Thank you for choosing H&S!
We strive to produce the best possible creations for our users (Within a budget of course)
Today, we have our latest in protection technology.
What you can order, for a low price of 100oz of fine grade gold, is a small handheld unit, while unassuming, can save the life of whoever is holding it!
Each device is capable of creating 1 sphere at a time, the recharge necessary only takes 5 seconds.
Due to the size constraints of the Shielder, each sphere has a life of only 10 seconds before the atoms spread to far apart and it dissipates.
The effects that weapons have upon the shield can vary. Some rounds when they hit the shield make be destroyed upon contact, leaving behind a yellow mark, allowing users inside to see where fire is coming from.
Alternatively, when shots from weaker weapons(small arms:SMGs, Dreadnoughts etc...) hit the shield, they will "rebound" harmlessly. One can quickly become buried behind mountains of casing, as well as the actual bullet.
During testing, it has been found that some weapons, such as the MDC Ion Cannon,(See below for full list) have occasionally passed through the shield. This happens, due to the proximity of the cannon to the shield when it is fired. Kudos to them for creating such a potent weapon!*
Additionally, moving swiftly while activating the Shielder can cause the user to pass through it.**
Full List:
Weapons that have a higher then average ability to pierce are capable of going through the entire shield, and unfortunately, our customers.
This includes, but may not be limited to, Dark Storm Coil Rifle, and Electrolazer, D9 Arc Gun, Coalition Heavy Sniper Rifle, Dummy Destroyer, MDC Plasma Gun.
Feel free to send our representatives any other instances of H&S Shielder failure.
Thank you.
File comment: Here is the 2nd version changes above
Shielder! [39.99 KiB]
Downloaded 719 times
I created the sprites(First Mod ever)
Data for the original Shielder, which led me to creating this
Valve for their HL1 game, where I got the shield sound from.
* Kudos to MaximDude for creating my favorite faction. Its a blast to play.
**Legs and other appendages will occasionally go through as well, this has to do I guess with where the bubble is created in relation to the actors position.Attachment:
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Immediately upon posting I saw that, sorry it took so long, my dialup takes a freaking 5 minutes to upload...