Re: [WIP] Mechanoid Race [UPDATED: 3/6/2010]
I can probably understand the SMG being nerf'd a bit. The assault rifle has to be able to have some capability to destroy fortifications, aka sandbags and basic barriers. But here, the Plasma Cannon:
Is a siege weapon, heh heh... But still, it's really hard to find that sweet spot that lets the weapon be able to deal damage to a terrain object, and leave a nice crater, not a big circle where the shot decided to explode.
Brainstorm from during dinner:
Shots should pass through actors, but for each frame the shot remains "inside" the actor, the shot slows down and the speed in which the plasma loses power multiplies. Could say that RS Systems plasma weapons are particularly strong on large targets <take the DSTech Tantus>, as shots remain "in" the victim longer. Slowing down seems like a easy part, but losing power... I'd have to really play with scripting glows to achieve the effect. On doors and terrain, it merely gibs in a slightly painful mist.
Wait that means no explosions, enemy actors can remain safely behind cover. Frak frak frak frak frak frak. Might as well leave that to DSTech Corp.
Ah right, the bigger the shots, the slower it goes. So a DSTech Ferratus will really soak that plasma cannon shot. Mister Sun style.