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Author:  Hobbesy [ Thu May 06, 2010 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Miles.

Something seriously needs to be done about him. He's ruined far too many threads and caused too many problems for a thread not to be made.

Author:  whitty [ Thu May 06, 2010 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Miles.

OK, now this is a little harsh.

Author:  Hobbesy [ Thu May 06, 2010 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Miles.

How is it harsh? He's the one who's always starting petty arguments over trivial things in threads and mods. It's simply starting to get annoying in my opinion.

Author:  Contrary [ Thu May 06, 2010 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Miles.

It's so funny, my friend mentioned him today when we were walking home from school.

Is he trolling? I can't tell. I'm going to be honest and say that he is needlessly confrontational and a party pooper, but there are far worse people on this forum. Personally, I think Miles is alright. If I had a DR party, he'd receive an invite.

I wish there was a private room where I'd be able to bash on people I don't like without the general public hearing about it. There are half a dozen people I can name off the top of my ahead I wish weren't around, and I'm sure there are twice that many if I looked for them. Miles is bad sometimes, but I didn't even thinking about him when I made my Perfect World: Who to Dump in a Volcano list.

Author:  dragonxp [ Thu May 06, 2010 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Miles.

Sure ruin threads, but he isn't that bad.

He contributed, but sometimes they were a bit argue some.

Edit" slightly Drastic Measures, no?

Author:  Tomaster [ Thu May 06, 2010 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Miles.

Lambda wrote:
How is it harsh? He's the one who's always starting petty arguments over trivial things in threads and mods. It's simply starting to get annoying in my opinion.

He's nothing compared to Ophanim at the height of his douchebaggery. Although neither are all that annoying to me. I find both of them funny. But that might just be me.

Author:  Seraph [ Thu May 06, 2010 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Miles.

If you have a problem with a member of this forum, take it to them personally or take it to us please instead of creating a witch hunt.

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