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Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic
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Author:  Grif [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

No but really

knock it the ♥♥♥♥ off

it's really not funny

it wasn't all that funny when lfow first coined the gorramn phrase

now it's just ♥♥♥♥ stupid

so hereby proposing that: sparkle magic, sparkle magics, sparkle magix, sparkle magikz, sparkel magix, and any further variation thereof is turned into an instant minimum-one-day ban.

Because seriously, knock that ♥♥♥♥ off.

Author:  whitty [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

What about existing posts? From, say, a year+ ago.

Author:  dragonxp [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

It may by annoying Grif, but i think that's a little like banning people for using any coined terms.

Besides, people like using little cliches like that.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

whitty: yeahno

dxp: people also like using little cliches like racial slurs
still despicable

Author:  dragonxp [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Grif wrote:
whitty: yeahno

dxp: people also like using little cliches like racial slurs
still despicable

Fair enough, i guess i'll have to settle with shiny magic, or uber hax.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Let's just go back to the good old days, when everybody called it "L.U.A.".

Author:  411570N3 [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Hurr durr what does LUA stand for?
I think just knowing that using this phrase makes Grif think less of you is enough.

Author:  Grif [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

using words often makes me think less of you

Author:  Coops [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Would it come to mind that thinking less of someone so much to ban them just for saying "sparkle magic" seem a little over edge?

Sparkle Magic.

There. Now are you gonna ban me just for saying a simple phrase that has absolutely no aggressive or insulting intent behind it just because it's annoying to you? Sure its aggravating but that doesnt cause harm at all, but unfortunately you are causing that with the intent of this.

Now ban me and see if people think less of you.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

I don't see any reason to set up a ban specifically to cater to one cantankerous person's pet peeve.

Author:  Duh102 [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Overreaction much Grif? It's a word, it's not harming anyone, deal with it.

Author:  Metal Chao [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Banning words is usually a pretty futile gesture to be honest, and never really serves to put anyone in a good light.

Author:  projek deeglik [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Can we just police ourselves on this one?

I realize that people want to use it because it makes them seem like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, so how about people just politely interject with: "It's called Lua, please." It's not that hard. Educate the userbase instead of punishing them.

But more realistically, do you all realize that by excluding the word "Lua" in your post and substituting "sparkle magic" makes it more difficult for people to do keyword searches on the forums? You're only hurting yourselves here, people. It's not fair to newer people who may be searching for a solution and can't find it because you're all acting like you are 12 and using a pseudonym for a common part of this game.

Also Grif you should know better, calling something out like this is just going to get more people to do it--what is wrong with you?

Author:  Contrary [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

Yeah I'm with Coop. I don't think I've ever once said "sparkle magic"- it was always dumb, even Lowest realized it was really dumb, but I think I might start just because of how dumb making a fuss over it is.

Really this is super dumb. Sparkle Magic was originally coined to stop people fussing over LUA and l.u.a. or whatevs that, if I remember correctly, Grif was one of the most vocal about.

Does it matter if newbies don't know what it means? Most of them won't know what Lua means anyways so hucares?

y u care so much, GIRF?

Author:  Lizardheim [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ban "people" for saying sparkle magic

It most certainly doesn't hurt to not look like a fool when you're posting, just saying.

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