Se7en's random mods 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO
Haven't really played CC in a while and thought i should post some of my mods before I forget about them, so here goes.
Artillery Cannon - High power cluster cannon with a very fancy muzzle flash
Cluster Grenade - High powered cluster grenade
AUVSC - overpowered sinper cannon
AUVMSC - overpowered shotgun/sniper
AUVRC - ridiculous full auto version of the AUVSC
AIG - a blue impulse grenade
Energy cannon - powerful energy cannon
- Energy cannon
Sticky Bomb.rte
- I take no credit for any of the Lua on this pack, none of it's mine -
Sticky launcher - launches sticky remote detonated bombs that kill terrain in a small radius
Sticky Detonator - Durrrrr
Gatlin Gun - Gatling Gun with homing bullets
Lazr Aimer - shoots heavy particles at the nearest enemy
Light Revolver Cannnon - Revolver Cannnon with half the mass of it's shots but twice the fire rate and twice the magazine size
Killvolver Cannnon - a Light Revolver Cannnon that shoots 4 shoots at once , in a shotgun like spray
Seeker MineLayer - drops team 0 (red) mines that shoot bullets at anything that comes near
Seeker Detonator - destroys all seeker mines - not 100% reliable on the first mine
Seismic Charge - some mass based/antI terrain bombs
- seeker mines
Tezla Burst.rte
Tezla Burst Launcher - fires a shell that on impact/after a short delay creates a ring of death for a while and then explodes. - this thing is GLORIOUS
- ring of death
so... have fun