Spoilers? Okay. Don't expect massive mindblowing changes though.
Changes that are currently finished:
- Grenades lua improved by CaveCricket; grenades now really don't run out!
- Found 3 instances of atrocious weapon offsets. Fixed.
- Changed UniTec S5-R and Gepard M1 ammo to be more effective vs dropships and rockets.
- Merged S5-R with S5. You can change fire modes between them.
- Units heal themselves up to 80 health after not getting shot for a while. (Medic fully heals.)
- Moving brains heal themselves up to 100 health after not getting shot for a while.
- Small fix in lua activity files.
- Medkits won't spontaneously 'go off' anymore and look like medkids now! Yay!
- Added air resistance to normal bullets which had none. Not that it matters much until I review and change other bullet properties.
- Fixed Compound Bow o' Disappearing +2.
- Sentry Guns, Bunker and SAM last longer if you choose to repair them. Eventually they'll blow up though, when their woundlimit has been reached.
- Changed LAS/LAS-R beams to something prettier. Thanks, Duh!
- Merged LAS with LAS-R. You can change fire modes between them.
- Raptor Mortar does not come for free anymore. For 50oz you can drop one on someone's head.
- Test results show less accidents happen when one actually uses his/her eyes to look around. Information has been supplied to SHIELD and UniTec and from now on they will apply this knowledge onto themselves.
- TL;DR: Their heads/eyes are now animated.
- UniTec IC1 has neat beam effect, thanks to Shook and Duh102. Henceforth known as Ion Cannon 1, instead of "Look at the sky, I Cee One!", which is how I made up the letters. /nice story
- Reordered some weapons in the buy menu to make their order more sense (to me).
- UniTec LAS destroyed and made a UniTec Needler out of its remains, using CaveCricket's Needler lua code. (Permission pending.)
Things that still need to be done:
- Red laser weapons not needing reloads anymore. They recharge on their own.
- Red laser weapons' bullets looking like red lasers.
- ?