ok, looking...
EDIT: nope only one. I wonder what happens if I comment it out... testing that.
EDITEDIT: ok that did nothing... maybe it has to do with the Index.ini?
I added the offhand one to the Index... does it have to be in alphabetical order or something?
EDITEDITEDIT: I may have just fixed it, It was saved in Unicode not ANSI... yep I hear the starting movie music, so it worked... thanks dragonxp.
EDITEDITEDITEDIT: Oh, great... just realised the offsets for the silly string are off too... Ill help again lol.
EDITEDITEDITEDITEDIT: hey real quick gif of Silly String and Silly String (offhand) that I edited:
as you can see, I got it to stick to stuff... but it isnt a constant. It sticks when it wants to I guess. I am still working on the offsets, so bear with me lol
EDITEDITEDITEDITEDITEDIT: OK! I am done with the offsets, it now appears to be coming out of the can.
MuzzleOffset = Vector
X = -5
Y = -2
If you want the offhand version and the better sticking,
under the
ParticleSpreadRange = (whatever number it was before)
ParticleSpreadRange = 0
and save it.
then go to the
AddDevice = HDFirearm
PresetName = Silly String
AddToGroup = Weapons
Description = Just a random weapon, doesn't do any damage and i am working on getting it to stick to people
and replace it with this:
AddDevice = HDFirearm
PresetName = Silly String (offhand)
AddToGroup = Shields
Description = Just a random weapon, doesn't do any damage and i am working on getting it to stick to people
and save it as Silly String (offhand).ini
then go to Index.ini and add
IncludeFile = Random.rte/Weapons/Silly String (offhand).ini
That should make it be like the sprayers in the gif. Enjoy.
EDITEDITEDITEDITEDITEDIT: dragon, when u made the sprites, did u use the pallete? It has some problems with the image. 1. its enormous 2. well just look at this:
when it turns left it looks like MissingNo from pokemon (dont ask)
and when its right it has a border? also now the offsets REALLY need redone.