Re: ClearEye Laser Missile [Mod Contest: Lasers]
Arnactor wrote:
Tis what i did, pajama boy dragonsmash. However, the module does not seem to recognize it's existance. The game shall load, but the mod will act as if it lacks the property of existance. This is quite a tumultuous inhibitance, and shall require augmentation in the most immediate of time frames. Thank you gentlemen for your kind intentions, however i need further technical assistance considering the simpler tactical approaches do not register as effective.
Unzip the zip file you downloaded. This will give you a folder named ClearEye.rte. You probably figured this out, but I figured I'd make sure.
Open a new Finder window and navigate to wherever you put Cortex Command, probably in your applications folder. (leave the one with ClearEye.rte open. this will make moving the folder easier)
Right click Cortex Command and select Show Package Contents. This will open a third Finder window with a single folder in it named Contents. Open this folder, it should contain a file named Info.plist and 3 folders named Frameworks, MacOS, and Resources.
Go back to the first finder window, select ClearEye.rte, and drag it into the Resources folder in the third Finder window.
I also use a Mac and it took me a little while to figure this out too. I also highly recomend downloading CorTool, it's immensely helpful when you have more than 5 or 10 mods installed.