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Author:  Jakkar [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Recommendation

I see no sticky post in the Mods section containing the best/most popular. I'm sure there's an experienced community member who'd happily make one if he/she knew it would be stickied.

A ranking/set of minireviews for the most professional and complete mods and scenes, as going in there as a newcomer I have no way of easily finding those that would be the most useful, the most fun or the best made. Merely a very large list I'd have to download individually to test.

Anyone up to the challenge? Any mod willing to stick it?

- Jack

Author:  TrouserDemon [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recommendation

This has been done.

Elitism and bias soon followed.

The current system, of flaming those who post shitty mods to ash, seems to be working.

Author:  Electroclan [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recommendation

Jakkar wrote:
More words.

- Jack

We've seen this type of thing come in many forms. We used to have a Mod Review Panel (MRP) that moved above-par mods to a special forum, and the rest to a regular forum. But some argued that the MRP were biased in their reviews and was shut down by Wizard James.

Since then, some ideas similar to this one have surfaced, namely a super topic that lists all of the good mods. I disagree to this.

Why? A frequently updated super topic would dry up the mods forum faster than a city to a lagoon. Most of DRLFF's downloaders are guests and lurkers who would rather go to a super topic than visit all of the mod topics. This would essentially barricade any new modders from rising to the top, not to mentioned whoever the topic keeper didn't like would find themselves off-the-list, so to speak. The list would turn into an exclusive party.

The tried and true method for a mods forum is an even playing field, where the geniunely good mods would rise to the top with an excellent mod and an impressive presentation. The bad mods would sink.

Yes, having to individually test mods to see if they're any good is tedious, but you never know if you will stumble on an unusually good mod from a relatively unknown modder.

Author:  Jakkar [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recommendation


If the forum held the popular posts at the top I'd agree, but I find that the main influence on which posts stay visible is how recent they are, not how good they are.

But I guess this can't be easily fixed. I'm sure a more elegant solution for rating mods will come about when the game goes commercial, anyway =)

- Jack

Author:  Mushroom head [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recommendation

You should be more like happy now, because that rating system was odd, it was like

----------------------Certified mods---------------------------
- Alot good mods didin´t pass

- Only few people had change to vote, in my opinion, there woul be alot more voters....

----------------------Uncertified mods-------------------------
"Uncertified mods comes here, download at your own risk"? Sounds pretty hard, and almost only voters was posting here, it was like
Certified= Epic
So if you was new modder whit not so good mod, you didin´t get any critic, only flame.
So in my opinion, modding is now alot funnier than before...

So if you make new rating system, make it more like people friendly.

Author:  Pyrorex [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recommendation

No, it always fails.

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