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 *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.31- Spike pistol fix! 
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.14.1 - New sprites!
Batux1995 wrote:
Oh........MAH.............GAWD.........!!!!!!!Dude WTF slow down a little bit.......are you working on these all the fudging day?


I'm always looking for ideas, though.

Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:14 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
Bump for update:
Added contest entry
Humvee added.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:01 pm

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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
1. Humvee.
2. On flat lands large. Alone.
3. Drive backwards.

4. ???

5. Hyperspace! xD

The humvee is buggy as hell, but HOLY ♥♥♥♥ I LAUGHED!
I literally warped the damn jeep into hyperspace by simply driving backwards as fast as I can.
Eventually it was going too fast and CC deleted it! O_O

I'm either gonna have to learn Lua myself and try coding
the jeep like I want it or wait some else to do it.

But it drives, I'll give you that. And it drives good. VERY good infact.

And on top of that it drives FAST, which is simply AMAZING because having a ground vehicle achieve speeds faster than craft has been a bane for ground vehicles as long as there have been ideas for making those. And not only that, but you also went on an aproach to have SUSPENSION on it.
Thats just crazy when I was just asking for simple driving, so you totally overdid yourself there. :grin:

But the way it eats terrain and allows you to dive deep into it like it has magma coating,
has no acceleration limits,
doesnt turn around when driving the opposite direction
(aka flip the sprite when you press the opposite button youre driving),
the wheels keep lifting the jeep with some mad darkness doom levitation suspension forces,
and inability to drive inside bunker due to the above issue.

Also some ideas I got today for other creations:

Water -> viewtopic.php?f=73&t=12159
Make placable sceneobjects/bunker modules with the same properties as the lake.
It will allow players to create lakes and oceans on their maps.

Maybe someone will make even a damn ridable boat for it! :D

Magnetic parasite
A gun that fires a harmless blob/drone/thingy that sticks to an
actor and causes any harmful particles to home in on the victim.

Think of spraying magnetic dust on someone and then shooting
your machine gun and all the bullets will home on to him.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:03 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
HFlipped makes is more buggy.

Like it sometimes flips upside down and dies buggy.

Acceration limit can be done by just adding:
if math.abs(self.throttle) > x then
self.throttle = (self.throttle/self.throttle) * x

Suspension goes away if you lower target height, but then it starts getting stuck.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:20 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
numgun wrote:
1. Humvee.
2. On flat lands large. Alone.
3. Drive backwards.

4. ???

5. Hyperspace! xD

I think I found step four.


Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:36 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
Eh, X warp causes it to flip out a bit.

Tried fixing it.
Still flips out.

Anyway, it's kinda fun to dig a ramp, then use it to fly into crafts.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 10:59 pm

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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
mail2345 wrote:
Eh, X warp causes it to flip out a bit.

Tried fixing it.
Still flips out.

Anyway, it's kinda fun to dig a ramp, then use it to fly into crafts.

But admit it, it aint right.

Would it work if youd drop the seperate wheels and suspension? So just make it drive without any fancy stuff like blow up wheels? So it would be just the jeep with wheels already sprited on the car.

Heck, you could try having the wheels as normal attachables, but let the chassis/body do all the driving while the wheels could be attached like a piece of armor and have an impact on the driving if it gets blown off. Like cancel frontal movement with a switch if the front wheel is busted.
The wheels wouldnt do nothing, while acting as triggers if they are destroyed?

Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:42 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
I could, but the code's complexity would go way up, as I'ld have to do some math to determine where the wheels were.

It would also make setting it up harder, as the offsets would have to be hard coded into the script.

Oh, and as things are, I'm not applying force to the wheels, but I think the glitch might be related to this:

Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:46 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
numgun wrote:
Water -> ... 73&t=12159
Make placable sceneobjects/bunker modules with the same properties as the lake.

You can harvest code from this if you want. It's not exactly the same, but I used his code as a base.
EDIT: Wow, I never uploaded it. Figures.

Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:52 pm

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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
More complex? I thought working with a simple box(read: jeep with wheels sprited as one) that would simply hover(read: drive) and flip and rotate when you went somewhere with it.

What about that ray casting crap Zalo was talking about, is that thing any good?

@Duh: lol

Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:03 am
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.15 - Mod contest entry and Humvee added!
I need to get proper rotation angles.

Also, ray casting is a bit excessive, find altitude works just as good.

Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:16 am
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.151 - Humvee tweaked!
Humvee now has down key depinning.
Humvee can be bought as a bomb that makes humvees in game.

Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:02 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.151 - Humvee tweaked!
mail2345 wrote:
Humvee now has down key depinning.
Humvee can be bought as a bomb that makes humvees in game.

So if I wanted to make the Humvee a "vehicle" in your sense, how exactly would I go about doing that?

Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:52 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.151 - Humvee tweaked!
Could you please make the humvee turnable because it's retarded to drive backwards.

Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:12 pm
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Post Re: *Lua Tech Inc.* V2.151 - Humvee tweaked!
That Humvee looks scary to drive :0

Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:41 pm
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