven't tried the mega one though.
-Digger/Propulsion device thingy: Good as the propulsion thing, but it is bad for a digger.
-Bunker tiles: Good, but like the other dude said, Needs prebuilt parts. The doors are also kinda weak.
-The rest: I like, but they dont count becuase they are not part of the true AAL.
Also, I did not try the activities. Sorry.
So, heres my score I give to you:
Content: 9/10
Bunker: 8/10
Craft: 8/10
Soldiers: 7.5/10
Fun: 9.5/10
Balanced: 6/10 (I haven't tried the activities, but it was okay fighting vanilla actors.
Total: 42/60 - A really great mod, but it does have its flaws.